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Mario and E3 are sucking up all my time at the moment I must admit... I am missing this though, I'll be back on soon!

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Got him (Ceadeus) into area 3 last night, used my Tough Break SA this time, before was using my Djinn SnS as I thought I read somewhere he was weak to fire but it's actually dragon :heh:


end of area 2 looked like he was going for the wrong way again then took a mightly swing with my SA and broke his beard and he went to area 3. Then in 3 broke his horn with a few ballista shots. Ran out of time then trying to repel him there, but when you restart he retains his lost HP and damage and was still in area 3. Got it done this 2nd time and got the end credits.


Went to try it again to actually slay him and try make a weapon or armour but they only give you 30mins this time (was 35), starting all over again, got him to 3, broke beard and horn, ran out of time. Tried again, like before retained his damage from previous fight, used up all ballista ammo, dragonator twice and as many weapon blows as I got get in but he still didn't die. Time up. Grrrrr...must try again tonight, hopefully he still retained the damage from both fights. :heh:


Is this guy not on online quests? I tried looking at a list but didn't see him mentioned? Would love to try him online with a group of 4.


Ok, I'm really confused with the offline single player.


I've done all 5* quests available to me and nothing seems to be happening now.


Do I need to do something to unlock more?

Ok, I'm really confused with the offline single player.


I've done all 5* quests available to me and nothing seems to be happening now.


Do I need to do something to unlock more?


Talk to Junior, you need to build the Ancient ask for Cha-Cha and also a new base camp. If you've done all the lvl5 quests I assume you missed one or both of these things. Which you need to fight Ceadeus (sp?)


Anyway, I went back to Ceadeus when I got home from work and Killed him, killed him good. Hahaha. Still didn't have enough to make anything from him, so went back for one more. Got timed out again, but broke and carved his horn which gave me he last bit I needed to make his awesome looking helmet.: peace:


Now back to the online stuff to get more powerful weapons so I can kill him faster and make more stuff from him.

His helmet looks AWESOME by the way.


Just noticed I've just passed my 100th hour of playtime on this. Even with Mario Galaxy 2 sitting next to it (which I love) I'm only really doing that in small bursts, 3 - 5 stars a sitting, and then back to this, the more I play the more I want to play more :heh:


Having took a break to play Mario Galaxy 2 and watch some football I fired this up again during the weekend and throughout the week. I've noticed ( as have a few of my mates ) that the servers seem busier but its come at a price.


We are starting to see ALOT of players who are in the 40-50s who clearly have leeched their way to the top quests because most of them haven't a clue when it comes to killing stuff. Alot of them don't even seem to realise the value of the element attribute on the weapons and just choose any old weapon when fighting a beast.


Me and my mate were doing the Jho event the other day and a couple of lower ranks entered the town. We were a bit dubious about them but we thought we would see how it went. One of them just stood back most of the fight and didn't help us at all, despite us tell him to get his finger out. The other person brought a shoddy weapon and had no traps whatsoever. Basically both of them seen the high ranks and were looking to leech off me and my mate.


Alot of the good players I have met seem to have stopped playing it now so its becoming more difficult to have long sessions on the game due to not being able to find randomers who know what they are doing. Hell, we met a guy the other day who was HR 40 odd and didn't know that you could buy bombs!

Having took a break to play Mario Galaxy 2 and watch some football I fired this up again during the weekend and throughout the week. I've noticed ( as have a few of my mates ) that the servers seem busier but its come at a price.


We are starting to see ALOT of players who are in the 40-50s who clearly have leeched their way to the top quests because most of them haven't a clue when it comes to killing stuff. Alot of them don't even seem to realise the value of the element attribute on the weapons and just choose any old weapon when fighting a beast.


Me and my mate were doing the Jho event the other day and a couple of lower ranks entered the town. We were a bit dubious about them but we thought we would see how it went. One of them just stood back most of the fight and didn't help us at all, despite us tell him to get his finger out. The other person brought a shoddy weapon and had no traps whatsoever. Basically both of them seen the high ranks and were looking to leech off me and my mate.


Alot of the good players I have met seem to have stopped playing it now so its becoming more difficult to have long sessions on the game due to not being able to find randomers who know what they are doing. Hell, we met a guy the other day who was HR 40 odd and didn't know that you could buy bombs!


Noticed a bit of what you have said. Skills get shown when we fight the tougher bosses and the same person is owned repeatedly. Im on most days but at very random times.


I put the game on to do q bit of farming offline tonight before I went to football and got a little bored of not really having time to go out on a hunt... so to cure my boredom I decided to make a couple new weapons.


I'm interested in hunting Rathalos and Gigginox on the higher level hunts now to complete my Rathalos Great Sword (3 plates away from doing so) and my Gigginox Lance, which looks to be an awesome weapon!


I love this game!

I put the game on to do q bit of farming offline tonight before I went to football and got a little bored of not really having time to go out on a hunt... so to cure my boredom I decided to make a couple new weapons.


