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I'd watch how many games you pick up now TBH, this year is ridiculously packed for PC releases. Pretty good list here;




So many! lol They missed out Shogun II: Total War though.


Rome Total Realism is indeed awesome, but Empire? Worst? Pull the other one, sunshine.


It's got to be Empire or Napoleon for me. I love them both, but so much missed potential. Empire is a tad broken and Napoleon is just too easy. Playing as small nations like the United Netherlands, the Italian Republic or Denmark is barely any harder than playing as Britain. I'm taking Paris of Napoleon when I should be struggling to survive!

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Rome Total Realism is indeed awesome, but Empire? Worst? Pull the other one, sunshine.


I was constantly plagued by bugs, the AI was laughably bad and for a game that I played in the hardest was way too easy (even with the blatantly cheating AI).


Not that its a horrid game, I had a good time playing it, it just made me wanna play the other ones and not be frustrated over the aforementioned problems.

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Basically my current graphics card on order is an 1GB AMD RADEON™ HD6870 - 2 DVI,HDMI,2 mDP - DirectX® 11, Eyefinity 4 Capable.


I want something a bit beefier since I now don't have to pay for a monitor. What should I go for?!


Edit: Phee has saved the day!! (Again)


Now getting an AMD Radeon HD 6950 (which can apparently can safely flash to a 6970). Was only an extra £37.

Edited by Daft
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I went ahead and pre-emptively made a group event, to start on 8pm this Friday for some TF2. I haven't found a server for us to use but I don't think there'll be enough of us to have our own game so we'll jump on a public server. Let's make it happen :D

I commented on the group page, but I'll comment here as well: I'll be on, if you'll accept me :p.

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Well, I'll restart the game in 15 minutes maybe, perhaps we can at least join game with the 3 of us. Otherwise I'm going to play another game, perhaps some CoD, where I don't quite feel as inadequate as I do in TF :D. Does anyone want my crates by the way? :D :p

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Absolutely nothing, unless you're doing professional grapfhical editing or coding, then you have a use for the extra space. Otherwise it's just for your e-penis ;).


Plus it will only tax your videocard more.


Dyson, maybe we should try again next week?

Edited by Sméagol
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I might be up for a spot of gameage on Friday. Depends what time I get back from London.


Just got a monitor from my brother. It's only 1680x1050, though. Grrrr...


I might just buy another monitor and have two connected....although what would be the point of having two monitors?




Nowt wrong with 1680x1050 though, just means you'll be maxing out games for longer.

Edited by McPhee
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I'm running my games at an awful 1360x768 resolution because I ballsed up when I bought my HD TV and only went for 720p, which locks my resolution at this.


It's frustrating considering I bought it for use in conjunction with my new (stonking hot) PC and whilst I'm maxing out the settings, the resolution brings it right back down again in terms of quality :(


Lovely 32 inch Samsung screen, just a shame none of the reviews I read mentioned using a 720p monitor would have this problem.

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From what I understand, TV's are optimised for viewing at a further distance, say a few meters at least. Monitors are optimised for viewing up close. I believe the pixel density (or what ever) has mainly to do with it. I'd personally never would use a TV as a monitor (and vice versa, although that would be less problematic I think).


Oh, and.. Hmm. I was going to say I would be up for a new attempt at a game next week seem day same time, however.. The festival. I don't know what my plans are.

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