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"PSN > XBL, at least I don't have to pay to play my games online!"




To be far MAG is being touted as a similar experience to a PC MMO which people happily pay for so it doesn't surprise that they are at least exploring the avenue for this one game. I want DC Online and fully expect to pay for it.

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Remember this?


CNBC reporting 'Sony wins E3 thanks to MGS4' :laughing:


The Ultimate Proof Sony Is Winning

Posted By:Jane Wells

Topics:Video Games | Movies & Film Studios

Sectors:Travel and Leisure

Companies:Sony Corporation


Forget the analysts. Forget the NPD sales figures. Forget the CEO’s. I live with the ultimate expert on the video game industry—my 16-year-old son.


He not only plays video games, he watches every show about them on G4, he participates in chat rooms about them on the internet, he competes in a variety of games on a variety of platforms. He always tells me the latest trend three months before I read about it in the media.


But he’s never been a PlayStation fan. Sure, he had a PS1, but as soon as the Xbox came out, it was game over. He loved the Xbox graphics, and once he was old enough to play “Halo,” he loved the games. He graduated to the Xbox 360, Xbox Live, “Gears of War,” etc. He even hung in there during the overheating Xbox “red ring of death” phase. Other than a two-year detour/obsession playing “World of Warcraft” on his computer, he has always been an Xbox fanboy. Sony just didn’t have great games.


Last week he recorded all of G4’s E3 coverage so he could watch it after work (he’s got a summer job to save money to buy gas and videogames, in that order). He was very excited after Microsoft had its news conference. “You can stream Netflix movies onto the Xbox 360!” he exclaimed.


Then he watched the Sony press conference, and the world as we know it changed. After hearing about “Metal Gear Solid 4”, as well as other PlayStation exclusives in the pipeline and the awesomeness of Blu-ray, he promptly packed up his Xbox 360 and all his games and went down to Game Stop to trade them in. He bought a PS3 and “Metal Gear Solid 4.” I had to be there to approve the purchase of the M-rated game since he’s not yet 17, and I was surprised at how rapturous the Game Stop employees were about Sony. They then sold him a USED copy of “Metal Gear Solid 4.” “How can the game already be used?” my son asked. “Because some people get frustrated if they don’t have ‘cheats’,” he was told. But the cashier assured him that the game “was just as good as new.” My son asked, “How can that be?” “Because PlayStation players are ninjas!” was the response.


I’m happy to say my son didn’t accept this answer. Perhaps that’s because he’s now spending his own hard-earned money to purchase these games. He said, “Seriously, how does that work?” And the Game Stop fanboys explained that Sony now has a special coating on Blu-ray game discs which makes them virtually scratch-proof. We shall see.


One thing we do know. We may not be able to stream Netflix movies onto the console (yet) but now we can start ordering them on Blu-ray.

As we left the store, I said to him, “I never thought I’d see you with a PlayStation.” “Neither did I,” he replied.


Three months ago!

It was the blog that blew a gasket. Last July, I quipped that my son, a die-hard Microsoft Xbox 360 fan, threw it all away and traded his game console for a Sony PS3. I called it "The Ultimate Proof Sony is Winning."


This elicited the sort of response usually reserved for Georgians who rise up against Russia. But this week I received the following email from Jerry A.:


"I was wondering if you could update me...I'd like to know if he was ultimately satisfied with (the PS3), or dissatisfied and wished he had never packed up his Xbox. Also, what did you think of the 'scratch-proof' (treatment) which is really just scratch-resistant? One thing I've learned is that no matter what people tell you, GameStop employees know virtually nothing about the PS3, no matter how well-informed they sound. Seriously. It is rare that a hardcore 360 gamer trade in his setup for a PS3. I myself am a PS fan, I've never owned an Xbox and am generally satisfied with the PS3. I'm more a casual gamer, and love the games I have on PS3. I still have no interest in an Xbox 360. I enjoyed reading your article, as a PS3 fan, but as an objective person, I know the story can't end there; whether it ultimately ends with a PS3 victory or an Xbox victory, I'd like to read a follow-up."


So I thought I'd follow up, even at the risk of unleashing a second fusillade of verbal missiles.


My son still owns his PS3. I asked him if he likes it. Yes. I asked him if he regrets trading in his Xbox 360. Yes to that, too. Why? He says that while he enjoys the quality of game play on the PS3, especially the graphics (and no discs have been scratched yet), he misses all his friends on Xbox Live. I've noticed that he's not playing the PS3 very much, and, in fact, he's reactivated his old "World of Warcraft" account, from Activision's Blizzard Entertainment.


Regarding the PS3, he says he's waiting for new games--many angry emailers warned of this! So... does he want to trade back and get an Xbox? No. He's hoping to save up enough money and "possibly" buy a 360 so he can have both consoles. Maybe Microsoft's new price cuts will encourage him to do that. Then, perhaps, we can unite as one nation, one household, behind both consoles. That will only leave out the Wii, which, I'm afraid, he wouldn't be caught dead owning.


Today update!


I know most of you are beyond caring, but in the interest of full disclosure, my son this weekend threw in the towel on his Sony PlayStation 3 and returned to the Microsoft Xbox 360. Like an errant husband crawling back to his wife, he said, "I guess I should've thought this through."


Last July, this die-hard Xbox fan traded in his console for a PS3 after being impressed by the Sony press conference at E3. He liked what he heard about new PS3 games, and he liked the look of the graphics.


What he soon realized was that he missed his friends on Xbox Live.


So this weekend, he dragged his PS3 back to the same Game Stop where he bought it to trade it in for another Xbox. This, even as a friend in line with us complained about his Xbox acting up now that it's out of warranty.


How did my son come up with the difference between the trade-in price and the new Xbox? He made $300 this weekend selling his decked-out World of Warcraft character on eBay.

Lessons learned:


1-the gaming experience is more than a few games and cool graphics.


2-repeatedly doing trade-ins at Game Stop is a money losing proposition.


3-PC games like World of Warcraft can actually MAKE you money.


4-don't talk to your mother about these things.



This is so ridiculous. :heh:

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