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PlayStation 3 Console Discussion


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How does it compere to an xbox 360?

What's 'Home' like?

What PSN games are good, how are they priced? (i.e are they a rip off?)

Should I just get rid of my xbox now? (I hate gears, halo and fable 2...)

For the most part it's a lot like the 360, albeit much sleeker and quieter. It's also rather eccentric, but there's a lot to love if you're willing to put up with the annoyances.


Bare bones. There isn't much point to it at the moment, although that could well change in 6 months time once more third-party spaces are opened up. My opinion of it is still up in the air.


Super Stardust HD, echochrome and PixelJunk Eden are some of the highlights, although there's definitely several others worth getting. Some games have demos, others not; this is one of the annoyances I mentioned earlier. Prices vary, as does value for money. I think overall most things could do with being around £2-3 cheaper, but then I consider DLC to be almost universally overpriced.


If you're strapped for cash or don't use Xbox Live, yes. Otherwise I'd never advise anyone to sell a console as you never know when you might want to play something on it.

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OK so I phoned Sony and the guy was pretty good, he told me to reformat the hard-drive completely. I told him I already had done but he said to try it again. Can't see it working in my opinion. He then said if it doesn't work then they may have to do something about it.


I don't think it'll solve my issues permanently if I'm being honest. The test will be if demos don't install and if videos corrupt. I'm confident games will start working again.


Not sure whether I should send it back or just get a new hard-drive if/when I experience problems. I explained the issues and he immediatly replied with the hard drive solution so...

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What can I expect / how awesome is it?

How does it compere to an xbox 360?

What's 'Home' like?

What PSN games are good, how are they priced? (i.e are they a rip off?)

Should I just get rid of my xbox now? (I hate gears, halo and fable 2...)


Expect alot. If you have a hdtv, you are in for a treat. Download PS3 Media Server and stream content to your PS3. Blu Ray for movies. Try out Lovefilm.com if you havent already :heh: I am guessing most people's first choice games on PS3 would be LBP or MGS. All PS3 games have much better sound than their PC and 360 multiplatform counterparts. PS3 exclusives really push the boundaries when it comes to technical stuff and features (GT5, LBP, MGS, KZ2 etc.)


Well as the others say its built nicer, more sleeker, more advanced, the interface is much faster and simpler, open standards based, online is open and free etc. You definately get what you pay for here. The design is good.


Home is still too basic. Not good right now? Yep. Needs much more content. Its expected to improve massively over the year though. Alot of good basic features are there but not used oddly. e.g Namco Mueseum beta unlocks. Try it out and tell Sony to hurry in the Sony beta forums. :heh: It still something the other consoles just dont do at all.


PSN games is the best service of the three consoles. Best prices and no points system, region free games and you even get afew PS3 and PSP disk games to ultra simple ones not on 360 or Wii. Its fairly weak on old games though but still has some notable old games as exclusives and PS1 games are exclusive.


Getting rid of a console is tough. Have a good look at 360 exclusives before you decide.


OK so I phoned Sony and the guy was pretty good, he told me to reformat the hard-drive completely. I told him I already had done but he said to try it again. Can't see it working in my opinion. He then said if it doesn't work then they may have to do something about it.


I don't think it'll solve my issues permanently if I'm being honest. The test will be if demos don't install and if videos corrupt. I'm confident games will start working again.


Not sure whether I should send it back or just get a new hard-drive if/when I experience problems. I explained the issues and he immediatly replied with the hard drive solution so...


Yeah as i thought. It sounds like your harddrive is faulty. I dont think a format will likely help but try. Make sure you backup well. Basically its the hd drive that needs replacing methinks.



one of my mates said compared to the other PoP games the story is lame in the new one...


Its very simple so far. You have to talk to Elika alot but i like how it is progressing. Need to finish before i make a call on that. Other than needing cutscenes, i like it. It is a very different game from previous POP.


Do try it out if you have not already. Its a much better game than Mirror's Edge.

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It's already 24% through and I backed up earlier. I may just replace the hard-drive if it's recommended to get one anyway. Thing is if I can get it reapaired for free then that would be great.


If Sony repair for free you get an extra 40GB hdd out of it.




PS3 recovery menu. For those who really get stuck like The Lillster. Hope he sorts it out.

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What PSN games are good, how are they priced? (i.e are they a rip off?)

Should I just get rid of my xbox now? (I hate gears, halo and fable 2...)


WipeOut HD

Super Stardust HD

The Last Guy

Savage Moon


Ratchet & Clank: Q for B


PSN prices are good. I think most DLC is a bit of a rip on either system but PSN games are all well priced. (Except for GTI Club + which is was way too much)


If you don't like those games and you think you can get a fair amount of money for your 360 you might want to get rid of it. I've still got my 360 and only plugged it in again for Fable II, which was a massive disappointment, and I haven't played it since. Now I rent games I double up every game I have for PS3 and 360 so there's more chance of me getting it. :heh:

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^ Yeah a bit annoying and you can only have a max of 10 questions I think.


