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Mafia Game #2 - Game Thread


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Why do you guys keep voting without proof? Haven't you killed enough good guys already? Or maybe that's the point... maybe all you people trying to vote without any solid proof are the real mafia.


Since there's evidence against Thunderer, and he was quick to try and off jayseven, I'm going to Change vote: Thunderer.

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Mcoy, I haven't a clue about the fish. He could well be evil because he doesn't post much, I dunno what his game is at all. Trust me though that a vote to lynch Jayseven is a vote that will help the mafia!


Try thunderer or a no lynch. Thunderer is annoying and said he has a book (how to be annoying in ten easy steps) from the mafia's library. Lets take our library back from the mafia!


Shino guards his house with a sawed off in hand. Is he a paranoid mafioso and is worried that at night that some of us townies are gonna come and kill him?

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It might have escaped me but how did you come to the conclusion that they're from rival gangs?

Haggis had to recruit members for his mafia, and paj was already one.

Why didn´t you reveal who are a part of your circle earlier in the game?

If anyone of the people in the circle would die that would be the ultimate truth to prove your a bunch of townies

Revealing we're townies too soon leaves us as targets to the mafia. At this stage in the game, where the townies/mafia ratio must be so close, it's safer.

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Look. If i'm in the mafia, why would I kill haggis and paj, mafiosos from rival gangs!


Mcoy just noticed you gave more evidence to prove you're a scum bag killer who is no good to this town, even if you aren't in the mafia how can we trust you if you'll kill someone because you don't trust them?


The mayor thought he was safe. All the townspeople loved him; he kissed babies, he opened new cinemas. He was also a member of the mafia. And a valued member too. He had influence high up in the town. Noone realised their town leader was corrupt, and in it for the money. Neither did the killer, who killed him just because he hated the mayor's face.


Mcoy also notes that you didn't kill your own godfather out of your own will, the person who mind controlled you forced you to kill him.


Mcoy still sees no evidence proving you're innocent of the countless amount of crimes you've committed. Mafia or not killing a person just because you hate their face is an act of murder and the fact you've been caught killing good and bad people still shows that NO ONE is safe, Mcoy think Jayseven much be lynched if this town ever wants to be safe from murderers.


Haggis had to recruit members for his mafia, and paj was already one.


Mcoy notes another coincidence, how did you know about this information, it is CLEAR you're involved in the Mafia to have this information.

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Why didn´t you reveal who are a part of your circle earlier in the game?

If anyone of the people in the circle would die that would be the ultimate truth to prove your a bunch of townies


Rokhed said he tells his friends where he is each night, incase he died then a mafia member would be known. Jay said he was affiliated with Rok, who died and was found to be good. Thus Jay is good too.


Isn't it obvious?

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Try thunderer or a no lynch. Thunderer is annoying and said he has a book (how to be annoying in ten easy steps) from the mafia's library. Lets take our library back from the mafia!


No townie would vote for no lynch at this point, and after what happened with maase that's not enough proof, all we have left is logic.


Shino guards his house with a sawed off in hand. Is he a paranoid mafioso and is worried that at night that some of us townies are gonna come and kill him?


Or a townie worried that a mafioso (or anyone else) would come in and murder him.

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Mcoy just noticed you gave more evidence to prove you're a scum bag killer who is no good to this town, even if you aren't in the mafia how can we trust you if you'll kill someone because you don't trust them?

... Did you not read my following posts. Honestly, sometimes it really seems like people just read what they want to read.



Mcoy also notes that you didn't kill your own godfather out of your own will, the person who mind controlled you forced you to kill him.

Er... There was no mind control in that kill. READ IT BETTER.


Mcoy still sees no evidence proving you're innocent of the countless amount of crimes you've committed. Mafia or not killing a person just because you hate their face is an act of murder and the fact you've been caught killing good and bad people still shows that NO ONE is safe, Mcoy think Jayseven much be lynched if this town ever wants to be safe from murderers.


Mcoy still seems to not read all the posts properly and selects what he wants to believe. Mcoy ignores any reasoning behind any acts that have happened, and overlooks the RANDOMIZER element of such abilities.


Mcoy misunderstands how USEFUL a townie that can dispose of the mafia is, and forgets to THANK anyone for actually ridding the town of any mafia at all, and fails to be aware that if it wasn't for those accused, there would be two more mafia around, and the game could even be over already due to a controlling majority.



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Mcoy also notes that you didn't kill your own godfather out of your own will, the person who mind controlled you forced you to kill him.


Er... There was no mind control in that kill. READ IT BETTER.


Ater several minutes of deep concentration, he finally broke into his target's mind. It was a difficult task - the target was deeply mentally disturbed.


He read the pyscho's mind quickly; again, he intended to kill tonight. The telepath knew he couldn't force the killer not to kill, so instead he decided to kill another person than the killer intended.



The Godfather walked down the street, his face hidden behind the collar of his coat. He kept looking behind him, having been stalked before, he had every reason to do so. The town was already suspicious of him, and the results of a 2 day investigation of him had turned out remarkably true. Tonight he knew one of his goons would be out killing someone, and he didn't want to be anywhere near the scene of the crime.


Unfortunately for him, he was looking behind him when a man jumped out in front of him, and stabbed him in the chest multiple times. The mind-controlled killer did it with no emotion, and with a blank expression.


Haggis is dead. He was The Godfather, a don who had to build his own mafia.


Mcoy thinks YOU need to read better instead of questioning his reading abilities.

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Is Moogleviper still alive? He is isn't he. Can you speak Moogle? Although its immaterial now, I'm still curious about how the lie detector test on dyson turned out?


As for Mundi, would it be worth my while to claim what my role in this may or may not be? You won't believe Jay and all I do to try and defend what I think of him is only making me look bad too because you're all so adamant he's in the mafia.

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*jayseven wishes chairdriver's write-ups were a bit more accurate*


So Mcoy, WHAT ABOUT SAYING WAHT YOU HAVE OBSERVED BEFORE? You were so quick to point this out, so maybe Darksnowman was right about you being the telepath? Makes sense, what with your house talking and all that jazz. Would explain why, once you couldn't control me anymore, you immediately put my name up for nomination.


You don't know who I was originally aiming for. The use of syntax in that post clearly shows that the "goon" chairdriver describes is a different person to the man that killed haggis.

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Ok people I'm sorry I haven't been here the past few days. Tuesday I was at a Halloween party and yesterday I was extremely hungover. I apologize for my abscence.


Not that it matters now but the lie detector just said "Dyson told a lie today".


Anyway I've suspected Thunderer from near the start and I've always been convinced that Jay is innocent.


Vote: Thunderer

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Curiosity killed the cat. :(


Vote: thunderer



A majority has been reached.


Day 8 is now over.


The town had chosen who was to die.


The gallows were readyed, and thunderer was led up to the noose. The crowd craned their necks to see the trapdoor fall, ready to gasp as his neck broke.


However, when the trapdoor fell, there was no bone-breaking sound. The noose was now empty!


From an unknown source, a voice came "Tricked you!"


thunderer is not dead.



There are 12 players left in the game. (7 is a majority)


Brian Mcoy











The Fish


Night 9 begins now

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