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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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you know everyone keeps saying that but i just don't see it, the only things going for it are silenced and scoped, other than that its appalling, slow ROF, terrible reload, and i've even come out a vent and tried to use it at medium/short range and the guard hears the gunshot and is alerted, fair enough they ko almost instantly but if theres a few nearby they are alerted too


I keep it for the scope, but if i could get a scope upgrade for anything else it would be gone


love the 10mm pistol though, i could probably get rid of the rest in favour of it


Well I'm playing non lethal, so for me it's the rifle or the stun gun. Haven't used/got the stun gun, but I figured if I was close enough to use it, I may as well do a takedown. I only use the rifle when I need to take someone down from a distance. Before I got the dual takedown, I used to fire the rifle at one guy, reload whilst the other guy walked over to see why his friend was on the floor, then shoot him while he was distracted. Took some doing, but it's possible. I haven't had any problems with being heard, even when I did it in an apartment building. Don't think I have a silencer on it or anything.


The general rule for me is:


1 enemy: Takedown if close enough, tranquilizer rifle if I can't get close.

2 enemies: Dual takedown if close enough, sneak past if possible, otherwise use the rifle as above.

3 enemies or more: Sneak past or wait to see if they split up.


For stealth, I can't see a fault with the tranquilizer rifle.

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One thing that does bug me is that playing lethal clearly gets you less xp than non-lethal. It's a shame they didn't find a way to make every approach equal. Same goes for hacking, actually- there's a massive xp mine you'd miss out on if you just used codes to find your way around.

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The XP system is really silly tbh. If you want the maximum amount of XP then you need to upgrade all of the hacking stuff first and use non-lethal force on every enemy without being detected. They should have made lethal vs non-lethal force situation dependent, giving equal XP with Mercs, gang members etc, but less for lethal force against Police or Security. Hacking should have been a separate skill tree with separate XP to encourage players to choose whether or not they want to do it; at the moment hacking is too rewarding to pass up with the large XP bonuses and valuable items hidden behind many otherwise unlockable doors.


Cool game though. Definitely want to give it a second run through.

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The XP system is really silly tbh. If you want the maximum amount of XP then you need to upgrade all of the hacking stuff first and use non-lethal force on every enemy without being detected. They should have made lethal vs non-lethal force situation dependent, giving equal XP with Mercs, gang members etc, but less for lethal force against Police or Security. Hacking should have been a separate skill tree with separate XP to encourage players to choose whether or not they want to do it; at the moment hacking is too rewarding to pass up with the large XP bonuses and valuable items hidden behind many otherwise unlockable doors.


Cool game though. Definitely want to give it a second run through.


The only thing is that it feels like the xp system discourages you quite a lot from doing just that. I mean, how many runs do you really want to make knowing that you can't opt out of hacking and that stealth is by far the most rewarding way to play?

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I only worked out those two things 3/4 of the way through, so for most of this playthrough I only hacked when absolutely necessary and if being stealthy was too difficult then I would just kill everyone instead. There's 4 different endings and I'm not playing on hard, so there's definitely room for a 2nd play through.

Edited by McPhee
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I think typing in a password should give 1.5 times the XP of hacking. It's a bit silly that I'll purposefully hack a device I have access to just for the bonus points, but I know I'm not the only one.


As for the lethal approach, perhaps that could be made more rewarding via streak bonuses, such as getting several headshots in a row or taking down a set number of alerted enemies without being hit.

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Just finished it.


Which ending did people pick? I put Darrow's message out because it was closest to the truth and the only way that those responsible would be held accountable. Sarif and Tagart both wanted to blame the other party and use the incident to further their own gains, and blowing the station up would have served nobody.


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Obviously, there's a lot to be said about his methods, but I genuinely think David is right at the core of things. Medical and scientific advancement are often scary things people react against with their gut (Just look at creationists insane attempts to reconcile their world view with evolution by saying dinosaurs were in the garden of Eden) but are almost always positive in the long run.

Also, I felt that the anti-augmentation argument was never really explained during the game beyond 'It's wrong because your soul is compromised!', offering absolutely no proof to support that statement.


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I picked

I went for Darrows message as well, it just felt right to do. As has been said the others were just slagging the opposition companies off and I felt that was off.


Couldn't find Taggart any ways so I only had the three to choose from :p


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Obviously, there's a lot to be said about his methods, but I genuinely think David is right at the core of things. Medical and scientific advancement are often scary things people react against with their gut (Just look at creationists insane attempts to reconcile their world view with evolution by saying dinosaurs were in the garden of Eden) but are almost always positive in the long run.

