MATtheHAT Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Hello everyone, missed me? Probably not no... Anyway, I'm not sure why I haven't posted on here for about 4 months, but here I am with a LITTLE BIG PLANET preorder. Who else is going to get LBP? I didn't get on the BETA so I'm looking forward to trying it out. Oh yes, got it pre-ordered and everything! The PSN update yesterday was pretty shit, apart from the Motorstorm 2 demo, there was nothing really there. I know there can't be top releases every week but when I had a shufty on the US store, there was SOCOM Confrontation available for download. I had enough of this shit from Nintendo..... *mumble moan grumble goes and orders socom from VG+* At least the PS3 is region free .
Hero-of-Time Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Well this doesnt look good. LittleBigPlanet release delayed in Europe The release of Sony's highly anticipated PlayStation 3 title LittleBigPlanet has been delayed in Europe. The game was due for release next week, October 24, but now some retailers are estimating the game may be delayed by three weeks until November 14. However, understands that the title may not suffer such a long delay to retail, and a new date is expected to be announced by Sony shortly. LittleBigPlanet has reviewed incredibly well in the specialist press and anticipation is high from consumers who have already had access to the beta of the game. Sony has said that the game is a system seller for the PlayStation 3, and the title is considered one of the most important releases for the home console this Christmas. More details to follow. Ive just checked GAME and they only have the date as Oct 08 now.
flameboy Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Oh yes, got it pre-ordered and everything! The PSN update yesterday was pretty shit, apart from the Motorstorm 2 demo, there was nothing really there. I know there can't be top releases every week but when I had a shufty on the US store, there was SOCOM Confrontation available for download. I had enough of this shit from Nintendo..... *mumble moan grumble goes and orders socom from VG+* At least the PS3 is region free . The thing is if its the week of a firmware update we never get a good update....noticed Warhawk has gone down to £14.99 may be one to get early next year. Other than SOCOM US store isn't that good, did anyone look at JPN? EDIT; WTF?!!! H-o-T just read your post that is BS, cannot believe it.
Hero-of-Time Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Yup the news is hitting everywhere. Apparently Sony are recalling all of the copies they have shipped out across Europe but nobody can get a reason why. Major retailers are shifting the release date to November now. If all of this is true this is a MAJOR cock up by Sony. EDIT: Found out a little more. Gamereactor has given Little Big Planet the ultimate vote of confidence our highest grade, but as the release date is only days away we hear that the game will be delayed. While just an unconfirmed rumour at this point (from a source we tend to believe), it would appear that a song on the soundtrack includes lines that could be offensive to people with certain religious beliefs. The same source claims the game will be delayed by three weeks worldwide, our Nordic distributor has confirmed the delay although they did not wish to elaborate on the reasons behind it. If this is true it is going to be a costly affair for Sony who have been banking on Little Big Planet to kick off their holiday sales with plenty of advertising to back the release.
MATtheHAT Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Well this doesnt look good. Ive just checked GAME and they only have the date as Oct 08 now. The thing is if its the week of a firmware update we never get a good update....noticed Warhawk has gone down to £14.99 may be one to get early next year. Other than SOCOM US store isn't that good, did anyone look at JPN? I know mate, I was just having a 'toys out of pram' moment. I can highly recommend Warhawk, its my second favourite online shooter.
Ryan Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 I hope LBP isn't delayed, WipEout HD is driving me insane.
dwarf Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Ok I think I'm going to do a system restore, I'm fed up of the problems I have had to face, I just hope that it fixes it. Backing up save data now. Kind of nervous. I know nothing can happen to my PSN games, my actual software etc but I'm edgy because what if this doesn't sort out the problems?
LegoMan1031 Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Ok I think I'm going to do a system restore, I'm fed up of the problems I have had to face, I just hope that it fixes it. Backing up save data now. Kind of nervous. I know nothing can happen to my PSN games, my actual software etc but I'm edgy because what if this doesn't sort out the problems? Then basically ur PS3 is fucked and u would need to take ur PS3 back to wherever u got it from and get it replaced. You wouldn't be the first n-europe member to have to get their PS3 replaced... Hopfully that system restore should sort it out anyway. So yeah, is it safe to update the firmware? I have not had any problems with the update. Seems only dwarf is having problems from the update on this forum.
dwarf Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 The restore wouldn't actually start... Why me? Why these problems? I just want a functioning console!
flameboy Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 you'll have to send it back dwarf, bit of a shitter I feel for you, but like has been said you are not the first....daft had to send his back for one...
