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Your Era of Choice


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Hmmmm the 80s is a bit PS2 games selection in my mind. Some really good films in there but diluted by the torrents of rubbish. In my mind the 80s was when "cinema" died. It thankfully started getting reborn (gradually) in the end of the century.

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Hmmmm the 80s is a bit PS2 games selection in my mind. Some really good films in there but diluted by the torrents of rubbish. In my mind the 80s was when "cinema" died. It thankfully started getting reborn (gradually) in the end of the century.


Yeah, but then I think there were more films for everyone, due to such a large selection. I like your PS2 games selection comparison, I think it fits it well.


Certainly, it's better than it is nowadays, with every film being an action movie, or an epic, or comic book, or loveshitfest.

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True, movies have indeed slammed into very neat genre boxes havent they. Time for my shameless plug of the day:


Everyone (of the right age ;) needs to see Tideland, one of the latest films by Terry Gilliam. It's a masterpiece and beautiful cinema.

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Yeah, but then I think there were more films for everyone, due to such a large selection. I like your PS2 games selection comparison, I think it fits it well.


Certainly, it's better than it is nowadays, with every film being an action movie, or an epic, or comic book, or loveshitfest.


I'd says its the exact opposite really, if you look beyond anything that has the words "Jerry Bruckheimer" in it

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Being a 90s child basically, I'd say I liked the 90s. Very good on the gaming front, once the biggest part of my life, growing up you'd never see me without a game in my hand, I'm surprised I turned out so normal!

However, I kind of wish I was in the 80s, I dunno why. I like alot of music from the 80s, I reckon it would have been a pretty funky time to be around plus the games industry was kicking off with the NES and stuff, so it wouldn't have been all bad. Funny thing is though, I'd like to have been both a kid in the 80s, and a young adult in the 80s like.


I created this thread a very long time ago..



THE 80s for everything. Music cartoons and movies....


That sums my thoughts up much better :heh:

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The 80s had ghostbusters, The best of star wars,back to the future trilogy,terminator,aliens,Die hard....etc


nothing can top these.


For cartoons? Thundercats,Ninja Turtles,Transformers, Captain planet .MASk(has the greatest opening ever), Inspector gadget, CHIPMUNKS!Racoons etc



And for music. ha More or less everything. the best bands ever were at their best in the 80s.

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Live for the future folks, not the past. :heh:


I happen to like the current decade. Though I must say I preferred the 90s mainly because I was born then and so my youthful ignorance made it all so much better.


Besides, with the current decade you can see all the films from all of the previous decades and more! You can also listen to your music (though I don't care for that kind of thing). :yay:

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