Also, I felt that the anti-augmentation argument was never really explained during the game beyond 'It's wrong because your soul is compromised!', offering absolutely no proof to support that statement.


I don't really think augmentation has had a positive effect on the people in the game. The human race as a whole is achieving more, but individual people are suffering greatly as a result of the leap. The only reason the poor were able to afford augments was because the drugs companies were subsidising them so they could milk people with the costs of anti-rejection drugs. Adam's genes mean anti-rejection drugs are no longer needed. The drugs companies won't be subsidising augments any more, so only the rich will be able to afford them. As such, augments only serve to create a wider class divide.


There's also the possibility of a repeat performance by the Illuminati, I doubt they've given up on the idea of using augments/augmented people t control the world.


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heh, have you played the original? A lot of the game leads on really nicely to the first.

Namely, the hints towards seemless augmentation and nanotechnology. Also, one of the endings of the first game sees J.C becoming a super A.I and ruling the world secretly in a very similar way to the journalism A.I directs public opinion in HR.


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Just escaped from the Pod Hotel thing. Managed to do it without being seen. Went down a level from the one you start on, taking out as many guards as I could for XP, used a vent to get to the bottom floor, then made my way through the shower/laundry rooms as normal.


How did people do that bit with the electrified floor in the shower room? There was a route that involved the electric floor and another that involved getting past mines. I just jumped all the walls with the jump aug. Felt like cheating!


Also, despite being completely covered by armor, the soldiers aren't immune to tranquilizer darts. Made my life easier, but it felt wrong. Sniped most of them from the top floor, although some of the other guards did notice the knocked out guards eventually. They never found me though. Timed it quite nicely at one point. I needed to sneak past some guards and luckily they noticed a knocked out guard at the right time, making them deviate from their path, allowing me to sneak past. Win.


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Loving this. Very meaty. I keep thinking I am near the end but there is much more. Amazing game so far. :grin:


One thing that does bug me is that playing lethal clearly gets you less xp than non-lethal. It's a shame they didn't find a way to make every approach equal. Same goes for hacking, actually- there's a massive xp mine you'd miss out on if you just used codes to find your way around.


Actually it depends how you do it. You get bonuses for accuracy, headshots, multikills, gas, concussion, explosives, emp(big bonuses), melee etc. Plus you get to explore areas fully which also has a bonus. Thats very difficult with stealth alone.

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Just escaped from the Pod Hotel thing. Managed to do it without being seen. Went down a level from the one you start on, taking out as many guards as I could for XP, used a vent to get to the bottom floor, then made my way through the shower/laundry rooms as normal.


How did people do that bit with the electrified floor in the shower room? There was a route that involved the electric floor and another that involved getting past mines. I just jumped all the walls with the jump aug. Felt like cheating!


Also, despite being completely covered by armor, the soldiers aren't immune to tranquilizer darts. Made my life easier, but it felt wrong. Sniped most of them from the top floor, although some of the other guards did notice the knocked out guards eventually. They never found me though. Timed it quite nicely at one point. I needed to sneak past some guards and luckily they noticed a knocked out guard at the right time, making them deviate from their path, allowing me to sneak past. Win.



I dived down with the icarus, flashbanged two heavies on the bottom floor and shot them in the head with my 10mm as I ran for the exit. It was fucking amazing.


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I dived down with the icarus, flashbanged two heavies on the bottom floor and shot them in the head with my 10mm as I ran for the exit. It was fucking amazing.


I did something similar on Panchea, there was a large shaft which there were three "zombies" at the bottom of, jumped down and wen prompeted held RB1 and pounded the ground like IronMan landing knocking them all over then melee attacked them! it was amazing


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Been playing this for a few days now and i'm hooked. I love the freedom you get with upgrading your augments and the story and atmosphere so far is superb.

I started off (stupidly) by trying to kill everyone Call of Duty style, alerting everyone and getting ganked and the first upgrades i got were all the inventory slots, wall punch, heavy objects, jump, landing system(which actually worked out quite nicely).


But after playing through it more i've upgraded my stealth and hacking, which i'd been completely ignoring before, (just arrived in Montreal) and it's making life a lot easier and more interesting by disabling cameras etc.


