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Other great solo player games:

Super Paper Mario

SSX Blur (best SSX game ever BECAUSE of the controls)


Resident Evil 4 (best version of the game)

Scarface - normally generic, but the CONTROLS raise it to a great little game

Guiatr Hero 3

Trauma Centre


You missed Excite Truck.

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It all really comes down to taste really


Well said.


I had a PS3 and got rid of rid about month later but now I really want to pick another one up as I really need to play Ratchet and Clank which is a platform series that is second only to Mario. Also I want to play Heavenly Sword despite the average reviews and also Uncharted. If I knew more people who had a PS3 I would probably give Warhawk a whirl aswell as its supposed to be a great online experience.


I've tried my best to stay out of this thread.


I'd doubt i'd be disappointed if i owned a PS3:


Call Of Duty 4


Ratchet & Clank



Ninja Gaiden Sigma


Virtua Fighter 2



Rainbow 6: Vegas



Fight Night Round 3


NBA Street Homecourt


Madden NFL08

Assassin's Creed

Fifa 08

Tiger Woods 07


The Darkness

Heavenly Sword

Call Of Duty 3

Virtua Tennis 3




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tbh i think a lot of this discussion is down to the Wii controls. Take them away and the vast majority of Wii games are a bit meh. Add them and we get a Marmite situation.

Some of us like the Wii controls and thus love most games on the Wii, others dislike them and as a result can't see the appeal.


I don't really get the Wiimote, and as a result i'll probably never understand why you guys love Excite Truck, Mario Strikers and various other titles.


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Point being?


Yeah obviously McPhee, you take away the motion controls of the Wii and you're left with what? A GameCube? I haven't read the whole thread, but I doubt anyone has claimed that the Wii can compete with Xbox 360 and PS3 in the graphical department. Wii is easy to pick up and instantly play, something that everyone can play and enjoy together. I really doubt that if I had a PS3 or a Xbox 360 that my mum woulda played it with me.


Its the new controls and accessibility that make the Wii what it is, and give it the quality that it has.


Yes, but my point was the reason why we are having this discussion is because some people don't like the Wiimote. Take it away and the quality of Wii games is pretty poor, they're only plus is the new way of controlling games.


So basically, in answer to the initial question in this thread:


If you don't 'get'/like the Wii Remote, then yes, the quality of Wii games is pretty poor.

Point being?


If I owned a PS3, I wouldn't be happy with that when I could have gotten a Wii and 360 for the same price, around 75% of the same games and more exclusives.


But saying take away the wiimote and the quality of the games is poor - that is singlehandedly the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard on these boards!!! THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE WII!!!!! Obviously take the wiimote away and the games arent very good, thats what they were designed for!!!!!


"The only plus is a new way of controlling games!"!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You make out like that is a bad thing!!!!


Games are their to be PLAYED, we play them by CONTROLLING them, changing the way we control them is new, exciting, innovative, challenging convention etc etc.


It's the same way films are there to be VIEWED, so the industry (the innovative leaders anyway) are changing the way we VIEW them - sound, colour, digital, HD, 3d etc etc.

Exactly, and the PS3 Destroys the 360 and Wii for exclusives in 2008.


Oh yeah... we will see. So far the only thing the PS3 has bested the 360 and Wii on is... oh yeah... NOTHING.


I've tried my best to stay out of this thread.


Exclusive: 6

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Available on other formats: 18


Too right, and as none of the PS3 fans have answered yet, all the multi-format games are better on the 360. From McPhee's list you'd be more likely to pick up a 360 as the multi-format titles are better and there are better exclusives like GoW and Halo 3 which frankly shit all over anything on the PS3.


If I owned a PS3, I wouldn't be happy with that when I could have gotten a Wii and 360 for the same price, around 75% of the same games and more exclusives.




Plus, coming out with the argument about taking away the Wii-mote and then all you're left with is a cube is nonsense.


So you take away the processing power of either the 360 or the PS3 and all you're left with is a PS2 or an XBOX.


The Wii has changed the interface, the PS3 and 360 has improved the graphics. Trying to base an argument on what the Wii is like without it's main selling point is ridiculous to say the least.

But saying take away the wiimote and the quality of the games is poor - that is singlehandedly the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard on these boards!!! THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE WII!!!!! Obviously take the wiimote away and the games arent very good, thats what they were designed for!!!!!


