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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I always found yoshi valley frustrating cos you never knew what place you were in, I like yoshi circuit though, one of my faves off dd,


If it's any good as Excite Truck's control setup, it's better than any analog stick! Oh well, lots of people disagree with me on that. The old analog is just boring.


yeh i loved excite truck and thought the controls worked a treat so hopefully mk will be the same if not better.

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In my opinion the best tracks come from the N64 and DS versions while Mushroom Bridge, Waluigi Stadium and Yoshi Circuit are the only 3 tracks from Double Dash I enjoyed.


The Donut Plains and Choco Island tracks from the SNES version are the one's I hate the most. Hated the terrain with a passion, and I always got 8th place on them in Grand Prix mode.

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I think it's kind of a pity that Nintendo even included the classical options. I don't really see the point and they're somewhat undermining the Wii's concept by doing so.


I think the whole point is to give people the option. I wouldn't want to be forced a control scheme that I didn't agree with. Some people will prefere the old school controls, I imagine myself being amongst them. The Wii is about freedom and choice though, including these options only opens up capablilities the fact is anyone who wants to use the wheel still will with the other options present, but it just opens it up for those that might not like it so much.


How many games have we seen where you were just thinking 'why couldn't they just also include normal controls for it?' Sonic and the Secret Rings, Monkey Ball and TR: Anniversary all fall under that category for me. New control options are fair enough, but there should be the option for those that don't like them, in the same way that some shooters allow you to customise the buttons on a pad.


And I had no problem with Sky Garden, I quite liked it, I hated the Peach Garden from the DS one though ;)

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I'm sorry, but I've S ranked everything on Excite Truck and yet it's far from perfect. You wobble, and there are many occasions when you understeer/oversteer.

It'll probably be more fun using the wheel but it's not likely to be an easy way to unlock stuff is it?

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I think the whole point is to give people the option. I wouldn't want to be forced a control scheme that I didn't agree with. Some people will prefere the old school controls, I imagine myself being amongst them.
Bleh. It makes me wonder why you have a Wii in the first place when you're conservative like that.
The Wii is about freedom and choice though,
Nintendo says a lot, but they've never ever said anything like that.
How many games have we seen where you were just thinking 'why couldn't they just also include normal controls for it?'
Because it's a freaking Wii game with freaking Wii controls. Instead of making dodgy controls, and just include old controls to patch them up, maybe they should try harder. If I wanted to have traditional controls, then really, I would've swapped my Wii for a 360 a long time ago. I feel very strongly about this, as a Wii without Wii controls is, in fact, a dressed up GameCube.
New control options are fair enough, but there should be the option for those that don't like them, in the same way that some shooters allow you to customise the buttons on a pad.
It's hardly the same thing. Swapping a few buttons is not the same as changing your entire interaction with the game. The Wii is about the controller, and including options to ignore it undermines its point. I know the analog stick might have a bit more precision, but it sure as hell is more fun to use a Wiimote to steer.
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I'm with DCK on this one.


Excite Truck has proven that Wii Steering can be very good and basically problemless (appart from maybe F-Zero, but that's another game entirely); Excite Trucks problem is simply oversensitivity, which I'm sure Mario Kart will not have.

There's no reason getting MKWii if you're just after tracks....

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Bleh. It makes me wonder why you have a Wii in the first place when you're conservative like that. Nintendo says a lot, but they've never ever said anything like that.

Because it's a freaking Wii game with freaking Wii controls. Instead of making dodgy controls, and just include old controls to patch them up, maybe they should try harder. If I wanted to have traditional controls, then really, I would've swapped my Wii for a 360 a long time ago. I feel very strongly about this, as a Wii without Wii controls is, in fact, a dressed up GameCube.It's hardly the same thing. Swapping a few buttons is not the same as changing your entire interaction with the game. The Wii is about the controller, and including options to ignore it undermines its point. I know the analog stick might have a bit more precision, but it sure as hell is more fun to use a Wiimote to steer.


But again more people are playing games like Smash Brothers with Gamecube controllers comparred to the Wii ones, and while I know control wise it is a bit more complicated then other games. The fact is sometimes old school controls can just feel better.


I'm not doubting that Wii controls should be in games, or that all games should come with Gamecube controls. But some games I think also work better with that control scheme. Nintendo SHOULD pursue new ways to interact with a game, but that's not to say in some cases they should force it on people. Games with motion sensing for the sake of it often don't work at which point you do end up thinking 'why couldn't normal controls be implemented as an option?', and while Nintendo generally do it well, at least they consider that as a back up to people who may not want to use it. Innovation is the point of the console, but that doesn't mean I want to sit there playing a game that may suffer as a result of it, I.e. Sonic and the Secret Rings, at least in my opinion.

