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Not as annoying as not having a maximise windows button on OS X lol


lmao! your still missing the point of Windows- they allow you to have several windows open at once! rather than one thing filling up your screen, several things can-does increase productivity tbh. I always found it annoying having to get windows back to an actual window view and then drag files between folder that way . . .

That sounds annoying.


It wasn't really my PC had alot of software/hardware which needed updates and I had alot of crap on the PC which needed to be cleared.


It was a learning curve and it was worth the time and effort for the end product...

lmao! your still missing the point of Windows- they allow you to have several windows open at once! rather than one thing filling up your screen, several things can-does increase productivity tbh. I always found it annoying having to get windows back to an actual window view and then drag files between folder that way . . .


But you can do that on a PC, except on a PC, you ALSO get to maximise windows for a cleaner, less cluttered look.

That sounds annoying.


Not really, assuming have backed up everything, It as easy as 6 clicks (add an extra click if you haven't backed up). It's one of the most idiot proof thing I've ever seen.

Not really, assuming have backed up everything, It as easy as 6 clicks (add an extra click if you haven't backed up). It's one of the most idiot proof thing I've ever seen.


Deffo It really is hard to go wrong it's very helpful and explains everything very clearly and precisely...


It only took me so long because I had loads of crap on my PC, but it is worth it. Under Vista my PC runs ALOT faster then it did on XP. I frigging love it


Looking forward to it Ant :yay:


(n-europe really needs a thumbs up smilie)


EDIT: Shhh guys, you can't say all that, Takeo won't have a counter argument as to why it's still crap and mac os x is the best thing since sex ;) i kid Takeo, obviously.

Guest Stefkov
Took me around 40 minutes.

Same, only lengthy bit was backing up everything.

Installing Vista didn't take long. Then installing the drivers from the second disc toshiba supplied me with took the same amount of time.

Same, only lengthy bit was backing up everything.

Installing Vista didn't take long. Then installing the drivers from the second disc toshiba supplied me with took the same amount of time.


Seconded Once More.

That sounds annoying.


I don't see how you can have an installation of an OS that is designed to work on billions of hardware combinations at all levels of performance much easier than Vista.


Just put a 256MB USB pen into my PC and i'm using it as extra RAM and it has made a lot of difference already, now i've got over 700MB RAM and everything runs smoother


3 hours to install an OS is pretty quick tbh. The core install doesn't even take an hour and is nearly all automated. The rest of the time is spent finding and installing programs + drivers.

In comparison Sabayon Linux took me 2 weeks to get running properly (wi-fi driver issues + other driver problems)


Vista isn't perfect but Microsoft certainly did they're part in getting it running, it's lazy 3rd parties that are holding things up *cough* Sony *cough* Apple *cough* etc

Guest Stefkov
Just put a 256MB USB pen into my PC and i'm using it as extra RAM and it has made a lot of difference already, now i've got over 700MB RAM and everything runs smoother

I want to check this out but it doesn't want to work.

I have an 2GB XD card and I have a USB adaptor with it, I put that in and followed some guide and found out the 2GB card is only 31MB or something and it has to e at least 256MB.

What the hell?

I want to check this out but it doesn't want to work.

I have an 2GB XD card and I have a USB adaptor with it, I put that in and followed some guide and found out the 2GB card is only 31MB or something and it has to e at least 256MB.

What the hell?


At a guess i'd say either the card or the reader isn't fast enough. ReadyBoost demands really quite high spec cards and the readers have to be just as good. USB sticks are recommended because you only have to worry about the performance of the stick itself and because sticks of the required spec are cheaper than the equivalent memory card.


Looky here: http://www.grantgibson.co.uk/blog/index.php/2006/09/16/readyboost-chart/

Guest Stefkov

Cheers man. I've got enough RAM, 2GB. I just wanted to boost it up to 4. See what difference it would make.

Cheers man. I've got enough RAM, 2GB. I just wanted to boost it up to 4. See what difference it would make.


Doesn't work like that dude! With 2GB of ram it doesn't make a difference what USB stick you use. I get the impression that people see this ReadyBoost feature as plug&play RAM.


It works like this, when you boot up your PC, Vista stores your most used files in the PC's RAM, when the RAM is full it stores in the HDD, which is a lot more slower, what the Ready Boost thing does is instead storing stuff in the HDD it goes to your memory stick which has a faster access than HDD BUT a slower reading/writing rates, so its only useful until a file reaches a certain size, after that it's preferable to put it in the HDD.


The only advantages this brings is for people with low RAM (such as 512MB) and make sure its USB 2.0


Is there any way to make programs run slower?


I have a fairly old game, and it runs at around 50x the speed it should. I managed to complete the first level, but the 2nd is impossible.


I'm having problems with Windows XP and can only get online right now through my phone (which costs a fortune). I need a new OS asap and am looking at Vista Premium 32bit since it's only about £70 for the OEM. I would appreciate anyone letting me know if this is a good choice asap! Just a quick "do it" or "for the love of god, don't do it" would be great. I have the system to support it (conroe 6400, 2gb ram) although I would like to keep playing all my games!

I'm having problems with Windows XP and can only get online right now through my phone (which costs a fortune). I need a new OS asap and am looking at Vista Premium 32bit since it's only about £70 for the OEM. I would appreciate anyone letting me know if this is a good choice asap! Just a quick "do it" or "for the love of god, don't do it" would be great. I have the system to support it (conroe 6400, 2gb ram) although I would like to keep playing all my games!


Right you deffinatly have the system to use Vista to a high standard if your XP is badly playing up I reccomend you back up what you need if you can.


If it is really really bad then chose the (I'm not sure what it is called) but basically chose the option that allows you to delete everything and basically have a brand new PC.



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