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Super Metroid!

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Don't say people have bad taste just because they don't like your favourite game.


Downloaded the original when it came and I didn't like it. All the rooms was very similar and exploring was more annoying and frustrating than fun.

So how is Super Metroid compared to the original and Prime?


yawn thats the original.. That was the nes. It's still a fun game but very hardcore..


I'm just annoyed he is dissing metroid in a thread about metroid. you dont see me going to the halo 3 thread and slaggng the shit out of it.


super metroid is the best followed by metroid prime 1.


Just started it up on the SNES.
So far got super missles, Varia Suit, tons of expansions,charge beam,hi jump and morph ball stuff



No idea what to do now.


ya getting stuck is all part of super metroid.. but when you finally solve it the satifaction is unrivalled:)

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ya getting stuck is all part of super metroid.. but when you finally solve it the satifaction is unrivalled:)


Definently. If you get stuck then chances are you need to shot a block somewhere for another path.


Oh and i'm stuck again. One of the first places I ever got stuck. I need the wall jump to get out I think, it's where you see those 3 little monkey things, and I don't have it :heh: Last time I re-started my file cause I was sure I couldn't get out so this time i'm gonna have a good look around.

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the wall jump? you can do that anyway that isn't a powerup mate.


its hard to explain how to do it those monkeys are there to explain to you HOW to do it:)




Are you serious? :blush:


Well I better get back to it then!


You may have potentially lowered my iritation level!

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ha have you never played any other 2d metroid games before or did you think it was powerup because of echoes:)?


no worries though:)


I've played the NES one and Fusion before. I dunno why I thought there was a power up though, cause at the time I had no idea how to wall jump and after experimenting I finally done it :heh:


Same with that running, then stopping then jumping and you go flying, can't remember doing that last time I played this. Funny to see them in it since I seen them in Fusion a few days ago.

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if you do not like the game(...how?) then dont post here because there are actually people who actually have a good taste in games that enjoy this game and wish to download it:P


Just a tad harsh don't you think? Forums aren't a place to continuously praise how good a game is, they're here for discussion.

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im saying it in a nicest way i can he posted the same thing is about 4 different threads.


Yeah but you critizised his taste in games because he doesnt rate it as high as you do. Topics are meant for discussion on both positive and negative aspects of the games or whatever is being discussed, it adds the element for debates then :)


Reagrding Super Metroid I loved playing it on the SNES and would like to download it on the VC but my Wii memory is pretty much at its limits ( thanks alot Nintendo )

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Yeah but you critizised his taste in games because he doesnt rate it as high as you do. Topics are meant for discussion on both positive and negative aspects of the games or whatever is being discussed, it adds the element for debates then :)




i understand this but he delihberately says it to annoy me. i know if i went into the halo 3 thread and started annoying them i would receive the same thing i gave him.. If you don't like the game then stop posting.. i have been arguing with him for 4 god damn pages! It's my favourite game i will defend it to death i'm sure you understand that.


There are some games i cannot understand people not liking another example is resident evil 4.


Seemed like a flame to me to be honest, but I'm sure you had good intentions.


might have been a little far to be honest but at this stage it's just annoying me.

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For the guys that are running out of memory, how many VC games do you have?


I've got 3 N64,1 SNES,2 NES,1 Turbografx and have 500 odd blocks left I think.


I've got 1 N64, 1 Genesis, 2 SNES and 1 NES and I've still got about 1500 blocks free. And that's including all the extra channels. I don't think I'm going to run out of space anytime soon.

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I got this game today, i've only played it for a little bit. So far I have got the super missile. But I died soon after, so i've got to do a lot of stuff again.


This is also my first playthrough of the game.


I really enjoyed Metroid Fusion, so i'm sure i'll love this game too, but having recently finishing Metroid Fusion, some of the secrets (which i'm sure would be very difficult to figure out, if you've never played a metroid game before) were quite easy to find/ figure out. But I am near the start, so that's expected.


So far it was a good purchase. :)

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Stuck! >< Norfair, I can go back up to Brinstar but there is a bit where I fell down to get to Norfair that i can't get back up... there is an energy refil station at the bottom of it and it's in Brinstar if that helps, it's also not wall jumpable, not enough to get out.


If I cantinue into Norfair I get to a place surround with green bubble walls which either leads to a spiked pit which you need either the ice beam or grapple beam to cross or another jump which again I can't cross... :hmm:


Any help / tips aprpeciated, *sigh* I recall getting a lot further than this without becoming stuck the last time I played it. ><

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I'm debating to buy this.

Every time i've played it, i just got bored and fed up.


I adore every other than Echoes, Metroid II and Super.

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I really enjoyed Metroid Fusion, so i'm sure i'll love this game too, but having recently finishing Metroid Fusion, some of the secrets (which i'm sure would be very difficult to figure out, if you've never played a metroid game before) were quite easy to find/ figure out. But I am near the start, so that's expected.


So far it was a good purchase. :)


haha let me put it this way metroid fusion is probably the easiest metroid game of all time so is one of my least favourite although i still like it..


I actually thought a lot more people had played this game:)

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I have played Super Metroid. At long last, I can die a fullfilled gamer...


Then again, perhaps first finish the game, and then we'll see. :wink: Still so many games to play. For some reason, I never bought Super Metroid back in the days. Mighty odd.


Thanks to Virtual Console, I can look myself in the mirror again.


Need a shave.

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