LegoMan1031 Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 you'll have to send it back dwarf, bit of a shitter I feel for you, but like has been said you are not the first....daft had to send his back for one... And me for two... (i know other ppl have i just can't remember who without checking... 2 early in mornin to be thinkin 2 much.) lol.
dwarf Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Ah wait I've got the restore thing going. Thing is, I don't actually think there is a major problem. I just played Half Life and it was fine, it's just when I set up my PSN account where things go funny. I'll see what the restore can do. Ok the restore seems to have done the system some good. My problem is that I've lost all my save data (apart from Snakeball *sigh*) because the stuff on the memory stick is corrupted. Now I'm wandering if there is any way of getting the data on the USB 'uncorrupted' or if I should just get full game completion files from gamefaqs.
Cookyman Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Ah wait I've got the restore thing going. Thing is, I don't actually think there is a major problem. I just played Half Life and it was fine, it's just when I set up my PSN account where things go funny. I'll see what the restore can do. Ok the restore seems to have done the system some good. My problem is that I've lost all my save data (apart from Snakeball *sigh*) because the stuff on the memory stick is corrupted. Now I'm wandering if there is any way of getting the data on the USB 'uncorrupted' or if I should just get full game completion files from gamefaqs. Seems your not the only person It appears that firmware 2.50 also added one other feature, meant to help PS3 owners that are trying to troubleshoot their system. A recovery menu (pictured above) gives users access to a variety of restore features. It will even allow users to install a new firmware update, should anything go wrong during the installation process. To access the menu, you must hold down the power button to turn on the PS3 until you hear three beeps. Then the menu will show up. There are a few reports of systems bricking after firmware updates, so this may be Sony's attempt at creating a fix for future problems. Hopefully, we'll never have to actually use this feature -- but if we do, it may be a quick way of avoiding a trip to the post office to send the PS3 to Sony's support center.
dwarf Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Well that's cool, I don't mind losing save data if my PS3 survives.
LegoMan1031 Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Just got myself my first gold trophy! Yay! Got the x10 multiplyer one on SSDHD.
flameboy Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Just got myself my first gold trophy! Yay! Got the x10 multiplyer one on SSDHD. Congrats! An achievement!
dwarf Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Well done. I have seen you playing it a lot. Anyone think that Motorstorm demo was really good? I was quite surprised, seems quite different, some INSANE jumps and paths in the track shown, better than any of the original circuits. Just looks much better with it not being muddy. Still not sure if I wil pick up though because I still don't like the AI and limited boost.
Cookyman Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Yes it looks awesome - so many great games coming out - I'm actually considering cancelling my pre-order of little big planet and changing it to fallout 3 depending on the review scores. Getting Guitar Hero World (full band) on day one and also Resistance 2. But Motorstorm 2 is seriously tempting too!
flameboy Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Yes it looks awesome - so many great games coming out - I'm actually considering cancelling my pre-order of little big planet and changing it to fallout 3 depending on the review scores. Getting Guitar Hero World (full band) on day one and also Resistance 2. But Motorstorm 2 is seriously tempting too! Have to say I felt the same before the beta but then just feel in love with it from playing that, and now I'm on a downer about the whole LBP delay, I am actually looking forward to Fallout 3 more again... Can't wait for Resistance 2 traded in my wii GH 3 (£36 trade in) to make room for GHWT, although not at launch for that one... Plus playing bioshock at the moment and loving it...
Gizmo Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Went into GAME today during my lunch break as I found a gift card from last christmas in my wallet. Turned out I had £20 on it, so I bought myself Patapon Gotta love it when you find money you forgot you had.
LegoMan1031 Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Went into GAME today during my lunch break as I found a gift card from last christmas in my wallet. Turned out I had £20 on it, so I bought myself Patapon Gotta love it when you find money you forgot you had. So true. I found £2.50 in my work fleese the other day and i was quite impressed, lol.
Daft Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Bought Pure for £22.50. I wasn't that impressed with the Motorstorm 2 demo so I'm going to wait for it to go down in price.
KKOB Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 Today i bought Bioshock for le PS3. Tis my first full PS3 title with trophies. I also now own Bioshock for both 360 and PS3, this makes me a freak i think.
Pit-Jr Posted October 20, 2008 Posted October 20, 2008 I actually preferred the Pure demo to the Motorstorm one. Granted theyre both demos but the controls felt way better for Pure
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