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Most Inappropriate Things To Say In Any Given Situation Thread

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The poster says what the most inappropriate thing to say in the situation listed is. A few posts per situation, or until its not amuseful.


Situation 1)


You're sitting in the dentists chair and hes about to give you a route canal op.


Whats the most inappropriate thing for any of the parties in this sitch to say?




MoogleViper 3


EchoDesiato 2

ShadowV7 2



Mundi 1

Shino 1

iPaul 1

Ellmeister 1

Stefkov 1

Strider 1

weeyellowbloke 1

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"You're so damn sexy, why don't you use another one of my holes instead?"



Yeah... thats awful in so many ways. I'm sorry.

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An inappropriate thing to happen would be:


Dentist: Ok, I'm just going to take a look...SLIME!

You: What?


You: ...

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"You're so damn sexy, why don't you use another one of my holes instead?"



Yeah... thats awful in so many ways. I'm sorry.


Jordan wins the thread with one post. I'm struggling to think of anything... umm......"Hmmm, that does look quite serious. Nurse, hold him down. I'm going to have to get the Black and Decker out".

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Burtrice, bring out the drill and a tranquelisor to help ease the pain, this guy is gonna need it.




Just KOFed in your mouth.

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"I was at my girlfriend's last night, and I got back late, haven't had time to clean myself up."

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on the subject of strange conversations at the dentist's - I went a few weeks ago because I was experiencing pressure on my back teeth due to my wisdom teeth coming through. The dentist, an attractive young woman, told me that it could be due to teeth grinding, and eager to impress her with my knowledge of medical terminology piped up, "Oh, yes, that's called Priapism isn't it?" She hadn't heard it being called that before, so when I got home I typed it into Google.


I'm not going back there again.

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on the subject of strange conversations at the dentist's - I went a few weeks ago because I was experiencing pressure on my back teeth due to my wisdom teeth coming through. The dentist, an attractive young woman, told me that it could be due to teeth grinding, and eager to impress her with my knowledge of medical terminology piped up, "Oh, yes, that's called Priapism isn't it?" She hadn't heard it being called that before, so when I got home I typed it into Google.


I'm not going back there again.





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on the subject of strange conversations at the dentist's - I went a few weeks ago because I was experiencing pressure on my back teeth due to my wisdom teeth coming through. The dentist, an attractive young woman, told me that it could be due to teeth grinding, and eager to impress her with my knowledge of medical terminology piped up, "Oh, yes, that's called Priapism isn't it?" She hadn't heard it being called that before, so when I got home I typed it into Google.


I'm not going back there again.


What happens when you try to get into dentists pan-....dental floss

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Dentist- "Man I shouldn't have drunk ALL the bottle of whiskey"




Dentist- "What the hell is that?"

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*Dentist notices how dirty your teeth are*


Dentist: What on Earth has been in your mouth?

Patient: Your Mum.

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"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing, I've seen it countless times on TV before."


"What would you say if I told you that I messed up left and right?"

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Dentist: Show me your mouth

*Patient opens your mouth*

Dentist: No, the other one.



Wanna hear something funny? I have no idea what i'm meant to be doing here. And what's those white things sticking out of your gum?

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Dentist - "Word of advice, never go out wearing all green. You end up doing jobs you have no idea about."


Dentist - "I also unblock drains part time."

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