The hardest part of this game is deciding which weapons to take with you. I started off keeping everything I could but eventually i decided to leave out the machine pistol, sniper, heavy rifle and even passed up on the rocket launcher. The 10mm pistol has always been with me, upgraded with extra ammo, reloads, laser, damage and silencer (not fully) and after reading a few comments from people on here decided to get the explosive rounds for my revolver...holy cow. It's my anti-robot gun of choice that one.

Other than those i'm still somewhat reluctuntly holding onto the combat rifle and I recently finally picked up the stun gun (which i may or may not chuck out) and the Tranquiliser gun which i've started using, it's pretty good!


Definately one of the best games of the year in my opinion. : peace:

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I dumped the assault rifle about 60% of the way through and never looked back, it just wasn't strong enough! the Heavy rifle will take its place during the last half until you get the best weapon in the game - The plasma rifle good god its as good as the one in fallout, it was crucial for the latter level really, and the DLC grenade launcher was awesome too if not a bit over powered it king of made the game a bit easy using it

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I think I'm at the point where any further augs are just for fun. I have the jump, landing, heavy lifting, highest hacking stealth, full inventory, social enhancer, dual takedown and cloaking. On top of those, I've still got between 2 and 4 points available. Honestly don't know what to spend the rest of the points on. I've only got the first level cloaking and level 3 hacking, so maybe those, but I don't feel like I need them. I have a couple of unlocking grenades (special edition bonus things) that "hack" any lock automatically so I can use those if I encounter lvl 4 or 5 locks, so hacking isn't even that necessary.

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Hacking isn't necessary but it's great for building up experience points, but you did say you have all of the important augs. For completionist sake i'll see how close i can get to maxing them all, I would eventually like to get round to unlocking the seeing through walls ability just because it's cool to see through walls and plan the next room that way.


Does the plasma rifle take up much room? The main reason guns like the rocket launcher and heavy rifle have been a turn off for me is because they take up so much damn room in my inventory, as does the ammo.



On a sidenote, I wonder if anyone has created a patch for the pc version which makes the game have Metal Gear Solid sound effects. I keep hearing the metal gear alarm noise in my head every time i'm discovered. :heh:

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Did anyone let Malik Die?


Anyone get the LIMB Clinic recall fix?


I'm curious as to how you survive the end if so.


I let Malik die, I guess you can save her with that comment but yeah, she popped her clogs. Not sure what you meant by surviving the end, guess i'll have to play it again and save her.


I also went for the LIMB clinic recall fix, it made killing that tosser boss with an eye patch very very annoying!!


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Well that was easy.


I'd read a guide to augmentations that said that the Typhoon really came in handy for the second boss. I figured that it was because she was particularly hard or something. She ran at me, I fired the typhoon, she stood there stunned, I fired the heavy rifle at her for a bit, then went to my inventory to recharge my energy and health ready for round 2, unpaused and fired one bullet at her, which finished her off. Piece of piss.


It was that easy, I actually thought that it was a mid fight cutscene at first.



A few more things that bother me about this game:


Firstly, you go through the whole sneaky, killy stuff to get to the boss of a level, only to have an immediate escape route. Why didn't they just send you in that way?


There was a fire door between the boss area and the helipad. Even if it was locked, I could have booted it down. Jensen wouldn't have had any trouble.


Seeing as the AI reporter wanted to help you (it was the AI that called Malik after the fight), she could have just called you to that helipad to begin with and given you the information you needed.



You sneak all the way to the transmitter, only for Malik to land right next to it to extract you. I didn't even take out the guards who were watching the transmitter. They didn't even notice the helicopter land. Why couldn't I have come in that way?!



Also, has anyone else noticed the massive lighting difference between a cutscene and the in game version of the same areas? You'll walk into a well lit, clean looking room only for it to instantly turn dark and moody in the cutscene. It's really distracting.



Despite all my gripes, I still love the game.


I think I've got quite a good weapon setup now. I have the tranquilizer rifle, stun gun, 10mm pistol, revolver and heavy rifle. Tranquilizers for general enemies, stun gun for cameras, pistol or revolver for bosses if I have to run and gun and the heavy rifle for stunned bosses.

Edited by Goafer
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^ I totally agree about the second boss, the typhoon is well overpowered - first time i'd put it to use to.


I also didn't like that 'the second boss' didn't really contribute much to the story at all, they were just there. Bit of a crap character but meh.


Not overkeen on the boss battles really, but the rest of the game is brilliant. Although I must admit walking out somewhere after you have done a long level and there being one door beside a helipad did make me think, 'why not just drop me off there?' a few times.

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