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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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Just completed this game for a second time :D hard mode and pacifist achievements get, but for some reason no Foxiest of the Hounds, yet I don't remember setting off any alarms. I picked up a secret achievement I missed last time too, for 10G, but for the second time I missed an achievement for following Pritchard's lead... I don't want to go looking up an FAQ, but can anyone give me a hint as to when I should be looking for this achievement?


You have to meet some criteria near the beginning of the game - Win the argument with Sarif, then check your emails before progressing the story. Pritchard then gives you the quest later on in the game.



I finished it the other day and got the Platinum. Thankfully, no Trophies were glitched for me, although I did check every body for the Zzzz, and reloaded if anything even remotely sounded like an alarm.

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Just completed this game for a second time :D hard mode and pacifist achievements get, but for some reason no Foxiest of the Hounds, yet I don't remember setting off any alarms. I picked up a secret achievement I missed last time too, for 10G, but for the second time I missed an achievement for following Pritchard's lead... I don't want to go looking up an FAQ, but can anyone give me a hint as to when I should be looking for this achievement?


Just done this myself but i got the foxiest of hound


did you let any turrets see you for an extended period of time?


did you let any guards see you EVEN if it was during a scripted alarmed area? for example the beginning of the game (before your augmented) i think that counts, or when you

trigger the diversion for the scientists, or when your waiting for the elevator in picus

some of these sections you can trigger a second alert and its best to avoid being seen even in them


the only time i was "seen" in the game was

rescuing Malek from her death, and by god on a non lethal run that was hard! the guards on the right, 1st floor kept running down the platform firing, and one always blew up a barrel by himself killing him. took me 10 or so attempts to ko him before he was an idiot



also gas grenades/mines are awesome for the last level

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Yeah I also saved Malik on hard/pacifist run, but it feels good to do it :D


I did sneak through the beginning, and never let a camera go to more than "suspicious", although turrets do automatically seem to jump to "hostile", but no alarm goes off.


it could be a glitch then which is really unfair!, the tranquillizer rifle is known to be glitched and can kill people, if their body gets a skull icon you need to reload! it happened to me for awhile and in the end i ditched the rifle


Also cross fire was an issue for me, where the heavies used the chain guns and caught others in the crossfire killing them


i think i had 20 saves ranging from hengsha 1st visit upto the end of the game in case i needed to replay

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I got pacifist so it wasn't a problem with killing people, just alarms. I'm going through it again on easy trying to avoid setting off alarms, but I also want to get the ebooks and I know there's one past the first turret in the game (where the first praxis kit is, too) - and I'll be annoyed if making that go red counts against me! :nono:

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I got pacifist so it wasn't a problem with killing people, just alarms. I'm going through it again on easy trying to avoid setting off alarms, but I also want to get the ebooks and I know there's one past the first turret in the game (where the first praxis kit is, too) - and I'll be annoyed if making that go red counts against me! :nono:


Ahh yes that turret! i went through the vent and piled boxes in front of it, then went back and cover rolled! any other way it went hostile


forgot you missed the alarm one...


god knows on the alarms, i just made sure i got smooth operator on every eligible mission, think i had to reload frequently on some as i'd obviously been seen in the distance or something as didn't get them. some missions are glitched too, i seem to remember reading on the eidos forum that the infiltrating the morgue mission is glitched and if you talk your way in you don't get smooth operator and therefore don't get foxiest of hounds


so to be safe i did it by stealth


same sort of thing applies with the convention centre, only its glitched the other way and you get Ghost and SO even if you talk your way in (with ghost nobody is meant to see you....)

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I read somewhere that as long as you get smooth operator for every mission, you're ok. Good idea with the boxes in front of the turret. I think if I had hacked some more doors and taken down some more enemies, I could've got the Glass-shield by that point and been ok, but that would risk the sleeping bodies being spotted.

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Just thought I'd share my thoughts on the game a few months late :heh:


I really like it. The last time I enjoyed playing through a game this much was probably the original Bioshock and I loved that. The whole thing is drenched with this wonderfully uncertain atmosphere and the presentation of the game, right down to the menu system, is a joy. The scope for different choices and play styles feels spot on and you never feel truly penalised for making any particular decision. In any given situation, any play style can feel as fun and rewarding as one another.


