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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Yea it would be Colette not Sheena, And I bet Noish is going to evolve into a Man in this game (talk to a certain one of the elf children if you don't understand what I'm talking about).



No, i think Lloyd and Colette's relationship should be more like that of a brother/sister... and actually nice idea about Noishe, (i remember that elf story) and maybe after that he becomes a controllable character.


(woops just got another idea)


What if Noishe had already evolved to human form, but also has the power to de-evolve at will. What if Noishe is the ultimate evil (in my little twisted tale), Noishe hung around with Kratos and then Lloyd knowing one of them would have the strength to beat Mithos and then collect the exspheres. Noishe couldn't do this on his own cuase he's actually weak but after Lloyd managed to gather a large amount Noishe takes them from Lloyd and gains a massive amount of power, and uses it to turn Lloyd evil and into his minion, ala Darth Vader



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It would be Sheena and Lloyd since as Mokong mentioned, there more like brother and sister. Plus there was several hints about Lloyd and Sheena during the first game.


I think it would be great if they developed things from the sidequests of the first one and brought them forward to this one like Noishe for instance.


I'm hoping for a mention of Kratos from Lloyd or someone or maybe get to know how he's doing...

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Scratch what I said about beating Mithos since I forgot my memory card got wiped. Moving on. I very much doubt it will be Sheena x Lloyd relationship that we would all want as it isn't the main basic storyline. Unless they do something like in pop3 where they say many people believe this is what happened but the true story is......


It happened to me again. Instead of Lloyd saying Goodbye Mithos after smashing him into dust. He just goes 'I was just warming up'. Admittedly the fight only lasted a minute and a half.


And Presea decides to help Regal with helping to revitalise the world with various building projects as the new direction for his company. Kratos also discards Cruxis' Exspheres into space.

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It would be Sheena and Lloyd since as Mokong mentioned, there more like brother and sister. Plus there was several hints about Lloyd and Sheena during the first game.


I think it would be great if they developed things from the sidequests of the first one and brought them forward to this one like Noishe for instance.


I'm hoping for a mention of Kratos from Lloyd or someone or maybe get to know how he's doing...


I thought there were more hints about Lloyd and Colette. I'll have to replay it.

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I thought there were more hints about Lloyd and Colette. I'll have to replay it.


Yeah I always thought it was Lloydo and Colette - sorry you other guys, I never used Sheena at all! I was going to in my second play through, but then I was gonna use a different party altogether in it. :heh:

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Yeah but i always felt that there were more moments between Lloyd and Sheena where you get the impression the two really like each other but don't say it. The biggest of which is when making their heading up the tower of salvation and you start losing characters one by one, the scene with Sheena seemed to have most emotion between the two.


And the feeling i get from Collete is more of a close friend or sibling at best, but nothing more

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but she did get kidnapped after all, and i just felt more (hidden) emotion from Lloyd when he lost Sheena than when he lost Collete. Sure he did go through that whole tower and its traps to save Collete, but that was also to stop Mithos and save the world which required them to save Collete in the process

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Well, the original ToS is kind of a prequel to a prequel now.


I got really excited after seeing the trailer. Playing through familiar towns with new cast and goal and with ToA battle system will be awesome. And the main girl protagonist is actually cute this time.

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Shadow thats heartless. I mixed my battle party around a bit to try the other characters out, but Colette was more often in mine that not. It was Sheena that you all love that I left out all the time because she didn't seem to do anything! :heh:


Hmm, as for the latest scan... not much to say, there are only three screenies on it.

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You left out Sheena? I kept her in cause she was one of my favorite characters and some summons where good.


I had Lloyd,Sheena,Genis and Raine usually. Though my first and third play through I had Collette in there at times cause she had some good moves.


I want another trailer to watch though. It's been so long. Also hope that translation won't take too long cause I seriously need this as soon as possible and I really want to have the same amount of play time as the first.

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Collette annoyed me to no end.
Me too, the game actually came close to being a parody, as... after half the game wishing she somehow lost her voice... well, she did.


The feeling i get from Collete is more of a close friend or sibling at best, but nothing more
I think she's meant for the japanese public as Lloyds love interest (I know, it plainly sucks) kinda like Mint was meant for Cless in ToP (Arche :heart: Forever, here)


Yes, it's close to sibling love, but don't Japanese love that "childhood friend" cliché?

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Yes, it's close to sibling love, but don't Japanese love that "childhood friend" cliché?




I hate it aswell how its always a bunch of kids who go and save the day. Are the adults too busy at work or something? Or is it that once puberty hits you lose the ability to summon giant creatures, cast magic spells and fight off monsters.

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I hate it aswell how its always a bunch of kids who go and save the day. Are the adults too busy at work or something? Or is it that once puberty hits you lose the ability to summon giant creatures, cast magic spells and fight off monsters.
Just like once puberty hits you stop believing in Santa Claus. :heh:


Well, Lloyd and it's gang are made to be younger due to their chibi appearance in the game, I don't really like it, but I'd have nothing against them being represented as they are in the artwork. What pisses me is a cast with 14 year olds like it's the case with Tales of Innocence.


But problem for me is their need to have an attitude, for instance Link in Zelda games is often 16 and yet we never complain, because he reflects ourselves in the game, not a kid.


In a lot of games 16 year olds behave like 9 year olds on a bad day of sulking, the guys who write the argument think puberty means having a lot of problems and elemental questions like "who am I? What am I for?, etc (even if they're small to the point of no one giving a damn about them) due to that things end up being meaningless, forced and overexagerated, taking credibility from characters as well as their likable features, and turning them into japanese stereotypes, as well as often making the side characters more likeable than the leading ones.


That's something that really should change, but it's not that easy; developers see a lot of risk in straying from that, as well as going the realistic numbered FF'ish route; only FF gets away with that in japan, the other would just sell better with chibi characters. (this said, despite the visuals, recent FF's are not mature at all)


Seems like Japanese have problems growing up, seeing that they seem to always have a fetish for Lolita's and rather play games with kids.

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In other news Misono Koda who goes by the name of just misono, from the once popular Japanese pop group day after tomorrow has been asked to sing the theme song for the game. Here is a poorly translated google/ babelfish collaboration from her blog forced into proper sentences:




As with the Gamecube edition of Tales of symphonia ‘Starry heavens’ by day after tomorrow, and with the PS2 Edition of tales of symphonia with ‘the thing that can be made 1’. ‘Vs’ opening tune for tales of the tempest. With the spring 2008 release schedule for Knights of Ratatosk it came to the point of singing the theme tune. The tune

Came to the poin of being included in the second album (due to release March 08)


The rest I can’t seem to make any sense of or just isn’t worth including.


Source: misono's Mii diary


Now I'm going to bed.

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