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Damn, I had a great oppurtunity to completely own MatTheHat on Resistance 2 today but was busy cause I had a friend round. That's a tad annoying, ah well.

Currently level 28/30 in competitive.


Edit: Can I just say that I do not use words like own/pwn in real life, neither do I ever use them bar on this forum. Let's just get that straight before people start thinking I'm a nerdy b*stard

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Damn, I had a great oppurtunity to completely own MatTheHat on Resistance 2 today but was busy cause I had a friend round. That's a tad annoying, ah well.

Currently level 28/30 in competitive.


Edit: Can I just say that I do not use words like own/pwn in real life, neither do I ever use them bar on this forum. Let's just get that straight before people start thinking I'm a nerdy b*stard


Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!


You just shat yourself dint you? No worries, me and CookyMan got the world record in TeaBagging Mike1988uk.

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Let's just get that straight before people start thinking I'm a nerdy b*stard






I always thought smack talk relative to computer games was, for lack of a better word, sad. Being the best out of a lot of my friends and being relatively lame playing online I can happily say it is way more fun killing a good person a couple of times, than trashing everyone pretty much with ease.


Then again, I only play online in a team. I never really got all out deathmatch. Just doesn't seem fun trying to kill everyone. I like covering people, I suppose.

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Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!


You just shat yourself dint you? No worries, me and CookyMan got the world record in TeaBagging Mike1988uk.


Please, please go online some time today with Cooky and Mike because I definetly want to prove all this pr0 talk that I am only joking when using as pointed out in the K2 thread

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Is Bomberman and Noby Noby Boy out next week?


Noby Noby boy is day 1. Just too unique.


Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Trailer




These guys do 1080p mp4 versions for PS3. Unless someones knows better?


Didn't realise Bomberman was this week. Noby Noby Boy is not for me, don't like the art style and it's brand of mucking around and not doing a lot doesn't attract me in the same way as other games.

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I could be wrong. I hope Bomberman is this month. I have held out on buying the Wii one apart from the one on VC.

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Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!


You just shat yourself dint you? No worries, me and CookyMan got the world record in TeaBagging Mike1988uk.


Yes u did. lol. I was quite pleased with myself whenever i managed to actually kill either of u!

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Hmm weird because on the back of the MGS4 box it says 720p. When I tried it it didn't do 1080 so that list is probably wrong.

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For people with GTA PS3 is it normal to get a black screen before the artwork when you load the game up for about 15seconds? I had a small problem with the Killzone 2 demo last night too as when everyone spoke it was out of sync with the subtitles.


I'm just wondering if there is a problem with my new HDD.



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I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about but anyway - A few months back when my HDD was playing up (data corrupting/installs not working etc) when I loaded a game after the initial PS3 logo it took quite a while for a game to load up and get to the starting screen. After a short while of this my HDD had to be restored after other issues.


The main lesson I learned was to not turn off the PS3 via the power switch on the back, but the LED one at the front because apparently what I was doing actually damages the HDD whereas turning it off at the front allows the PS3 to finish whatever it is doing.

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Nah thats not quite what i mean.


What I'm talking about is when you load up GTA after the Rockstar logos come up there is a black screen for about 15 seconds then the artwork for the game shows up as it loads. I can't remember seeing a black screen like that when i played it at my mates, unless it's something to do with a patch.


If anyone has GTA would they try it and let me know what happens?

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Back of the box means nothing. Thats just what TV modes the game supports. Not what the game will run in. Hope that makes sense.


The actual games run in varying resolutions. Many PSN games tend to be 1080p. Some retail games do like Ridge Racer 7(1080p @ 60 fps) or have parts that are 1080p. 720p is dominant though.


1080p upscaling is fine in PS3 but on 360 it causes framerate loss. On the PS3 just set whatever your TV supports and the game will pick the best setting.

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The main lesson I learned was to not turn off the PS3 via the power switch on the back, but the LED one at the front because apparently what I was doing actually damages the HDD whereas turning it off at the front allows the PS3 to finish whatever it is doing.



thats what i do, standby then off



as for 1080p, i think callo of duty 5 is.

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Sorry to post again but if anyone has GTA can they try what i said a few posts up, I'm worried about my hard drive.

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Yeh, the new DLC is so gud.. o whats that? playstation? ill leave :)


Sry for being a dick, but this deserves an in yo face moment :D

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Yeh, the new DLC is so gud.. o whats that? playstation? ill leave :)


Sry for being a dick, but this deserves an in yo face moment :D


*feels sad*

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So I just got a Playstation Eye, mainly for the Burnout Trophy. But I am now discovering other bits and pieces you can do with it. The free software you can download is pretty good, with various special effects videos you can make and store its definately fun for an hour or so. I also downloaded something called Aqua Vita from the Store, its basically an interactive screen saver. An Aquarium with Coral and Marine fish that you can feed by 'sprinkling' food at the top of the tank. Also, when you approach the TV, the fish will swim up to the glass to greet you:)

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I love when Playstation Eye is used but it is criminally underused. I wish Sony would sort it out.

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Yeh, the new DLC is so gud.. o whats that? playstation? ill leave :)


Sry for being a dick, but this deserves an in yo face moment :D


I don't actually care. GTA IV is nearly a year old and for me is no longer relevant as a game I completed it ages ago and with plenty of other new games out I don't have any interest in playing some episodic content.

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1080p upscaling is fine in PS3 but on 360 it causes framerate loss. On the PS3 just set whatever your TV supports and the game will pick the best setting.


PS1/2 games are upscaled, PS3 games run at their native resolution and their in game engines throw out whatever they want. The PS3 does not have a hardware scaler chip, it can only run at what the developer tells it to.


The 360 has a dedicated scaler chip, it gets whatever resolution you throw at it and it upscales it to what you want the output to be, this usually doesn't make an ounce of difference as most games are 720p. This is why developers like Bungie can make Halo 3 run at 640p and then the 360 takes care of the upscaling to 720p/1080i/1080p.


There is no frame rate loss from this, no calculations are taking place, its simply scaling. There is no proof that using a 1080p signal from a game that runs in 720p causes frame rate issues.

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Don't be silly, Jordan, the Xbox 360 is clearly rubbish!


The European Trophy patch for echochrome is finally out. Roll on Age of Booty...

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