Anyway, just downloading a couple of demos to see if they install properly. Problem is that I'm currently downloading the multiplayer demo for Conquest (1313 MB) and it's taking ages. It's been downloading (not in background) for over an hour and yet it is still only at 8%!


Now whether that's a problem with my harddrive or just a general problem for 40GB harddrives I don't know.

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Where mate? My dad wants one. : peace:


Got the console and the pads for £190 off avforums.com then GTA was a tenner and LBP from playtrade for just over £15.


Can't wait to try it out and the xbox is packed away and for sale in the paper and on gumtree! :)


Also Fable 2 was a MASSIVE dissapointment for me. I finished it though and enjoyed it somewhat but it wasn't great. Then I put in a 4 hour session, completing loads of quests to try and get some achievements before my save file corrupted, I was so pissed off I sold it. Moleneaux: Don't release bugged games to meet deadlines...

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Got Buzz Special Edition today. Had some great fun with it :)


Hope it doesn't lose its appeal. Online stuff seems cool though! Do you have to make your own quizzes online?


Buzz is great. You can make your own and use others. Was playing last night. Whole family loved it.


^ Yeah a bit annoying and you can only have a max of 10 questions I think.


Anyway, just downloading a couple of demos to see if they install properly. Problem is that I'm currently downloading the multiplayer demo for Conquest (1313 MB) and it's taking ages. It's been downloading (not in background) for over an hour and yet it is still only at 8%!


Now whether that's a problem with my harddrive or just a general problem for 40GB harddrives I don't know.

Sort your internet or connection out! unless its meant to be slow.

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I may just replace the hard-drive if it's recommended to get one anyway. Thing is if I can get it reapaired for free then that would be great.


I've got the 80gb PS3 but I'm gonna replace my hard drive soon amazing how quick they fill up!


Anyway hard drives are dirt cheap you can get a 320gb hard drive for your PS3 for £50 from play.com

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I have the 320GB WD. Good drive. Small performance increase over old drive as well. Its ins ome ways faster than most of the older 7,200 rpm drives.


Alternatively(just for the sake of it), a 320gb 7,200 rpm Seagate for abit more than the WD if you want better speed. £57.20




IMO its much better value for money if you want more of a speed bump.


Same goes for laptops.

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Might rent it. Not familiar with the series.



Theres far better support out there for 360 controllers... Although the rumble is a little hit and miss.


Well official support for 360 controller. The DS3 would be nicer for alot of games though. Old games, Mirror's Edge or Street Fighter 4 for example. So its great people are making drivers. :smile:













































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Kaz Hirai: We're the "official" industry leader


Sony Computer Entertainment boss Kaz Hirai has dismissed Microsoft and Nintendo as competitors because he sees PlayStation as the "official" industry leader.


"This is not meant in terms of numbers, or who's got the biggest install base, or who's selling most in any particular week or month, but I'd like to think that we continue official leadership in this industry," Hirai told Official PlayStation Magazine.


"It's difficult to talk about Nintendo, because we don't look at their console as being a competitor. They're a different world, and we operate in our world - that's the kind of way I look at things.


"And with the Xbox - again, I can't come up with one word to fit. You need a word that describes something that lacks longevity," he added with a laugh.


Brandishing Sony's commitment to The Ten Year Plan, Hirai said he wants customers to feel confident their PlayStation console will not "fall by the wayside in five years" - a milestone Microsoft has yet to overcome, he pointed out.


"And," offered Hirai, "unless things go really bad, there's no way that at the end of a life cycle our competition is going have a higher install base."


Hirai also addressed the complex architecture of the PS3, which developers have openly struggled to get to grips with.


"We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so then the question is what do you do for the rest of the nine-and-a-half years?" explained Hirai.


He picked God of War to show gameplay changing during long life of the PS2, and said that sort of learning curve will be the same with PS3.


"So it's a kind of - I wouldn't say a double-edged sword - but it's hard to program for, and a lot of people see the negatives of it, but if you flip that around, it means the hardware has a lot more to offer," he said.


Wrapping things up, Hirai said the PlayStation 3 "won't radically change" over the next few years in the same way the New Xbox Experience revamped the competition.


He hopes PlayStation Home will help there, by growing to a point where one type of consumer buys the PS3 solely for the virtual world, before discovering that there are are some games on the games console.


"We want to expand the demographics from just a videogaming audience to something that's a little bit more massive," Hirai concluded.


You can read the full interview in the February issue of Official PlayStation Magazine.

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