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That Gary Frank art, is that from the recent origin story (can't even remember what it was called)... I couldn't stand that art, or rather, I hated how he drew the character to look like Christopher Reeve. I loved Reeve, don't get me wrong, and he did a great job of being Superman for millions of childhoods - but it doesn't translate well into the comic book world.


Also, no love for the Ross?



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That Gary Frank art, is that from the recent origin story (can't even remember what it was called)... I couldn't stand that art, or rather, I hated how he drew the character to look like Christopher Reeve. I loved Reeve, don't get me wrong, and he did a great job of being Superman for millions of childhoods - but it doesn't translate well into the comic book world.


Yeah its from Superman Secret Origin. I did mention on the other page how I dont particularly like him using Chris Reeve as Superman and Clark Kent but thats just a character choice for me, the art itself is brilliant.

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Emerald Warriors is a new Green Lantern series starring Guy Gardner thats set after Blackest Night, not really needed until you are caught up I wouldnt say.


Green Lantern Corps does tie in from time to time. The Sinestro Corps War trades have both Green Lantern and Corps issues in it as it was a big crossover event.

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But...thats precisely what I don't like about some comic artists; those that attempt to do no more than draw superheroes in vaguely warlike poses, flexing or looking mysterious, and don't try to communicate a sense of place or context. Half the story in Preacher or The Dark Knight Returns was told through the art, but in a lot of comics, some panels just seem interchangeable, like they're only there to provide a place for the text to go.

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Well his style and work within panels and stuff is very unique, it's not all like his cover work, that's just a nice aesthetic he uses sometimes. I agree with you mostly. Why I think Frank Quitely is king of comic artists. He's got an amazing grasp of sequential story-telling.


And I love Frank Miller's art too. (like in Dark Knight Returns)

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Both Deadman and Shiera are dead, Hawk is still alive but he didn't complete his mission but is still alive, Swamp Thing is back as Alec Holland and kills Vertigo's Swamp Thing. DC's Swamp Thing is going around killing company executives also John Constantine is on the case.


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I'm looking forward to Brightest Day finale. The variant cover seems to imply that there will be a whole corps (its a "homage" to the Blackest Night #1 cover, but with white rings/Swamp Thing instead).


Good week this week in fact. Very much looking forward to the Avengers .1 which apparently leads the way for the next big arc down the road.


Fear Itself 2 next week.

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