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I'm afraid I can't help thinking about it, and I've analysed myself loads to try and work out why I'm so scared of it.


I don;t know why. I think overly much. I muse. I'm creative at heart, and have a vivid imagination, but at the same time I'm scornful of half/fals truths.


I don;t beleive in God because I can't. There is no God or anything for me, simply because thye do not exist. It's like saying Hogwarts exists because it's in a book.


However, I have the ultimate respect for religious people. They know they're going somewhere better. I'm left haunted by something that is unfightable and unstoppable.


So, has anyone else imagined the moment of their death? I imagine how I will die, and how it will feel like, presumably of old age (I hope), and me thinking of everything and everyone I met during my life, and how I never did this or seen that.


Sometimes I look at old people, and imagine how their childhood was, their story, the mistakes they did that would have changed everything...


Its just a really sad moment.


As a Teakwondo fighter, I pray I die in a glorious Taekwondo match...you know with honour and all that...I'd prefer to die whilst doing something i love, than die just because my body has worned out or by some unknown chav with a handgun.


Mcoy wants to die on his birthday (at an old age if possible), he'll be about blow out the candles on the cake before he suddenely falls face forward into his cake, dead.


Mcoy would find that so funny that he wants to die that way.

  Shino said:
So, has anyone else imagined the moment of their death? I imagine how I will die, and how it will feel like, presumably of old age (I hope), and me thinking of everything and everyone I met during my life, and how I never did this or seen that.


Sometimes I look at old people, and imagine how their childhood was, their story, the mistakes they did that would have changed everything...


Its just a really sad moment.

I picture how the people who know me would react. I imagine writing them each individual letters, what I'd leave to who, and what I want to happen to my remains.


I've started looking at people and realising how old they look. How being in your early twenties is totally noticable and different from being a teen. I can imagine how old, grey and wrinkly people will look, and I hate how the guy in the mirror turns out.


Extinction is inevitable. We came from nothing, and thus we shall return. Aint got no eternal life.

  gaggle64 said:
If we do die out, I want it to be something that's our fault. Global warming or nuclear war or unearthing an evil of limitless power or something. We won't learn anything otherwise.
Surely we're not going to learn anything either way. We'll all be dead.

Why fear death? Even if you don't believe in an afterlife. Just think, all the great people of history, in fact every living creature ever, has gone through death and survived so if they can do it, then so can I.

  weeyellowbloke said:
Why fear death? Even if you don't believe in an afterlife. Just think, all the great people of history, in fact every living creature ever, has gone through death and survived so if they can do it, then so can I.


It's not that simple.


It's not dying I fear, I fear the fact that theres nothing that we can comprehend afterwards.


It's the one thing that we amazing superior species cannot think comprehend. Maybe the size of the universe too.


we will deffinatly die out as a spieces sooner or later, every other spieces that has ever lived has died out, i should imagine we will use all of earths natural resources and will end up being plunged back into the dark ages, but of couse with the advanced weaponary avalable these days, we will make killing ourselves much more easier and quicker(besides, how can a spieces tht destroys one another in their nature last for very long?)


If it does happen, then I wonder what the last few days will be like if it is widespread knowledge that it will happen, perhaps by an asteroid or whatever.


Mass hysteria, looting, the worst in human nature coming out in people. That's what I fear the most.


The scene in War of the Worlds (the 2005 movie) where Tom Cruise and his family get pulled out of their car and people start turning on each other and even killing, is one of the most disturbing scenes in the film. Apart from watching Dakota Fanning that is.


I hardly doubt the scene we see in WotW would happen, at least not in that scale, its one of the stupid parts of the movie (which is overall a stupid movie) the way people acted was just unproductive even if their in panic.


I'm surprised by the lack of faith in humanity here, and the belief that we somehow MUST become extinct.

  Shino said:
I hardly doubt the scene we see in WotW would happen, at least not in that scale, its one of the stupid parts of the movie (which is overall a stupid movie) the way people acted was just unproductive even if their in panic.


I'm surprised by the lack of faith in humanity here, and the belief that we somehow MUST become extinct.


Sure...the whole travel to a distant solar system and find Earth 2 etc...Though I have lost faith in humanity, look around you, we all say we want peace among all Earthlings yet we will hate each other with such savagery and take life as if it were nothing. That raw, evil intent (even if they are doing for the 'greater good') makes me realise that self destruction is in our nature, it seems we value distruction more than existance...So be it - we're doomed.


We all know what our fumes and suff are doing to OUR planet but who really gives a $hit? We're still leaving our electrics plugged in over night and we're still driving gas guzzling cars which we view as a sort of status symbol "when are you going to start your driving lessons?" etc as if it is an initiation into adulthood. Meanwhile, we're eating more mcdonalds and fatty, unhealthy stuff regardless of warnings, and smoking regardless of the "SMOKING CAUSES LUNG CANCER" label...as I said who gives a shit?


  Supergrunch said:
...not if the human race is extinct.



  King_V said:
Sure...the whole travel to a distant solar system and find Earth 2 etc...Though I have lost faith in humanity, look around you, we all say we want peace among all Earthlings yet we will hate each other with such savagery and take life as if it were nothing. That raw, evil intent (even if they are doing for the 'greater good') makes me realise that self destruction is in our nature, it seems we value distruction more than existance...So be it - we're doomed.


We all know what our fumes and suff are doing to OUR plane but who really gives a $hit? We're still leaving our electrics plugged in over night and we're still driving gas guzzling cars which we view as a sort of status symbol "when are you going to start your driving lessons?" etc as if it is an initiation into adulthood. Meanwhile, we're eating more mcdonalds and fatty, unhealthy stuff regardless of warnings, and smoking regardless of the "SMOKING CAUSES LUNG CANCER"...as I said who gives a shit?






Well, we hate eachother less then we did a 1000th years ago, globalization is taking place, its only a matter of time before cultures become homogenized and thus less different. I'm not saying some made man with power can't destroy all of this, but it takes time to change people to the core, I would call all of this stretch marks.


And people do give a shit, I believe that more and more people are changing their habits and views, but it takes time for people to learn.


It makes me laugh the people in this thread who are like yeh the human race sucksors I cant wait till we all die out!


Why dont you kill yourself then?


Im not even flaming I mean that complitley logically why dont you kill a few people then top yourself. I guess your above everyone else?


For my own views im a christian and see human exctinction as something thats bound to happen if I was a atheist or a christian. But well lol enjoy life when you have it make every day count for god and enjoy it for your own experience.


Wowzer better put my flame jacket on now. ;)

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