A few things that spoil it slightly: the loading times are pretty bad and a stealth play does reward you slightly more with XP. Also, the AI can be incredibly stupid at times. But these are minor niggles.


Currently on my second run through, going for Stealth/Pacifist achievements. :)


Also, I love the various Youtube videos it has spawned :heh:



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Just thought I'd share my thoughts on the game a few months late :heh:


I really like it. The last time I enjoyed playing through a game this much was probably the original Bioshock and I loved that. The whole thing is drenched with this wonderfully uncertain atmosphere and the presentation of the game, right down to the menu system, is a joy. The scope for different choices and play styles feels spot on and you never feel truly penalised for making any particular decision. In any given situation, any play style can feel as fun and rewarding as one another.


A few things that spoil it slightly: the loading times are pretty bad and a stealth play does reward you slightly more with XP. Also, the AI can be incredibly stupid at times. But these are minor niggles.


Currently on my second run through, going for Stealth/Pacifist achievements. :)


Also, I love the various Youtube videos it has spawned :heh:


I thought this game was great too - I voted it Game of the year in fact.


youi're right about how now choice is ever really penalized and it goes a long way to stemming any snese of growing frustration that would plague most other games that attempted such an open world.


How bad are the load times and what are you playing on? I'm playing on a laptop (not amazing spec but not bottom line either) and at most it's 5 - it's not like they frequent either.


The difference between stealth and aggression is somewhat one sided - 50xp for a stealth takedown versus 10 for a straight kill. I was always trying to get as many points as possible - I'd hack every lock/computer I could whether I had the passcode or not.



I also enjoyed the DLC. In the main game, by the end, there were very few things I hadn't upgraded fully and so it game me choices of how to proceed in each situation. Being robbed of my Augs though, I had to make the most of the choices I'd made. And whilst that may sound limiting, it actually gets you thinking more about how to handle the situation. It's not a choice of stealth or action since you are probably only equiped for one - it's how you stealth it or how you action it. Plus doing a takedown on the boss was cool.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, got a copy of this preowned for under a tenner before Christmas. Completed this yesterday and loved it.


It makes me think that Fallout should be like this; the levels are so brilliantly designed, and you can actually run out of ammo (or at least good ammo). All while still having a perk system and item scavanging.


Don't think I'll be playing it again for non-lethal or no alarm triggering trophies, it would probably be quite tedious although I'm sure rewarding at the end.

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Avoiding alarms is tedious yeah, but I found non-lethal to be pretty easy. It's probably not quite as fun as using all the weapons, but I actually made it through my first playthrough using mostly the stun-gun, for purely roleplaying reasons. I didn't feel that Jensen was the type to kill guards and thugs etc and so I tried to stealth/stun/negotiate wherever I could.

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Yeah my loadout was mostly stun weapons (feels more rewarding / get more XP), only switching to something lethal once I was detected by an alarm/guard. I could get through most of the areas stealthily, which was fun, but in the occasional section it was easier to simply wipe out everyone once detected than try to formulate the perfect stealth plan.

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As I said above, I went for non lethal at every opportunity.


The only times I used a gun were in the pre-credit sequence, the boss fights, and the bit at the end with all the crazy people after I got fed up of trying to take them all down by hand. I did feel quite guilty with every shot I fired in that section though.


@Shorty - you're right about Jenson not feeling like the kind of guy to kill anyone, especially given the whole Mexicantown incident that caused him to leave the police.


One little touch I fought was nice was how security cameras were handled. The fact that being spotted by one wasn't an automatic alarm situation as how is a camera going to know if you are friend or foe - someone has to be monitoring it to make that call. Also, that shooting one out actually drew guards to the location instead of suddenly treating it as if it was never there like in most other games.

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As I said above, I went for non lethal at every opportunity.


The only times I used a gun were in the pre-credit sequence, the boss fights, and the bit at the end with all the crazy people after I got fed up of trying to take them all down by hand. I did feel quite guilty with every shot I fired in that section though.


