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Music? I dunno, from what I recall its about people who get special powers while listening to music (britpop I think but I am probably wrong). Sounds bizarre but intruiging. Shall try and remember to keep an eye out for it while in Brum tomorrow.

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I doubt that...


Y: The Last Man is first on my list of comic books I must buy.


I will accept that. I want it aswell...but I want the entire thing which I don't believe is out yet (in hardback/complete volume form)


Well you should still buy Invincible. Its similar to Dexter (obviously Im stretching here) but in the sense that they both have a lot of blood and are some of the best their medium have to offer.

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Its pretty good really, but i felt it didn't go into depth in places, oh and it had alot of fanservice, which while not bad, felt uneeded


As great as fanservice is it is there to show how society was progressing after all the men are gone

The more farther into the comic time line it goes it becomes more and more apparent that the women are moving forward and accepting that the men are gone.

That is if you were referring to all the lesbianism.


Too me the only problem I have with is that it jumps between time and places too often.

As in, all of a sudden a year has passed.

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I just re-read The Tomorrow People- vol.1 (#1-6) of Ultimate X-Men


this is really, really good. Millar's writing is perfectly pitched as modern, edgy and politically charged just as any good X-Men writing should be, and the art and inks are absolutely gorgeous. The new continuity gives a clarity and freshness to the core conflict between Xavier and Magneto that's always been a bit muddled in the normal Marvel Universe- with it generally being established later in to the continuity by several writers over time instead of by one at once.

the only low point for me is in the last issue which features the single clumsiest bit of dialogue I've ever seen in a comic that Millar should really find embarrassing.


Magneto lets off some kind of pulse of energy and causes a bit of a panic


Colossus: Marvel Girl! What's Magneto doing?!

MG:He's let off an electromagnetic pulse and taken control of every nuclear missile in the country, Colossus! What does it look like?


I mean....wut? That's a direct quote for you there. Utter, utter pish.

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I just re-read The Tomorrow People- vol.1 (#1-6) of Ultimate X-Men


this is really, really good. Millar's writing is perfectly pitched as modern, edgy and politically charged just as any good X-Men writing should be, and the art and inks are absolutely gorgeous. The new continuity gives a clarity and freshness to the core conflict between Xavier and Magneto that's always been a bit muddled in the normal Marvel Universe- with it generally being established later in to the continuity by several writers over time instead of by one at once.

the only low point for me is in the last issue which features the single clumsiest bit of dialogue I've ever seen in a comic that Millar should really find embarrassing.


Magneto lets off some kind of pulse of energy and causes a bit of a panic


Colossus: Marvel Girl! What's Magneto doing?!

MG:He's let off an electromagnetic pulse and taken control of every nuclear missile in the country, Colossus! What does it look like?


I mean....wut? That's a direct quote for you there. Utter, utter pish.


Ultimate X-Men started off bloody amazing. It was quality.

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yeah all the stuff I have is sick. The Weapon X stuff is awesome. Not sure when it goes down hill (these things tend to eventually) but I always enjoyed it.


About issue 60-70 ish. I read up until about 20, then had to drop it, and picked it back up again when it got shit. o____0


And now Ultimatums happening and its got two issues left finishing on 100. *Tuts*


Do you read Ultimate Spider-Man? Ultimates? Both are excellent.

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As great as fanservice is it is there to show how society was progressing after all the men are gone

The more farther into the comic time line it goes it becomes more and more apparent that the women are moving forward and accepting that the men are gone.

That is if you were referring to all the lesbianism.


Too me the only problem I have with is that it jumps between time and places too often.

As in, all of a sudden a year has passed.


I'll give you that one, but it had a really bad ending sadly =[


clones, sigh


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Inspired by Dan, I've been rereading Ult. X-Men for the first time in a few years.


I'm in two minds about Millar's style; I like the abundance of long, witty comments, but the fact that they would never say anything like that in the situations they do jarrs a bit. Still, it's interesting and unusual.


I also love the fact that you are actually forced to think about which side you'd be on, if you were involved, the way Cyclops does. Realistically I'd just join the Brotherhood.

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Right its not out for like...half a year...but still...*Ejaculates on keyboard*




The Walking Dead issue 1-48 paperback. Under £50. Under £1 per issue. When this comes out if people havn't read TWD, then buy this or I'm coming to your house to spit on your family/pets/posessions (whichever you love more)


Preferably buy it before then though in TPB or Hardcover form. Go go!

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