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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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was dissappointed by the footage really all i saw was double dash with different cars.

Hope this one is faster...double dash was crap


Double Dash was hardly crap, it may not have been what you were looking for, but it was great fun, again I think it would have been a classic had it been online.

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Despite all the petty whining on here I bet that the majority of naysayers on here will buy Mario Kart as they won't be able to resist the lure of playing on-line.


I for one have been anticipating this game since the Wii was launched and I really don't understand all the moaning about the graphics they look slightly sharper than double dash and the game is running smoothly. There are at least 12 Karts racing this time too whats not to like?


I can't wait - and I'm sure most forum members will feel the same way. Now lets look at how popular Mario Strikers was on here with the tournaments. Mario Kart is gonna be ultra competitive I cant wait for the Mario Kart F1 tournament on here VROOOOOM! :bowdown:

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I can't get over the fact that apparently no one has ever heard the phrase "this isn't your father's <XYZ>"!


It's a play on words from the advertising slogan for the N64 Mario Kart (I think?).


The slogan was the same phrase, and was supposedly funny... yeah.

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Guest Stefkov


It looks to me snaking is witll in place, if not that's a mushroom wario is using in the first image.




First and second track looks like a mining cart place rollercoaster

Third looks like a generic Peach's castle.

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Now that I think on it, this just looks a bit too familiar to me. Nintendo is well-known for always trying something new, but this game hardly looks new to me. I like the addition of the Wii Wheel, but everything else looks unchanged and really quite disappointing.

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this just looks a bit too familiar to me


My sentiments exactly.

There is a snowflake chance in hell I'm not going to pick up this one, but as I ranted about elsewhere, it's "been there, done this", clinically and by the numbers. No fancy wheel-accessoire is going to chance the fact that it'll probably have a Mushroom, Flower and Star-cup (with 50cc, 100cc and 150cc available), with the final course being Rainbow Road. At least DD shook things up a little.


This wouldn't be so bad if Nintendo announced some new stuff for Wii. It has the most ®evolutionary controls of this generation, if not the history of videogames, yet Nintendo let us play "old" games with Wii-controls tacked on it (Wario Ware and WiiSport being notable exceptions). Oh, and WiiFit doesn't count. To be blunt, at this moment I don't care about any WiiWhatever or another fancy channel. I just want new and fresh games coming from Nintendo.


I want my Metroid, Mario Kart and Mario-fix. But really, Nintendo: some new balls too, please.


Still, one more day to go?

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It looks to me snaking is witll in place, if not that's a mushroom wario is using in the first image.


It just looks like a standard powerslide turbo to me - it could now be impossible to snake.

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It just looks like a standard powerslide turbo to me - it could now be impossible to snake.
It'd be easy to stop snaking I reckon, all they have to do is include an overheat feature (like the Excite games) whereby you can only do say 3 or 4 mini turbos in quick succession otherwise you overheat and lose your momentum.


That way you'd still be able to boost around corners, but you wouldn’t be able to continually boost on straights.

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It'd be easy to stop snaking I reckon, all they have to do is include an overheat feature (like the Excite games) whereby you can only do say 3 or 4 mini turbos in quick succession otherwise you overheat and lose your momentum.


That way you'd still be able to boost around corners, but you wouldn’t be able to continually boost on straights.


yeah that would be good way of doing it...


I definitly think they will do away with snaking as Reggie said they wanted to level the playing field so first time players can race hardcore gamers.


But like I said in the E3 Podcast (http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=10845) I don't think this will settle well with hardcore gamers who put the effort in and learn the game inside out, wheres the incentive to put the hours in perfecting your game?

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But like I said in the E3 Podcast (http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=10845) I don't think this will settle well with hardcore gamers who put the effort in and learn the game inside out, wheres the incentive to put the hours in perfecting your game?
Yeah but there will always be some kind of hidden depth to uncover I reckon.

Take Wii Sports for example, anyone can just pick up and play bowling, and when I first started playing it with family and friends that are non-gamers I lost a few games and was like "damn, this has really bridged the gap between experienced players and non-gamers!" But as I played it more and discovered the whole twisting for curve shots ect... I soon became unbeatable, well 99% of the time anyway. :heh:


You mean 5 mins (the amount of time it takes to learn snaking)?
But even if you can learn it quickly, it's something that takes a long time to master.
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I can't believe the level of whinning concerned with this game! It looks graphically better than DD, and better than a LOT of Wii games. It's online and has LAN play, it's got a number of control set ups and it will feature more racers.


There's some real crap on the Wii, stuff that is graphically suited for the N64, cheap cash ins, budget rubbish and cheap ports of old piss poor games. There's plenty to complain about, but this ain't it.


This will be the online game to end all!

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Guest Stefkov

Thinking back it may just be the corner powerslide they had in double dash. Pressing R and sliding then pulling left then right or something. But there is no R and L button on the Wiimote...which makes me think.


I'm surprised no-ones discussing the tracks seen in the pictures. Or even discussing new items that may be put in. Or new characters.

Where's all this big hype?

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Thinking back it may just be the corner powerslide they had in double dash. Pressing R and sliding then pulling left then right or something. But there is no R and L button on the Wiimote...which makes me think.


The B button, and the same tactic as the 64 and DS versions of the powerslide. D-Pad will probably be used for items, too.


The Wii Wheel has a B button that looks easier to press than the one on the Remote when held sideways.

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Thinking back it may just be the corner powerslide they had in double dash. Pressing R and sliding then pulling left then right or something. But there is no R and L button on the Wiimote...which makes me think.


I'm surprised no-ones discussing the tracks seen in the pictures. Or even discussing new items that may be put in. Or new characters.

Where's all this big hype?


true the arcade versions have a ton of new items wonder if we could see some of them? I wonder if they may put some 3rd party characters in? Like I said before discussed it on the podcast and mussed on the fact that the namco developed arcade games have pac man in them...

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I wonder if they may put some 3rd party characters in? Like I said before discussed it on the podcast and mussed on the fact that the namco developed arcade games have pac man in them...


They won't be any 3rd Party characters in the Nintendo developed ones, though.

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They won't be any 3rd Party characters in the Nintendo developed ones, though.


you wouldn't have thought there would be in Smash Bros when that first came out on the N64, it was first a celebration of Nintendo characters and now has branched out...


Also they didn't mention who was developing it instead concerntrating on the wheel, unlikely as it seems it could be done by Namco (although I really do doubt it as it has more in common with double dash than the GP Arcade games)

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