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But again more people are playing games like Smash Brothers with Gamecube controllers comparred to the Wii ones, and while I know control wise it is a bit more complicated then other games. The fact is sometimes old school controls can just feel better.
Brawl was never meant to use Wii controls. It doesn't have a good alternative in Wii controls, but action games, FPSes, and racing games most certainly do.
Nintendo SHOULD pursue new ways to interact with a game, but that's not to say in some cases they should force it on people.
Dude, you've bought a Wii. There's no forcing on controls, you bloody chose for it when you handed over one hundred and seventy quid to the cashier. Nintendo should be focusing on forgetting old school controls, not reliving old ones. Seriously, I can't think of one good reason why they implemented Cube controls in MKWii...
Games with motion sensing for the sake of it often don't work at which point you do end up thinking 'why couldn't normal controls be implemented as an option?', and while Nintendo generally do it well, at least they consider that as a back up to people who may not want to use it. Innovation is the point of the console, but that doesn't mean I want to sit there playing a game that may suffer as a result of it, I.e. Sonic and the Secret Rings, at least in my opinion.
Then the 'for the sake of it' is the problem, you've bought an uninspired game. Surely, there are games that are better with classic controls, but then, for those I've not bought a Wii (well, ok, maybe Brawl). Those games would, piece for piece, be better off on a 360 or PS3. Playing MKWii with a GameCube controller is going to feel the exact same as playing Double Dash!!. Sorry, but for that, I'd pass.


We all know that MKWii isn't going to be a game like that anyway. Wii steering works really well.

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'I feel very strongly about this' DCK

Tbh it doesn't really matter whether you feel strongly or not, you're just making a point, and I still disagree with you.


The Wii is more than a dressed up GC anyway. I don't see why every Wii game should use Wii controls. Ok its a fair enough comment saying we bought the console for it, but that's besides the point, a lot of games are better without Wii control. If it means that im paying for a game thats slightly better graphics on Wii, has online and with it genarally being a new game that's enough.

And as the IP says, Brawl and other games are some of the best out for Wii and its not because the control its because of the other benefits you get from Wii.


I understand you though.

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Brawl was never meant to use Wii controls. It doesn't have a good alternative in Wii controls, but action games, FPSes, and racing games most certainly do.

Dude, you've bought a Wii. There's no forcing on controls, you bloody chose for it when you handed over one hundred and seventy quid to the cashier. Nintendo should be focusing on forgetting old school controls, not reliving old ones. Seriously, I can't think of one good reason why they implemented Cube controls in MKWii...

Imo, the wii should be to utilise best the best way to interact with a game. With games like Wii Sports ect, it's motion sensing. But with games like Mario Galaxy, Mario Strikers Football they really work with the scheme they have. It's not about moving on from old controls imo, just coming up with the most comfortable way to play as possible. Be that motion sensing or button pressing. Games like Mario Kart can work well with both options, so I don't see the problem with including both.


Then the 'for the sake of it' is the problem, you've bought an uninspired game.

Pretty much yeah :) But the point is those companies didn't think 'let's also include another option' and as a result some games have suffered. But Nintendo including other controls in some games are avoiding that, and all it's doing imo is making it potentially more accessible to audiences.


Plus as Cube says it makes multiplayer a lot cheaper ;)


Playing MKWii with a GameCube controller is going to feel the exact same as playing Double Dash!!. Sorry, but for that, I'd pass.

To be honest, that's the reason I'm considering not getting the game, even if I did use the wheel (which I'm not saying I won't) it isn't different enough to make me really want it. I have the N64 and DS one as well, do I really need a 3rd? The control scheme isn't what I'm really taking into account when thinking of getting this game, it's the other stuff to which I'm not sure is different enough.

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'I feel very strongly about this' DCK

Tbh it doesn't really matter whether you feel strongly or not, you're just making a point, and I still disagree with you.

