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Where were you? 9/11


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Why is this thread full of souless bastards that think they are solid saying




Fucking Grow up you *****...


You really are very sensitive, what with all the threads you've made about people who've died and stuff.

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Why is this thread full of souless bastards that think they are solid saying




Fucking Grow up you *****...


I wish I was as mature as you were so I could insult people for having an opinion I dislike.

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It's nothing to do with how I feel it's just the fact that this thread was made for people to say where they where when this happend?


Not for attention seeking drones of society to post an indecent and quite frankly bizarre comment about "How I Don't Care, and so what?".


I bet they don't even feel that way, they just want attention...



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I wish I was as mature as you were so I could insult people for having an opinion I dislike.


I am mature as a matter of fact I just am different in how I show it, fact is opinions are one thing put provokative opinions which in my view had no place in this thread anyway should of been kept inside the head...


What about if you lost a Mum or Dad or family member in their? Would you give a shit then?


Fact is wether you felt any sorrow for the victims is irrelevant you should of kept them comments to yourself because they had no place in this thread anyway :S

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I had returned home from school (had the entire afternoon off), during lunch the news started showing footage of the first building with lots of smoke, and then, BAM! I watched live to the death of hundreds of people as the second plane crashes during transmission, which completely blew off the accident theory.


Interestingly, I was way more concerned with it at the time than I am now.

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why?...........it's terrible and i felt terrible for them but i would never say i was scared.


I was a young kid, I guess I looked up at the sky and was worried.


The day was hot and sunny and I just remember my Mum opening the door and telling me, as someone else said I stayed up all Day and Night watching Sky News.


It was a horrible day and it was scary because it's something that really was beyond imagination...

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Why must we discuss it every year? Worse things have happen. I'm sure the terrorist are looking at the 9/11 memorials on TV and thinking "damn, we got to do that again"


Anyway, I just got home from school that day. Watced some on TV, but I was only thirteen back then, so international events weren't exactly what I cared about.

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I was a young kid, I guess I looked up at the sky and was worried.


The day was hot and sunny and I just remember my Mum opening the door and telling me, as someone else said I stayed up all Day and Night watching Sky News.


It was a horrible day and it was scary because it's something that really was beyond imagination...


hmm i guess so but it wasn't until i saw the footage that i started feeling strange towards it. i have seen the building on tv and stuff. it doesn't mean much but knowing that they are there anymore i was strange.

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Come on, why do you act like I'm supposed to remember a single date how many years after it happened? I knew about the terrorist attack in Great Britain, but I was not sure if that was what you were talking about, so I asked. I don't live in Great Britain.


Ant-Shimmain: Is it really that weird that non americans do not care six years after it happened? More people die of suicide bombers in Iraq every month, if not week. That's terrorism too. Do you care about them?

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