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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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shame i never got to play arcade GP. it looked good. this will be better though.


Arcade was pretty good. The tracks required more driving and less lucky-item-get skills. It felt like a worthy successor to previous installments. I only played for half an hour but nonetheless I was impressed.

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I really hope we're not getting this first instead of Smash because I am totally not interested in this game so that would be very lame.


The way it's going at the moment, Europe will be seeing this before Brawl, i'm 95% sure of it.


This will be NOE excuse for not releasing Brawl before July 2008. It's a good excuse, mind you....it's just i reckon everyone would want brawl first.

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It would be alright if we were getting Mazza Kart ahead of everyone else but with Japan getting it in April I doubt this will be the case.


I think NoE have really lost the plot as of late and they really need to get their Spring release list out so we can just see what the hell is going on with these big games.

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A website in the Netherlands just received an email from on of the largest distributors in de Benelux. But there eye felt for some amazing info. according to the distributor Mario kart for the Wii will be released in Europe on 11 April 2008 for the price of €49,99 and that the game will include the Wii wheel.


this picture was send by the distributor:


and if you look closely you see that the left corner is cut out to protect the distributor.


the picture is of Mario kart arcade 2 11 April might happen in Japan and the price is a normal standard wii price. every one could have made this up.

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i don't think they ever had the plot in the first place.


I 100% agree, i'm no-longer giving any credit to NOE.


Seriously, thanks for Endless Ocean and all, but look at the amount of games USA have got before us, getting a Scuba-Diver game a couple of months before USA ain't really much is it?


NOE need to sort themselves out, now.

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I 100% agree, i'm no-longer giving any credit to NOE.


Seriously, thanks for Endless Ocean and all, but look at the amount of games USA have got before us, getting a Scuba-Diver game a couple of months before USA ain't really much is it?


NOE need to sort themselves out, now.


Thing is what is their motive? If they get free copies themselves and the whole of Europe doesnt what do they care? They don't get a bonus for shortening the release dates.


No incentive = jack all

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maybe this is nintendo'sway of saying 'good things come to those that wait'.


like Coke always tastes 20 times better when your really thirsty than when you've just had one.


yeah that's it...

That's cos you're thirty and would drink anything, however shitty and coke like it tasted ;)


I wish people would stop complaining. NOE release a game at least once a month, so they're spread out the games....It's hardly a difficult system to understand.

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That's cos you're thirty and would drink anything, however shitty and coke like it tasted ;)


I wish people would stop complaining. NOE release a game at least once a month, so they're spread out the games....It's hardly a difficult system to understand.


It's also called 'having a opinion', something which alot of people i know have trouble understanding.


Alot of people can afford more then one game a month now! If your happy with Europe still lagging behind and not knowing a release date for Brawl, thats up to you.


I'm not changing my view of NOE as a whole. I don't think there doing a good job personally.

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maybe this is nintendo'sway of saying 'good things come to those that wait'.


like Coke always tastes 20 times better when your really thirsty than when you've just had one.


yeah that's it...


Yeah, but with Coke you only get x amount of gulps, then it's gone. It lasts that same amount of time no matter when you get it. With Smash Bros, it's gonna last forever (well, obviously at some point the Wii will break, but you get my point) so us waiting 6 months for a release is simply 6 months less chance to enjoy it. It's like buying a Coke an hour after you get thirsty, but only getting a 330ml can instead of a 500ml bottle.

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Yeah, but with Coke you only get x amount of gulps, then it's gone. It lasts that same amount of time no matter when you get it. With Smash Bros, it's gonna last forever (well, obviously at some point the Wii will break, but you get my point) so us waiting 6 months for a release is simply 6 months less chance to enjoy it. It's like buying a Coke an hour after you get thirsty, but only getting a 330ml can instead of a 500ml bottle.


yeah i guess with melee - i still play it but mostly with same setup. hopefullybrawl will add a load of new options

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The problem is that most of their oh so important (in this case european) casuals won't know about a game even if it would have been out for two years in the US. (exaggerated I must admit)

I mean during the time of the N64 I often didn't even know about new releases in Europe so there's little incentive for NoE to rush things especially because sales are also healthy.

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It's also called 'having a opinion', something which alot of people i know have trouble understanding.


Alot of people can afford more then one game a month now! If your happy with Europe still lagging behind and not knowing a release date for Brawl, thats up to you.


I'm not changing my view of NOE as a whole. I don't think there doing a good job personally.

It's got nothing to do with what people can afford. Games stay on shelves for more than a month. It's to stop overshadowing of other games etc.


If no one's realised, all the "A & S rank" game have been out within a month or so of the US on the Wii.


To be honest, this bullshit all just proves how spoilt people are today. Come across as though most people wouldn't be able to survive for shit if anything happened.

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I wouldn't be so annoyed with them if I actually knew a date. I don't care for the gaps cause it happens, but when it's out in one territory and a date for months for another and we know nothing, we're bound to get angry.


I want a date, I don't care if it's June or August, aslong as I know when it's realised, it's not being spoilt, it's knowing were we stand. All the big named games get dates quite a while in advance. Is waiting for a date for big games that's got a date or out in all territories being spoilt? No it's not, how can you call it that when we're being teased around and it's hardly fair on us.


And if anything you can put a bit of blame on Nintendo moaning about imports if we didn't get as screwed, if we know dates and not get mucked about, less people would import Wiis and games.

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To be honest, this bullshit all just proves how spoilt people are today. Come across as though most people wouldn't be able to survive for shit if anything happened.


What are you going on about? Seriously we are talking about the release dates of European games aren't we?


I don't give a **** if you think i'm spoilt or not, we're talking about release dates and the way NOE treat us.


Everyone has 'different' tastes as well, whats all this about over-shadowing? I can assure you people wouldn't care if 3 Nintendo brand games were released within a month or so, they would buy the game first which most appeals to them and leave the others on the shelf which would appeal to someone else. That will never change, it's called 'having a choice'. Nintendo seem to release 1 big game, every 3+ months or so, thats not how i personally would do it, also most people on here seem to complete the game within a weekend anyway.


I want NOE to release American and European games within 3-4 weeks, not 3-4 months. Sony do it, Microsoft do it, why the hell can't the biggest games company at the moment do it?

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I think the spacing out of big releases is obviously a wise move by Nintendo themselves. They don't wanna flood the market and compete against their own products. People do pick and choose what they buy however, I for one am more likely to buy, for example, BOTH Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Brawl as long as they aren't released too close together.


Having said all that, the amount of time between US/ Jap releases and the time games come to Europe is a disgrace.

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