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Super/Street Fighter IV


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Rumour Tidbits from SNK-Capcom.com


- The game will be in HD2D

- Will be running on Taito's X2 Arcade Board

- Will have visuals that will put 3rd Strike to shame

- Next footage likely to be shown in february at AOU 2008


That should be a given, after 8 years.

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Chatting with a Capcom rep Tueday, we asked how Street Fighter IV is coming along ("great," of course) and what exactly it's going to look like.


"You'll find out Thursday," said Capcom's Chris Kramer.


Capcom confirmed Street Fighter IV back in October, releasing a trailer that looked like an animated watercolor painted somewhere deep within The Matrix. So we can't wait to see how that look translates to the actual game, if at all.



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Depends when its set.

The tag line is "a new beginning" for all we know its a reimagining of Street Fighter 2': Hyper Fighting.


So SF3 never happend, or its between Alpha and 2... or its the 'real' Street Fighter 1 :o

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Truth be told, I'm not exactly filled with excitement. It looks technically advanced enough, but... I don't know. My guts tell me something is wrong.


Still, it's only one pic, and it isn't even true gameplay. I'll just wait and see. Only fools never change their minds.


Ruy looks rather old here, so this is definitely placed after the Alpha-series and probably after SFII/III. Then again, since when do we play fighting games for their stories.

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