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Mafia Game #2 - Game Thread


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I do suspect Shorty and the fish, their lack of posting makes it seem like they are trying to hide something. By not getting involved much, they haven't really been suspected, which is perfect for someone in the mafia.


I agree with you about Shorty, but I have little to post about.

I can assure you I am not allied with the mafia. I do feel that you have been a little quiet, though...


I'm still not entirely sure of Sanchez: he appears to be innocent, but I have a feeling... I don't know, I'm practically guessing here, apart from about Shorty: I think he's not a completely good guy, at least.

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If what i suspect it right then there aren´t that manu mafia members left.

We can assume that there is only 1 mafia judging by the regular death tolls.

Haggis was a godfather that had to built up his own mafia.

2 posts about recruitment have come and 2 mafia members are dead and the mafia is unable recruit with the death of Haggis.

Seeing as there is usually only one death per night we can assume that the merc is a recruited mafia member and may be the last member.

Let´s do this right, we got lucky this night and got rid of that serial killer ("jayseven roxor I rong innit" It was a pretty great stand-off. In the end greater good prevailed! :Þ )

I´m going to make a list based on my theory and try narrow it down to get near the merc


Brian Mcoy - Says he can spy on people and has a lot of gadgets according to Darksnowman - Innocent


darksnowman - Can break into people´s houses to find out theyre role -innocent


MoogleViper - An inventor - Innocent


mr-paul - Powers unknown - Sanchez says he´s innocent but he has a habit of getting wrong info - Suspect


Mundi - Prostitute with a heart of gold. Keep people busy over night - For you to decide on


Sanchez - A dumb cop i presume and that chairdrivers post menntioned a dumb investigator that often get´s his results wrong (no offence :Þ) - Innocent


Shino - Paranoid townie - Innocent


Shorty - powers unknown- Suspect


Sprout - Powers unknown - Suspect


thunderer - A sort of escape artist or something - Innocent


The Fish - Powers unknown - Suspect


I suspect that The Fish is innocent because as soon as Jay got accused he jumped to his defense proclaiming that he was sure that he was innocence.

Which would fit into the "Inner circle" thing that Rokhedd00 and Jay mentioned. A group of townies (Except Jay :Þ ) that could communicate between each other.


Powers we know about but owners are unknown:

Merc: My theory´s last standing mobster, apparently he kills people :indeed:

Mind controller: Seems to be on our side

Double voter: Another player that has votes that count as two

I think i´m forgetting something...


Currently i suspect Mr-Paul because Sanchez said earlier in the game that he was innocent but Sanchez research have often end up bad :Þ

But i don´t suspect him that much that i´m going to vote him.


This is only if my theory that there is only 1 mobster left is right

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Quite the post from Mundi there, our friendly neighbourhood whore.


I was planning an epic reply Mundi, but I don't think you're gonna get it. I dunno about my supposed role, if I had such a useful one... would I have made it clear? I just don't like how you suppose fish is in the alliance when I defended jayseven to the bitter end and the fish has said practically nothing since joining the game. Coincidentally, I can confirm that the fish has nothing to do with Rokhed and Jayseven.


How do you know where I get my info, why would I break into peoples houses? I was able to tell you how jay knew you were the prostitute and I could tell you where Rokhed was every night til Maase got him, but did I know them in the game, or did someone else tell me.


I could get my info from you all from someone else in that list of yours, you just don't know. :heh:


You want some more info? Shorty is ok. If we had a judge in the town it would be him. He could be corrupt (like I said!) but he probably isn't, in my humble opinion.


I thought there would be more than one baddy left, but I dunno, I didn't play game one so I dunno how it all works out. But seeing as it always seems to be someone good getting lynched or getting killed at night, I thought we would be looking at more than one person being left!? I dunno. Well I'm gonna take this opportunity to change my vote to the fish, I've genuinely been suspicious of him since he joined late but I've said nothing because, personally, I have no real evidence and nor does anyone else. But I'll jump on the bandwagon and I expect him to be lynched when I next sign in.


Change vote: the fish.


We're in the endgame and if you all turn on me, then I'm very disappointed, because you can believe that I am good. I want the town to prevail, not the mafia scum.

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Mundi, I can assure you I am innocent. My role is affiliated with Sanchez's (who'll back me up on that), and you believe Sanchez to be innocent. Sanchez's investigations have been wrong several times, but I believe that is because of other people's powers affecting the results of the investigation, not him lying. I know that some of his investigations have been truthful.


I suspect the fish due to his lack of posting, which makes me feel like he is trying to keep low-key to avoid getting lynched, but I'm not sure I have enough evidence to actually lynch him, and risk losing a townie.

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Darksnowman - I assumed your based on the post you made where you were talking about the interior design of our houses.


Mr-Paul - My only suspicion of you is because Sanchez said you were innocent and i think he´s an investigator that get´s all his research wrong. If he says he found that out without investigating you my suspicion will vaporise.

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Ok I really don't know who to suspect. Sprout, Shorty and The fish are quite suspicious due to their lack of involvement.


I'd like to know if Shino has any information on last night. I must admit that it does seem suspicious. However I have believed Shino to be innocent, (even though I have no proof it's just a hunch) so I would like to hear his version.


Mcoy what info do you have on the town? And can you please stop talking in third person?


Does anybody have any info at all?

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Well, here's what I have to say: I have no power what so ever.

I do have an agenda, but it certainly doesn't involve ordinary towns folk dying.

I do have some information regarding Mr-Paul, Sanchez and Shorty, which is that they are all good.

However, the same information suggested that Ashmat was too, and, if memory serves, he wasn't...


Vote: Thunderer

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From what I know, and what who I think is being truthful, I'm going to say that Sprout and Darksnowman are Mafia, and possibly some others.


I can tell you that myself, Shorty, Sanchez, Strider, and Mr-Paul are all innocent. That's fact, not evidence based. If I'm wrong, they've changed sides or a certain narrator has lied to me.

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