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'Buffy' spin-off given go-ahead


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The BBC and Fox will collaborate on a Buffy The Vampire Slayer spin-off starring Anthony Stewart Head entitled Ripper, according to a report.


The Daily Star quotes a source as saying that Buffy creator Josh Whedon is "keen to work with the BBC" and that "they've got the green light to start filming".


According to the alleged insider, Ripper, which has been mooted since Buffy finished in 2003, "will follow Bufyy's mentor Giles (Head) after he decides to come out of retirement in his native England to solve ghost stories and other mysteries".


The report claims that the show will enter production next year. The BBC has yet to confirm or deny the claims.


Taken From Digital Spy


Great news if its true but im definately waiting for some proper confirmation, I do know though that Joss has mentioned recently that both he and Antony Head are still interested in doing it.

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Im in two minds whether to close this thread.


YES there will be a Ripper special (not series).

BUT no real solid details yet and nothing has been confirmed.


Digital Spy got this story from the Daily Star. The frickin' DAILY STAR! I've seen my dog make better things then the Daily Star.


They also excluded the other little tidbit that really proves its (lack of) validity. The Daily Star also says "Josh" (Joss) Whedon has asked Pete Doherty to be a villain in it.




To reitterate. Ripper is happening, but this is a crock.

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Well its so damn true (the made up verb, not the story)


this also made me lol: "tags: daily star, lies damned lies"


fuck buffy, all potential spin offs and mini series. GIVE ME FIREFLY SERIES 2 YOU BASTARD ROTTN BASTARDS!


Neeeeeeeever going to happen. Buffy has a greater chance of return.


Firefly season two would have been awesome. Ever hear what the rest of season one was going to contain. (granted I only remember about Inara but it was great)

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So how do you know there is going to be a Ripper mini series? The interview with Joss I read said that they hadnt decided if it would be a proper series, mini series or even tv movie yet.


"I'll have a full report later, but good news for Buffy fans. Joss is currently in talks with the BBC and Mr. Anthony Stewart Head. Plans are almost a go for RIPPER! Ripper is the long-rumored story of Giles pre-Buffy. Who knows what the plot will actually be, but Whedon reported here at Comic-Con - literally, like, five minutes ago - that negotiations are close to finished on a ninety minute BBC special - Ripper."



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Well its so damn true (the made up verb, not the story)


this also made me lol: "tags: daily star, lies damned lies"




Neeeeeeeever going to happen. Buffy has a greater chance of return.


Firefly season two would have been awesome. Ever hear what the rest of season one was going to contain. (granted I only remember about Inara but it was great)


can't say i did. I know that the 'two by two' guys were replaced by The Operative in Serenity and obviously River's condition and potential for violence was coming to the fore in Objects in Space. What else was there?

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Thanks for the link, this is why I was confused on what it was going to be, IGN talked about it like this:


It's called Ripper and it's been rumored and discussed and speculated about for years. This time Whedon has said that things are getting closer. He's "talking to Anthony Stewart Head" to reprise his role as Rupert Giles, Buffy's "Watcher." It will be a BBC production and run 90 minutes. No word yet on whether we're looking at a pilot, a one-off, or what could happen. But Whedon says it looks possible for "next year." This is as close as we've come in a long time to any new Buffy hitting the air.



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I can't remember where I heard it, but pretty sure it was creditable :/ It may have been in the commentaries.


But something to do with Inara being raped and having to use that injection thing she had when they thought the Rippers were going to attack. I can't remember it too well but I can remember thinking it was awesome. Will check into it.


Least we have this:


"On December 7, 2006, The Multiverse Network announced that it had obtained the rights from Twentieth Century Fox to develop a massively multiplayer online game based on the series, which is currently scheduled for release in 2008"

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I can't remember where I heard it, but pretty sure it was creditable :/ It may have been in the commentaries.


But something to do with Inara being raped and having to use that injection thing she had when they thought the Rippers were going to attack. I can't remember it too well but I can remember thinking it was awesome. Will check into it.


I think it was a quote taken from Tim Minnear on things they had talked about. I remember reading it aswell, its possible it was posted in the Firefly thread we had here ages ago.

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fuck buffy, all potential spin offs and mini series. GIVE ME FIREFLY SERIES 2 YOU BASTARD ROTTN BASTARDS!


Well said.


can't say i did. I know that the 'two by two' guys were replaced by The Operative in Serenity and obviously River's condition and potential for violence was coming to the fore in Objects in Space. What else was there?


Have you read the 3-part comic? It fills in the gap between series 1 and Serenity.

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Yea, either a prequel based on the war (before they all came together) or detailing the comics would be great. They closed up a lot of the plots in the film so I can't really see what they could do after that. I want to know the shepherds past. sigh.


Oh yea, buffy sequel, erm that's a good thing?

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Yea, either a prequel based on the war (before they all came together) or detailing the comics would be great. They closed up a lot of the plots in the film so I can't really see what they could do after that. I want to know the shepherds past. sigh.


Oh yea, buffy sequel, erm that's a good thing?


They didn't all come together during the war did, Zoe and Mal did, which has been detailed and seen several times. There was also an episode about how they all came together.


Joss has said that he had plans for the next two films, so I don't think they would lack any material.


And its not a Buffy sequel, as Buffy isn't in it (except maybe a fleeting cameo according to latest rumours). Originally when Ripper started being discussed (about five years ago) it was a prequel, Giles' 'Ripper' days before he moved to Sunnydale and such. Dunno if thats still the idea considering ASH would have to be playing someone in his thirties, and im pretty sure hes nearer 50.

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Ah right, not been following too much on the finer plot points. Maybe would just be a year or two in the future. God knows how long hes stopping in the season eight and nine comics.


Although I did see a page from one of the upcoming issues earlier and he was wearing a yellow submarine jumper :D

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Buffy really went down the shitter after Buffy died for the first time. I really hated the character she became too. Angel was a far better series, so maybe this has a great chance of being great as well.


So you mean you hated it after series 1? I know someone that thinks the opposite to you, i.e they hate all other series other than 7. It's a bit wierd.


It was and still is such an awesome show, someone of the later seasons (especially 7) were brilliant.

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So you mean you hated it after series 1? I know someone that thinks the opposite to you, i.e they hate all other series other than 7. It's a bit wierd.


It was and still is such an awesome show, someone of the later seasons (especially 7) were brilliant.


Sorry, I meant second time. You know when she was killed by jumping off the plank in to that stuff? Actually, thinking about it, Buffy became worse slowly before even that, but it got really bad after her second death.


That whole Willow turning in to a lesbian was fucking pathetic too. I mean, yeah, the show was never realistic, but someone changing their sexuality just annoyed me. Buffy also became an annoying arrogant bitch who I just wanted to slap. Xander just turned in to a total suck up with almost no will of his own.

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I loved the musical special, thought it was brilliant.


The best part of the show wasn't buffy though, it was Willow. She made the show awesome. The epsisodes from when Tara got shot, to Willow almost destroying the earth were fantastic.


I've not seen season 3, at all yet though.

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