@Shorty - you're right about Jenson not feeling like the kind of guy to kill anyone, especially given the whole Mexicantown incident that caused him to leave the police.


One little touch I fought was nice was how security cameras were handled. The fact that being spotted by one wasn't an automatic alarm situation as how is a camera going to know if you are friend or foe - someone has to be monitoring it to make that call. Also, that shooting one out actually drew guards to the location instead of suddenly treating it as if it was never there like in most other games.



I went for mostly non lethal, but role played the kind of situations where I felt Jensen probably would kill- namely the times you fight the mercs and corporate goons responsible for his disablement and the deaths of his friends. No cops, no civilians or otherwise innocent characters whatsoever. Think I might have killed in self defence too when I was surprised.



I really like this game but it wasn't without niggles- I felt that the xp system was fundamentally flawed for one thing and definitely produced more xp for one particular play style over another, but I also had issues with the energy system, which was near impossible to manage or maintain more than one cell over any kind of time.


They were pretty serious flaws (More so because the solutions for them both seem so obvious after just a few minutes of thinking) but it shows the quality of the game that you can learn to live with them. Great game, hopefully leading to a better sequel.

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Exactly. Non lethal takedowns should have cost like...85% of the bar (so you could combo it with silent movement for a moment before striking, for example) and rather than the hacking getting you xp, getting inside the room or whatever should have been the reward. Especially as you could smash through walls to get places....

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People would still have hacked for the XP nodes even if you got the script kiddie etc. reward for having the code.


You're right in that the XP was unbalanced for certain things. Although I can understand getting greater rewards for stealth given it's generally harder/more skillfull than wiping everyone out with a gas grenade.


Although at the same time somewhat unbelievable. If there were 5 guys standing next to each other in a room you probably would roll in a gas grenade. But hey, it's probably more fun to stealth it and realism can go to hell.


I think it's brilliant how they add many ways to get past a room, personally. Wish more games were like this.


Also it's a little odd that the stun gun essentially uses up a single ammo and does the same thing as a takedown. Yeah, takedowns should have cost less.

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  • 5 months later...

Another bump as I picked this up new for a tenner last weekend and have just finished it. Have been wanting to play it for ages but something else always took my money but for a tenner, I wasn't going to pass it up especially after the major disappointment that was Kingdoms of Amalur. And thankfully, I really enjoyed the game despite some annoyances.


For the most part, I played it stealthy, using non-lethal takedowns but when as I'd killed the enemies during the first part of the game before you get augmented, knew I wasn't getting the Pacifist achieve so resorted to killing occasionally at the end, and for saving Malik which was proving to be a right pain when I tried to do it non-lethal, although still used mainly the stun gun and tranquiliser rifle.


Loved that it gave you that freedom to play it how you wanted though. Do you look for vents/windows and try sneak in or find a breakable wall to create a distraction or go in guns-blazing. There was one part near the end (in the underground car park in Hengsha) where I hacked one of the movable turrets and basically picked it up and walked through the place carrying it and letting it pick off enemies :D


Main complaints really were the boss battles (urgh... did they really need these. I suspect the ones in Syndicate will pan out similarly when I decide to get round to playing that), controls which were a bit odd in some of the button allocations and the visuals. Art direction was good for the most part (some areas could have done with changes but generally, the mish-mash of futurist and renaissance was nice) but technically, the game looked a bit on the poor side (did see lighting loading in when I moved to look at a window and then it pop out when I looked away for instance).


But yeah, really enjoyed it. Hopefully get the Missing Link DLC downloaded at some point this week. Anyone have any thoughts on whether that's worth a go? Probably get another playthrough going as well to see if I can go through it without killing anyone and without setting off alarms.

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The Missing Link is alright, but it gets a bit repetitive as you have to make your way through the same areas several times and there's really nothing in the DLC that wasn't done much better in the main game (well, the boss fight wasn't as frustrating).


If you're really itching for some more Deus Ex it might be worth playing, but you're not missing much if you decide to skip it.

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