So the Wii remote excuses the quality of the rest of the game?


A game should be good regardless of control scheme. A lot of Wii games aren't, they are crap titles with controls tacked on in the name of "innovation".

Ultimately this gives some level of satisfaction to those who love the Wii remote, but it doesn't make the games any better.


Allowing the quality of the game itself to be hidden behind the remote is only going to sting Wii owners in the future. If the games are so great now then why improve them?


Too right, and as none of the PS3 fans have answered yet, all the multi-format games are better on the 360. From McPhee's list you'd be more likely to pick up a 360 as the multi-format titles are better and there are better exclusives like GoW and Halo 3 which frankly shit all over anything on the PS3.


That was kind of my point. Given the choice i would buy a 360 for the exclusives, but if i already owned a PS3 i wouldn't be too disappointed in the games that are out. Theres more than enough great games to keep a PS3 owner playing


Oh yeah... we will see. So far the only thing the PS3 has bested the 360 and Wii on is... oh yeah... NOTHING.


It's bested them both on package value, but other than that it's definitely 3rd choice for the moment.


But a game with bad/ unresponsive controls was always a bad game. Ever since the Nes and before right up to now with the Wii/ PS3 and Xbox 360. If a game doesn't have good controls then it gets called on it, its no different on the Wii. Reviews tell us whether games use the Wiimote innovatively or whether its just tacked on waggle.


Does a game on Xbox 360 or PS3 get excused for having poor controls just because they deliver on graphics and sound? I really hope not. :hmm:


If the games are so great, wy improve them? Are you being serious?


And whys it bad that a game say, like Scarface which was average on other consoles is now a great little game. What is wrong with that!? The control's 'usually' MAKE a game! Gears of War wouldnt be so good if the controls werent so tight! Same with GodlenEye, Mario 64 etc. Wii make games EVEN better - Scarface, Mario Galaxy, Res Evil, Metroi etc. How is this a bad thing? I don't understand!!?


How, on a basic level, is swinging the wiimote to slash not easily better than pressing a button to smash?


Also, when the developers really get the hang of the Wii then there will be no contest. I admit theres a lot of rubbish on the Wii (but there is on EVERY console) but theres a lot of quality!


I don't agree that the controls alone are what makes Wii games good. Twilight Princess, Excite Truck, RE4: Wii Edition, Metroid Prime 3, and Mario Galaxy, etc. would be great games with or without the new controls (case in point being RE4: Wii Edition - a version of one of last-gen's best games). The new controls do add something though, especially in Metroid Prime 3 and RE4: Wii Edition's case, where aiming has been made so much easier.


Exactly, the Wii makes games even better! That's what I've been trying to say. It makes average games, fun, good games great and great games incedible.


In my opinion of course.......


The Wii takes an average game and makes it top class because you wave a piece of plastic around in mid-air? Right...


Now i remember why i stopped visiting the Wii forums...


Yes, why did you start again!?!?


Please explain to me why 'waving a bit of plastic in the air' is less emmersive than pressing a bit of plastic down!?


To fire a gun - on the wii your hand becomes like your characters hand you point and shoot. On the 360/PS£ you press a button

To play tennis - on the wii you swing the wiimote, on the 360/PS3 you press a button

To play golf/baseball etc - on the wii you actually stand and hold the wiimote in the position you would and swing, on the 360/PS3 you press a button


See a pattern!?

In my opinion of course.......


Thats exactly right, its all down to peoples opinions and how they want to play games.


Take Mario and Sonic for example. Its a great little game but its something I cannot play on a week day due to me going to work, doing an 8 hour shift on my feet and then coming home. Its not a relaxing game and it does take it out of you so I only play it on a weekend or basically when Im not knackered :)


This is an example of how the Wii fails in my eyes. For the most part I dont want to have to move my arms up and down as when I play my games I like to chill out and this is why I will always prefer using a pad.


Ok sure every Wii game doesnt have the intensity of Mario and Sonic but games like Koropina ( sp? ) that require precise moving of the Wiimote I just cant play when im chilled out in bed ( awesome game by the way )


So why did I get the Wii if I dont like the motion controls? Well having been a Nintendo fan all my life I had to snap it up but for me the Wii has been the weakest of the Nintendo consoles. I think there is only Mario that I think has been outstanding. Zelda was missing something that I cant put my finger on and Metroid....well ive never been the biggest Metroid fan in the first place so I shouldnt really comment on it.


