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ReZ I'm scottish :)


and yes Chew is the bomb!


from Kirkman's twitter


Flying out tomorrow to New Mexico with @corenthal where we will meet up with Ryan Ottley to appear briefly in the movie PAUL. Sweet!
Simon Pegg digs TWD and Nick Frost loves Invincible. This should be fun... And a lot of Invincible brainstorming will get done. Fun!!
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so what's the crack with this new Ultimate Avengers?


Its Millar so gonna be totally fucking sweet. First storyline is about Ult Red Skull, ie Captain Americas son.


ReZ I'm scottish :)


and yes Chew is the bomb!


from Kirkman's twitter


Saw that earlier, absolutely fucking amazing news.


My first attempt at drawing Invincible, not massively happy with the arms but overall I am quite prowd for my first try:




Nice one dude. :)


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Okay, I read Arkham Asylum and The Killing Joke. Both are WAAAAY to short, they are so fucking good! I love Arkham Asylum. I'm going to have to read it again. The joke the Joker tells before shooting the security guard is wicked.


I started The Long Halloween today and so far I am loving it.


I haven't enjoyed comics so much since Spawn (bar the occasional dip into the medium). :smile:

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Dark X-men/Avengers Utopia 1 was ok. Not been reading much on the side though...but I'll pick up Uncanny to see what happens next.


I kinda hate how Emma is too machiavellean. Hasn't she betrayed the team enough already?


I do love the Dark Avengers though.

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Dark X-men/Avengers Utopia 1 was ok. Not been reading much on the side though...but I'll pick up Uncanny to see what happens next.


I kinda hate how Emma is too machiavellean. Hasn't she betrayed the team enough already?


I do love the Dark Avengers though.


It's more complicated than that. If there wasn't her team playing along with him, there's no doubt Osborn would be herding the last mutants in to camps instead.

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Early review of Ultimate Avengers #1:


Nine years after it launched with “Ultimate Spider-Man,” Marvel’s Ultimate universe is undergoing its first relaunch/revamp, and the cynic in me wants to say “What took them so long?” but, at least, Marvel is doing it right by making its first two relaunched titles a Spider-Man book and an Avengers title with “Ultimates” writer Mark Millar on board. No doubt, “Ultimate Spider-Man” and “The Ultimates” are the two Ultimate Marvel titles that stand out from the line as the gems and are natural titles to lead the charge. However, the real question is if the Ultimate universe (and line) can recover from “Ultimatum,” the much-panned mini-series that slaughtered a large amount of the Ultimate characters established over the past nine years.


“Ultimate Comics Avengers” #1 kicks things off strongly by setting up the new status quo quickly: after being in a different universe for a while, Nick Fury is no longer in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Ultimates program has taken a big hit, Tony Stark is still a drunken debaucher, Hawkeye and Captain America are pretty much all they’ve got left, and Captain America has gone rogue. I think Fury’s statement on the first page sums it all up nicely . Things do not look good.


Most of the issue sets up the circumstances by which Captain America goes rogue as he and Hawkeye try to prevent an AIM robbery of the Baxter Building. The action is fast and fun as the duo makes short work of one half of the terrorists before encountering their secret weapon, the Red Skull. The fight between Cap and Hawkeye and AIM is well choreographed, Carlos Pacheco doing some excellent work, and Millar’s dialogue hitting all the right notes, including a callback to “The Ultimates” #1 that’s not just a funny one-off line -- it plays a large part in the story.


Pacheco’s first work for Marvel under his new exclusive is exactly what he — and the Ultimate line — needs. Acting as the successor to Bryan Hitch is a tough gig, but Pacheco is a dynamic, highly skilled superhero artist, and shows off just how skilled with pages of difficult helicopter fight scenes. He imbues these scenes with a real sense of danger and excitement. As well, his Red Skull looks scary and threatening, something essential to the plot.


Now, Mark Millar revealed the identity of this version of the Red Skull this weekend in Chicago, but that doesn’t entirely spoil the last page reveal, particularly Cap’s reaction to the news. It’s surprising enough that it practically dares you to not come back next issue and see how the Red Skull came to be. The only negative of this issue is that there isn’t a whole lot going on except for the extended helicopter fight scene. While it’s a fantastic action sequence and high energy way to kick off things off, it is limiting somewhat.


Along with “Ultimate Comics Spider-Man,” “Ultimate Comics Avengers” marks the renewal of the Ultimate line at Marvel and this issue is a very good start to things. Quick-paced, gorgeous art, and a cliffhanger that will have you coming back for more.


3 1/2 Stars



Early Review of Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1


Of all of the books that came out under the original Ultimate banner, Spider-Man got to be good for the longest period of time. In fact, up until the final issue, an extremely patchy work that suffered from a lot of problems dictated by Ultimatum, it was a consistently good series. When you consider the length of that run and how much positive work came out of it, it was a pretty strong achievement.


Fortunately, Spider-Man lost the least in its transition from a $2.99 Ultimate book to a $3.99 Ultimate Comics book. The issue opens a few months after the Ultimatum Wave, and while there have been some changes in the social and romantic landscape of Peter Parker’s life, this is, thankfully, very much like the series that Bendis and crew were doing before characters began drowning and eating one another.


One major change is the addition of artist David Lafuente. His style, a unique hybrid of John Romita Jr.-style and manga influences, is perfectly suited to this character. However, I have to object to the round melon that Spidey sports in costume. Unless he’s wearing some new protective headgear that we haven’t seen diagrammed yet, it’s just a very odd look. It’s as if Charlie Brown were putting on the outfit.


Thankfully, much of Spider-Man’s supporting cast remains intact. A couple of new threats begin to emerge in this issue, and that’s just fine. Villains come and go, but the intricacies of Peter’s daily life should remain. I’m glad that Bendis remained on this book; for nearly a decade, he built an involving story about a character that we knew very well. He made a lot of things fresh again, and I hope that he and his fellow creators are able to keep it up.


I liked the new number one, although the price spike is a very unfortunate side-effect. I hope that the readers of the previous series check it out; I’m sure that they like what they’ll see. As for new readers, well . . . there’s a bit of catch-up to be done, and the opening text page may explain the Ultimatum Wave, but it doesn’t offer much on the cast. If Ultimate Comics is still supposed to be the accessible avenue, that’s kind of an odd route. Nevertheless, it’s an entertaining comic, well-suited to readers of the previous iteration.


Edited by Happenstance
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yeah they're clearly personal choices rather than an actual critique


although there are some very nice covers there


Well it is a blog rather than the definitive guide to comic book covers...


But still, lots of nice looking things.

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