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Hey everybody

So I was looking round IGN and found this video, which is basically a roundtable of sorts, with comments on the Revolution, and I thought you guys should see it.:


(If posted before feel free to remove)


Okay look, I have as much intention of buying XBox 360 as I do PS3 or the Rev, if not more so, but those two guys sitting the middle, if not screwing each other are screwing the 360. This is one of the worst cases of developer fanboyism I have ever seen. It really is quite sickening.


Let me give you an example. The quite center left claims that the one thing that makes video games better is graphics that improve with each generation. So by his logic a current-gen game like The Hulk or James Bond: Agent under Fire is better than a classic like Super Mario Brothers 3? I ain't buying it.


The way he just dismiss' the revolution controller is just wrong, and I hope to God that other developers are more open-minded.


Just had to get that of my chest.


these kind of people are fickle, if the rev comes out and is a big success then they'll be "best idea ever", if it flops "told ya so", they'll lick any arse put infront of them as long as they get pounds in their pockets!




Is it just me or is that guy a dodgy salesman for microsoft he couldn't have talked about it more, it was like QVC trying to sell a dodgy gold effect 20 inch thick chain, I don't want to buy!!!


This just goes to show how some companies like Epic think. It's just sounds so stupid for a supposed true game developer to say that graphics is everything.

And another reason why I don't understand why companies like EA get so much hate.


The games I play the most today, are WoW and Counter-Strike. I dont play those games because they have uber realistic graphics, I play them because they have great gameplay. Graphics is an empty shell. Gameplay is soul. The graphics wear off after a while.


Sure, graphics can give you a very fun and exciting experience. But its not gonna make you buy a game. Not today or tomorrow.

  monkeyDluffy said:

Is it just me or is that guy a dodgy salesman for microsoft he couldn't have talked about it more, it was like QVC trying to sell a dodgy gold effect 20 inch thick chain, I don't want to buy!!!


Yeah, it was just the fact that he was carrying it with him, ready to pull it out at any moment. What a tool.


Just watched it again, and he goes on about how you can't build a business like Nintendo do, by getting Gamecube owners to stand up, and its like, HELLO, they're making the most money. So maybe he should think again before lecturing Nintendo on business model - ass.


That guy is the epitome of most gamers in America. Too macho and image-conscious to give Nintendo a chance. I can already see it now, if a game doesnt use the Unreal engine over here, its gonna be considered rubbish.

Even with this mentality though, i still think the Rev., on looks alone, will do far far better than the Gamecube did.


I dont mind it if people tastes stray from Nintendo, but when people make snide jokey remarks about them i get so angry. I seriously wana go ocarina of time on there ass and cut them up with the bigoran sword.


the fat guy in the middle was the epitome of nerdiness, gayness and "oh look at me i'm a big timer".


a stark contrast to japanese developers who look beyond massive payouts from sony or microsoft.


If Nintendo wins Japan, it will have a good chance of making it big in the US.


Mark Rein Vice President of Epic Games says that games in the next generation will be “all about the graphics,†and that Nintendo fans are in for “crappy, cheap, I-wish-I-hadn’t-bought-it gimmicks†on Revolution.


Where is his proof on this statement, has he played with the remote, has he seen any games. Are Nintendo known for making crappy, cheap, I-wish-I-hadn’t-bought-it gimmicks. HELL NO!!!


I think he's gonna have to eat his words big time when he sees Mario 128 and Metriod Prime 3.

  substeinar said:
The games I play the most today, are WoW #


exacly the same here. tbh cs dose have quite shit gfx compared to FPS's nowadays but CS source has nothing on CS 1.6 just because i get a better feel while kicking peoples asses on it :) also Bloodscalp on WoW for the win :)


(been playing 2 days and lvl 15)

  InfernalEternal said:
Saying graphics will be an important issue next generation and not seeing Nintendo's Revolution 'revolutionize' automatically makes you an extreme fanboy?