I can see why people love the Wii and why people hate it.


To comment on the main topic of this thread I think the main problem with the quality of Wii titles is down to 3rd parties. There are too many companies looking for an easy sale and porting titles from the PS2/PSP. I wouldnt be bothered if they took the time to polish it up right nice on the Wii but alot of them dont. Dazzy is right in saying that there are some exceptions like Scarface. I have never played it myself but many have said it was a great port.


Anyway thats the end of my little rant : peace:

The Wii takes an average game and makes it top class because you wave a piece of plastic around in mid-air? Right...


Now i remember why i stopped visiting the Wii forums...


Well it seems the majority of people seem to prefer 'waving around a piece of plastic' as the Wii is the biggest selling system. It's brought something completely new to gaming.


You could say the PS3 is poor because its just last generations games played exactly the same way with a new coat of paint.


Oh yeah, but even SONY know the Wii is great and the way forward as they included sixaxis control at the last minute to try and steal some of Nintendo's thunder (although the one major Sixaxis game Lair was tripe).


It can be said that shaking the remote to execute a sword slash in TP or a spin attack in SMG is merely a replacement for a button press but that's selling it short I think. It certainly feels a lot more involving than a button press to me.


And then, there's a bit more to the Wii remote than just shaking it about!


I find it difficult to go back to the old controls for 360 and PS3 shooters when I've been spoilt by the higher level of accuracy found in the Wii Metroid and RE games afforded them by the remote.

Please explain to me why 'waving a bit of plastic in the air' is less emmersive than pressing a bit of plastic down!?


It's not. And thats been my point from the start, the Wii should be churning out games as good as those on Xbox 360 and PS3, with the bonus of Wii controls on top of that. It isn't, it's churning out inferior games that are brought up to standard by the novelty of a new control system (im not counting all Wii games in this).


I see no reason why the Wii shouldn't have titles as good as GRAW, Fight Night and Dead Rising to accompany Mario/Metroid/Zelda. Heck, to those of you who love the Wiimote the games should be better than those just stated.


penny drops.......


Aaaah, I thought you were saying that the wii controls AREN'T emmersive! I agree the output from 3rd parties has to be better, but I have no worries that they will whatsoever, now Wii's succesful more developers are on board, and of course people have time to get used to the machine.


Thing is, I don't look and think the games COULD be better, I'm just happy with what we've got and excited about the future.


I honestly enjoy Wii games more than 360 games - they are simply more fun to play. I admire 360 games and sometimes the features and content the games have I wish the Wii could match (which is maybe what you are syaing) but ultimately, given the choice, I prefet playing on the Wii.

Aaaah, I thought you were saying that the wii controls AREN'T emmersive!


Nope, i was merely saying i didn't like them. I never really found it to be much of an improvement. I'll be interested in trying an online FPS with the Wii remote though, once someone nails the controls.


I honestly enjoy Wii games more than 360 games - they are simply more fun to play. I admire 360 games and sometimes the features and content the games have I wish the Wii could match (which is maybe what you are syaing) but ultimately, given the choice, I prefet playing on the Wii.


Yup, that is basically what i've been trying to say. The controls should be over and above the rest, not instead of it. Wii games should be matching 360 and PS3 games in all but graphics, and then adding the alternative control scheme to the experiance. At the moment it's kind of a 'one or the other' situation.


Dazzy says that third parties Wii games will get better, and they will. They just have to get used to making games with accurate Wii controls and put more work into any ports the Wii gets. Though ultimately I, like any other fan here, want to see original stuff coming to the Wii inplace of iffy PS2/ PSP ports.


Fair enough, Nintendo coulda made the Wii a powerhouse like the Xbox 360 and PS3, but they didn't. I think we genuinely came to terms with the Wii's graphical "shortcomings" a year ago which means that we're prepared to get on with playing the games for enjoyment rather than looking at them and oggling at the uber complexities of the graphics.


Know what I mean? Probably not, but the Wii has quality games already and there is lots of potential for future innovations and higher quality games to come out on it.

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