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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


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Playing through this game much more, does the game GLITCH a lot for anyone else? Maybe a lot is much, but at certain points it glitches, horizontal shifting in the scenery? Hope so because I'm worried it's my TV or something.


Anyways, amazing game!!!


I never noticed any glitches in mine. Glad your still enjoying it though Dazzy, best game on the PS3.

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I may be getting this, considering trading in Motorstorm and an xbox 360 peripheral that I don't use anymore for it, I may play Motorstorm first briefly but tbh I think uncharted is more my type of game. :heh:

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I'm about 2/3rds through this. The graphics are awesome and the voice acting and motion capture are perfect but I just think it is a bit too repetitive with the shooting sections and such.


I found there was a bit too much shooting in the game, and not enough jumping around and that. The end of the game is probably worse for this.


Just finished the game at last. Really enjoyed it, as I often enjoy 'movie' like games. Wont play through it again, but still, good game.

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Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I suppose Tomb Raider fills that gap though.


Could be but I don't like Tomb Raider and think Uncharted does it all much better.


I'm looking forward to seeing what they're going to do with Uncharted: Drake's Sequel though.

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Dual-analog gunplay has always been a thorn in my side, so naturally im struggling with any gun battle Drake stumbles into. I told my brother 'man this would be perfect with the Wii-mote or some kind of lock-on' so i definately can relate to what Knight is saying.


Surviving a gun battle does feel great though, thanks to the cover/health system, and the fact that the enemy has a far better hit ratio than i ever will.


The fact that im still determined to finish this game is a testament to how amazing everything else is here.

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To be fair, the aiming is a bit odd — Hylian Knight appeared to be trolling before, but I see now that wasn't the case. I can consistently get headshots in Uncharted, but objectively the aiming could be better.


It is odd how so many games that come out these days don't appear to calibrate the sticks properly. For all people complain about the DualShock's analogues, the aiming in CoD4 on PS3 is perfect. And yet when I play Warhawk fine-tuning sniper shots isn't nearly as easy as the deadzones aren't set as well.


I'm all for innovation, but I'd be more than happy for every twin-stick shooting game to control like Halo or CoD4.

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Next gen they'll have wii mote-esque controllers and it'll be better for them, I keep wishing I was playing it on the Wii, I truly would take lesser tech but with Wii controls!!!


Anyways, the game is brilliant so that's all that matters, the screen tearing gets annoying as it happens quite a lot. If you've watched the making of doc, every time it goes to game footage the screen tears a lot doesn't it? That's what it does occasionally when I play - does this really not happen with anyone else?

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I couldn't imagine myself playing this with Wii Controls. It just seems suited for the PS pad. It's probably the pace of the shooting, it's very fast paced compared to something like RE4.


Agreed, I haven't wanted to play any shooter with the Wii controller yet. Hopefully they'll stick with whats working for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just completed this. I thought it was a completely average game (hated the end on the boat with sniper c*nt) with some interesting ideas. I thought the best bit was at the beginning with the Nazi U-boat on the island, that scene looked stunning.


The AK was way too underpowered and in general I thought the weapons were a bit dull.


I do like the achievment/cheat system (currently on 480 points). I've actually started to play through it again...not sure how far I'll be bothered to do it this time.


The voice acting and motion capture are awesome.


I look forward to a sequal though. There is definitely a lot of potential in it.

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Well I'm about 2 hours into this and personally think it is one of the best third person adventures for a long time. At first I hated the shooting mechanic when I played the demo but I have soon got to grips with it. I love how the platforming feels very organic there are no sections that smack you in the face and look like you've got to jump on an unbelivable surface or place. Fantastic graphics, great motion detection really think this is out there as showing what PS3 can do and also like how it only subtly uses sixaxis.

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I really didn't like the balancing sixaxis use...I know it only happens twice or something but I just did that bit again so it comes to mind, otherwise the sixaxis is awesome.


When I was about 2 hours in I thought it was awesome its just that the more I played it the more repetitive it got.


I think the cover system is a tiny bit fiddly but its so minor an issue that I wouldn't hold it against the game.


I just felt that it was really polished but in the end it wasn't anything new.... I've played it all before. I really want to see what they do with the sequel. Maybe a bit more variation in the levels would be nice.


It really should get uber credit for the achievements that unlock extras and cheats. Way better than the arbitrary 360 gamerscore. I love games that have proper fun cheats in them, Crackdown's "keys to the city" mode being the best example.

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I played over about 3 weeks...I'd say about 8 or 9 sittings.

Hmm, that's odd then. I could see how someone would find it repetitive if they played it all in one or two sittings, but I wouldn't have thought it would be an issue over an extended period of time.


I think calling it an average game is unfair. You're right in that it doesn't try anything new, but what it does is consistently good. There's a lot of room for improvement, but I don't think it makes many actual missteps: it lacks ambition, but what is there is enjoyable enough.


Having said that, if the sequel turns out to be more of the same then I will be thoroughly disappointed. The foundations are all there, so I'm really expecting Naughty Dog to be more daring in the future.

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Yeah, I'd say most of what it did it did really well, except maybe the Jet ski bit. (Why the hell do you have to aim as well, if she can hold her own during the on foot bits why can't she take over instead of me having to stop and aim while I'm shot at!?)


I think I felt a bit let down because I think it was at its best at the beginning when you are working your way onto the sub and you can see the sunset and the game looks fantastic.


In all honesty I can't really think of a point where it put a foot really wrong...It was just missing something...Like Yahtzi said, it was missing a certain "je ne sais qua".

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The jet ski bits are definite low points for me. They must been made when the design team were on holiday or something: the first section should clearly have been about speed, whereas it was actually a case of constant stopping and starting; the second section was upriver when jumping and bumping down rapids would have been infinitely more fun.


Incidentally, the pistols are the best weapons in the game, and the automatic shotgun is rather fun. All the other guns feel a bit flimsy by comparison.

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