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Mafia Game #2 - Game Thread


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Night 9 is over


So, that man somehow avoided death yesterday? I wonder if any other townspeople will be able to avoid death?



The killer wanted the man that escaped death dead.


He sneaked up on the man, clutching his weapon of choice, a club. The man didn't see, and the club came down on his head, with enough force to kill him.


However, again, the man was not dead.


"It won't be that easy to rid of me!" the man said, appearing from behind a nearby tree. The thing that the killer had hit was a decoy puppet.


And with a laugh, the surviving man cartwheeled off, too fast for the belwildered killer to follow.



The killer was somewhat dissappointed, he longed to shed more blood. He would never get the chance. A bullet came flying from the roof of a nearby roof.


The mercenary put down his sniper rifle. "Bullseye" he muttered under his breath.


jayseven is dead. He was The Serial Killer, posing as The Gossiping Neighbour to his friends. He wouldn't rest until everyone was dead.




The telepath gained control of his target's mind with ease. The victim was a stupid man, he couldn't even do his job properly, when under pressure to investigate people, he often got the wrong result.


The telepath made his victim investigate a man, but his investigations were unsuccessful, the man was already dead.



The victim woke up the next morning, with a terrible migrane.





A gunshot is heard from Shino's house.



There are 11 players left in the game. (6 is a majority)


Brian Mcoy










The Fish


Day 9 begins now

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My lack of posting is due to having a hefty social life! I'm starting to feel that Shino is out to get me, with no evidence he wants my neck, that's quite suspicious. Not to mention the gunshot?


Oh c'mon, your an admin! You have (or normally has) to come in this place at least once a day, and yet you rarely comment on what happens here.

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ok this is a bit out of role but tbh I never asked to play this game, I was signed up by jayseven... and as admin I have to look at a lot of threads and I'm balancing that with uni and a g/f, hence my quietness.


Unfortunately my role in this town is not particularly exciting and hasn't given me any leads, I can deduce nothing other than what I read in chairdriver's announcements.


Lynch me and the townies lose another. For all I know, I may be the last one.

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