I'm interested in hunting Rathalos and Gigginox on the higher level hunts now to complete my Rathalos Great Sword (3 plates away from doing so) and my Gigginox Lance, which looks to be an awesome weapon!


I love this game!


I will happily hook up with you for some Giggi and Los runs. I still need to find a gold crown king size Giggi and as for Los I still need to reach that 100 kills mark.


after killing uragaan 50 times and still no ruby i decided to go for the jho armor set first, i dunno why but i find hunting jho fun with the right team and i think im only a few kills away from completing the set. and as for wat HoT was saying about noobish hunters i totally agree, i set up a room for jho the other day and kav joined me with two other randoms, and even tho kav never did jho before he done 20x better than the other 2 hunters who died several times and even ran out of pots during the fight. im glad i have quality hunters on my friends list otherwise it wud be impossible to play this game lol.

btw if anyone is up for killing jho im always obliged to help =)


IGN- Godrick


Nathan mate, I don't knwo if it;s cheaper anywhere, just checked play and it's about 45euro which is still full price. But even at that dude it is worth it. I've put almost 150 hours into this game and still wanting more. Just check out the online thread to see everyone still fully loving the game even after 100's of hours of play.


Hell I've only played Mario Galaxy 2 for a total of maybe 5 hours since that came out as I'm actually still playing MH3 more, whenever I play Galaxy 2 I keep thinking, right just a few stars then back to MH3. :heh:


It's slow to start if you've never played an MH game before, trying to learn all the games mechanics but once you start getting the hand of hunting and building/upgrade your weapons and armour it becomes almost addictive. Plus the online mode is bloody amazing. Especially with the awesome N-E hunters we have helping each other out hunts become highly epic.


If you get the game let me know, be happy to help you out online.


I'm going to echo Mokong's sentiments there. This game is one of the best value for money titles you can buy!

I'm 270hrs in and I still can't get enough!


And yet although the game itself is amongst the best out there, the best thing for me about this game is you lot. Hunting with you guys makes this game so much more enjoyable, the battles we've gone through whilst helping each other have been truly immense, especially when we hit that balance of teamwork that is just right!


All I can say if you haven't got this game is this; you need to buy this game, it is one of those few gems that makes the Wii worth purchasing if you don't have one already.

Monster Hunter Tri is truly a MUST-HAVE title!

I don't dare come near this game for I know I'll be seeing nothing else the coming months.


Yeah, that's why I'm taking a break from it so I can work through my backlog. Done Ghostbusters and now onto Fragile Dreams.


Problem now is that everyone is a higher level than me :(


Problem now is that everyone is a higher level than me :(


Thats not a problem, just ask for help in the online board, there's usually at least 1 of the N-E faithfull that will answer your call and help mow down monsters and get yur HR up


I had a good session on Friday with this, one of the best i've had in a while.


Me and the lads finished work early so we decided to hook up after the footy and spent around 7 hours on it. We killed Jhen+, did a few Ala runs beating him in 10mins 33 seconds :D, went gold crown hunting and bagged 3 king sized monsters and a mini which netted me the mini award.


Yesterday was a bit of a grind though. We all need a king sized Barroth and we spent most of the day farming him. Its such an annoying fight as he constantly keeps moving around, reminds me of the Los fight from MH1. After killing around 15-20 we still didn't see a king sized one. We seen one that was massive but it was just a silver. :(


I also tried the arena offline as there is an award tied to that. I unlocked the final 3 fights where you have to fight Los and Ian, another is Lagi and Gobul and then the final one is 3 monsters at the same time! I haven't tried them yet hopefully they wont be too difficult.


Im currently sitting on 438 hours played and just a shade off HR 150.

You can get minis from high rank quests as well, right? I've gotten the idea that high rank is the best way to get both crowns...Also, does the award "silver crowns from village monsters" need both large and small crowns, or just either one?


Yeah high ranked is the way to go. I also find the advanced quests seem to give larger monsters so do them if you can. Oh and yeah the minis are best hunted for on the high rank aswell.


For the silver crown award you just need to king size, not the minis.


After 48 kills of Alatreon all of his melee weapons and armour are now mine. 9 Skypiercers off 48 kills aint bad, about 10 of those were just probably killing him without breaking the head aswell. So much time wasted. :(


I went hunting for a king Barroth again yesterday, still no luck. This thing is a myth I tell ya!

Yeah high ranked is the way to go. I also find the advanced quests seem to give larger monsters so do them if you can. Oh and yeah the minis are best hunted for on the high rank aswell.


For the silver crown award you just need to king size, not the minis.


After 48 kills of Alatreon all of his melee weapons and armour are now mine. 9 Skypiercers off 48 kills aint bad, about 10 of those were just probably killing him without breaking the head aswell. So much time wasted. :(


I went hunting for a king Barroth again yesterday, still no luck. This thing is a myth I tell ya!


I need some Skypiercers, I don;t seem to get any :( I want the Dark Demise LS.

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