Not at all. Instantly dismissing the Revolution before we've seen its offerings, and clinging to and flogging the 360 at a Revolution roundtable, that makes him a fanboy.


If he went out there and stated his opinion on the Revolution, backing up his opinion with facts and theories, in an educated and respectable manor than I would accept his view point, hell might even agree with him. But the amount of bias out there is apparent to anyone who has watched the video.


Oh and nice video clearcacelll, made me chuckle.


Yeah. There is DEFINATLY A LOT of 'trying to sell graphics' going on there. He's like Burnout's great because of graphics. It's THE most imporant thing. But wasn't Micro Machines and Micro Maniacs great and Mario Kart?!?! I thought even MK: DD had pretty rubbish graphics, it doesn't mean I'm less emmersed, for a start, the music drags me in quite a bit, and simply the fun factor. FUN!!!


Onto Quotes from them:


"We can have incredible graphics, and we can have, like, lifelike. The racing games are ridiculous now."


Although, it's not what he meant, I agree fully. Racing games are ridiculous now. They try and be lifelike, and yet, you can COLLECT slipstream air to cause boosts and such?!?! Sound like they're edging more towards Mario Kart to me, meaning they're adding more than JUST graphics.


And also, doesn't the Revolution controller put you more in the game?! It's not just graphics. When has anything been close to using '3D space' in that kind of way?? It's like an upgraded mouse.


Shoot for a game that's going to make 40,million dollars back?! But surely you wouldn't need to get that much back if you didn't spend so much time developing games with such hight graphics?!?!

  clearacell said:


Matt, save us!


Haha! :hehe:

Graphical improvement is nice, but the gameplay is what really makes a game. We're at a point where graphical improvement is starting to be visible in little details, we'll never have the jump from N64 graphics to Cube graphics.That guy probably makes crap games.


I do agree that there will be gimmicky games though. BUT, There will also be loads of great games. i.e. I don't think Nintendo will release SSB will awful controls etc or make it feel gimmicky, they look at the different gameplay aspects of their games. As the bigger guy in green suggested.

Just look at Mario Kart DS. There's like no touch screen usage there, they're keeping what makes games great, and adding onto them to make them better.


The mega fanboy there says that it must be good enough to play FPSs JUST because they sold more on the XBox than the PC ever did....But isn't the XBox more mainstream than a PC for playing games?!! So that's pretty obvious that it would. I for one don't buy too many games for my PC due to the fact that there's too much faffing around with tech specs for games for one.

And how is the Revolution not like a GREAT mouse?!?!

And if ribbed sticks hurt his thumb like that, he must be playing wrong


Rein did not even tried the controller whereas all developers who tried it are also quite optimistic about it. So I guess Epic is just afraid because all they do is making GFX engines.


I feel like slapping some sense into the guy left-middle.


The interviewer asks what the guy thinks about the Nintendo Revo controller and FPS and he just gets out the Xbox 360 controller and says, there's nothing wrong with it. OF COURSE THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT, BUT IS IT NEXT-GEN, IS IT NEW?! NO I DON'T THINK SO! IT'S BEHIND THE ****ING TIMES!


And before that he says there'll be loads of gimmick crap on the Revo, because the games are gonna all be about the controller. He's got the wrong end of the stick. The whole point of the controll is that you'll improve the games there are, like FPS, so it's easier to controll. If there are games made because of the controller, who says they won't be fun. And he says graphics is utmost important, it isn't, the game has to be FUN! I don't care if there is only one big pixel on the screen as long as the game is fun.


Nintendo is gonna release a controller type slot in anyway:


This image is fake but the slot in type thing will look somat like this



I think the best way to calm everybody down and show that this guy doesn't know what he's talking about is by reading this again:


Returning to TGS’s showflow after playing the demos is a faintly surreal process. Suddenly, the 360 looks incredibly old-fashioned. Picking up a DualShock for a quick play of Rogue Galaxy seems preposterous

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