'Tbh' saying that means you don't have any sensible to say, hide behind "it's my opinion" without being able to argue against my point. Welcome to a forum, it's something where we discuss, and go "I don't care what you say because I have an opinion", because it kills the point. I hate it when people do this. There must be reasons why you have your views, nobody has an opinion because he has an opinion. I don't know why you're saying this anyway, as you are discussing next.
The Wii is more than a dressed up GC anyway.
Take away the controls (like I said in the first place), and you have a GameCube in a shiny white box, some hardware improvements and a WiFi chip. It's still a GameCube in essence. That's why the controls are so important.
I don't see why every Wii game should use Wii controls. Ok its a fair enough comment saying we bought the console for it, but that's besides the point, a lot of games are better without Wii control. If it means that im paying for a game thats slightly better graphics on Wii, has online and with it genarally being a new game that's enough.
You're easily satisfied. I'd feel ripped off really. I want Wii games, not GameCube+ games. The Wii, besides the controls, is such a minor improvement over the GameCube that I don't see how you could put up with such games.
And as the IP says, Brawl and other games are some of the best out for Wii and its not because the control its because of the other benefits you get from Wii.
Brawl is a mind blowing game. But it would've been a mind blowing game on the GameCube, and it would've been a mind blowing game on the 360. The controls define the Wii, and therefore, the games should be defined by the controls. Now, awesome as Brawl is, I don't mind at all, but that's just because it's so incredibly good, and it has a good excuse to use GameCube controls. I'd also like to know which games are those 'other games' you mention.
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To be fair no one on here only bought a wii for the motion controls... I bought it cos it was the next nintendo console and i wanted the new games... the motion controls are a nice addition but most on here would have bought it regardless.. its only really casual gamers who have adopted the wii due to the novelty of motion controls/the wii remote. I will prob play mario kart with the remore/nunchuck combo cos thats how i like it. I will try the wheel but my guess is it will feel crap and I'll go back to the classic controls i kow and love... each to their own.

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Yep that's really why I said 'tbh'. How does that mean I have nothing to say? Im sorry but you somehow read into that as me having a dig at you and somehow made me look that I shat on your opinion. All I was saying is that it doesnt matter whether or not you say that, and the phrase tbh was just the start of the sentence.


And as for the 360 thing: yes it would be awesome, but it isnt possible is it? simple really. I bought the Wii because of these games, and the others that use controls.

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I disagrees strongly against DCK. I mean, basically you're saying that options are bad... how can that be? As people have already said those who thinks Mario Kart Wii works better with the wii controls plays the game with them, I personally think I'll prefer GC controls. So just because you don't want to play with them doesn't mean that others won't as well.


I didn't either buy the Wii for the controls at all. It's the games that makes a console, not the controls. So, I bought it to play Nintendo games, and I won't find those on the 360/PS3... And also as someone already stated some games works better with Wii controls than other games. Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are two examples of games I don't want to play with GC controllers. But when it comes to both Mario Kart Wii and SSBB, I do.

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It's not about moving on from old controls imo, just coming up with the most comfortable way to play as possible.
Maybe, but the most fun way to play is definitely the Wiimote.
Yep that's really why I said 'tbh'. How does that mean I have nothing to say? Im sorry but you somehow read into that as me having a dig at you and somehow made me look that I shat on your opinion. All I was saying is that it doesnt matter whether or not you say that, and the phrase tbh was just the start of the sentence.


And as for the 360 thing: yes it would be awesome, but it isnt possible is it? simple really. I bought the Wii because of these games, and the others that use controls.

I dislike people saying "I has an opinion, and you can't changes it" or something like that, as then you really don't know why you're visiting a forum. Anyway, if you bought a Wii for games like that, fine.
I disagrees strongly against DCK. I mean, basically you're saying that options are bad...
No I don't. I'm saying that there's no point in the controls, and they sort of remove the point of the Wii.
As people have already said those who thinks Mario Kart Wii works better with the wii controls plays the game with them, I personally think I'll prefer GC controls. So just because you don't want to play with them doesn't mean that others won't as well.
Well suited to you, but I question why you have a Wii in the first place then. Racing controls present one of the best alternatives to the Wiimote, and yet you still prefer the old pads... If you bought a Wii just for Nintendo games, then sure, go ahead, but I don't think that it's a way forward.
I didn't either buy the Wii for the controls at all. It's the games that makes a console, not the controls.
The controls make the games, in this case, that's what makes the Wii so different. As illustrated by the Wii Tennis example.
So, I bought it to play Nintendo games, and I won't find those on the 360/PS3... And also as someone already stated some games works better with Wii controls than other games. Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are two examples of games I don't want to play with GC controllers. But when it comes to both Mario Kart Wii and SSBB, I do.
All right then. I'm not a conservative Nintendo fan. When they showed the Wii, I thought "nice, let me see what you've got!" and now they're including GC controls, and even don't have anything but GC controls in Fire Emblem. Bad PR, I'd say.
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Looking at this countdown on the home page, what exactly is it counting down to? Because if it's the release none of the websites seem to have it for sale?


It's counting down to the 11th April - My birthday.



Oh, and it's also the release day of Mario Kart.

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Maybe, but the most fun way to play is definitely the Wiimote.

I dislike people saying "I has an opinion, and you can't changes it" or something like that, as then you really don't know why you're visiting a forum. Anyway, if you bought a Wii for games like that, fine.

But I'm a hater of that too and this isn't a case of it. Tbh the forum takes the whole 'opinions' thing overboard. I don't know why if someone says they disagree with something it's against the law.


Edit: Im sorry I said 'tbh'. Substitute 'I think' for it if you find this a problem.

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