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Soul Calibur IV


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I found The Apprentice to be a piece of piss, really can't see why people are struggling with him :hmm: The only character i don't like fighting is Lizardman, he's just bloody annoying!


Says the guy with a Street Fighter avatar :heh:


Us fighting game newbies are allowed to struggle :smile:

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Well fuck me. My PS3 has broken. The piece of shit wont read and BluRays.


The only think that I didn't want to break and it had to be the fucking PS3.


:eek: Nooooooooo


Sorry to hear that matey!


Says the guy with a Street Fighter avatar


Us fighting game newbies are allowed to struggle




Just blast the crap out of him with an unrelenting assault. Forget blocking, parrying etc and attack, attack attack!


Worked for me anyways, got a perfect the first round and beat him with 3/4 health the second one.


Oh and btw, i suck at Street Fighter. Not played it since SFII, SFII: Turbo and Super Street Fighter II on the SNES! It's been a good 10 years! I blame Nintendo for not having SF games on their consoles after that :p

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Got the game just now. My brother's having a bash on it at the mo.


First impression is that it looks good. Graphics are probably the best I've seen in a SC game (Unsurprisingly.)


However, I really do not like the Star Wars level one bit. Call me a purist, but I really do not like having the flippin' Death Star stood in the background while Ivy's bosom wobbles about on the stage like a terrified civilian of Alderaan, who's just seen the Death Star's death-ray thing pointing towards the planet!

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:eek: Nooooooooo


Sorry to hear that matey!






Just blast the crap out of him with an unrelenting assault. Forget blocking, parrying etc and attack, attack attack!


Worked for me anyways, got a perfect the first round and beat him with 3/4 health the second one.

Oh and btw, i suck at Street Fighter. Not played it since SFII, SFII: Turbo and Super Street Fighter II on the SNES! It's been a good 10 years! I blame Nintendo for not having SF games on their consoles after that :p


I'm in the exact same boat. Has there actually been a decent Streetfighter game since then?

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Street Fighter Alpha series and Street Fighter III: Third Strike are superb games.


I could never get into Street Fighter III I do love the Alpha series though, easily the best for me.


I tried playing this online today and got the snot beat out of me! I then found a guy who had 35 losses and no wins so I decided to take out my frustration on him and make it 36 :)

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I could never get into Street Fighter III I do love the Alpha series though, easily the best for me.


I tried playing this online today and got the snot beat out of me! I then found a guy who had 35 losses and no wins so I decided to take out my frustration on him and make it 36 :)


are you creating your own match? Whenever i try quick match it never connects with anyone..

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:eek: Nooooooooo


Sorry to hear that matey!


It's annoying but Sony are sending a new one on Thursday so it isn't that bad. The problem is I have that gnawing wondering in my mind about it happening again.


I think I'm jinxed though. Like Mr Burns, electronics just break to prolonged exposure to me. *typed on a MacBook with three massive cracks knifing across the screen.*

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I'm in the exact same boat. Has there actually been a decent Streetfighter game since then?


Bard NEVER shuts up about SFIII: Third Strike, so i assume there's at least one good Street Fighter game since 2


It's annoying but Sony are sending a new one on Thursday so it isn't that bad. The problem is I have that gnawing wondering in my mind about it happening again.


I think I'm jinxed though. Like Mr Burns, electronics just break to prolonged exposure to me. *typed on a MacBook with three massive cracks knifing across the screen.*


Well thats good :)


I think i'm cursed this month tbh, first my iPod Touch was robbed, then my bro's bike's wheels got robbed whilst i was using it, then this whole 360/SCIV/Controller/Monitor combo. That's the best part of £500 gone to replace that lot :hmm:

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mmm played some rank matches last night and I not too sure about this game. Defensive play is near enough impossible. Using someone like Taki is difficult man. Too many people play with Siegfried or Klick and just do the same move through the whole fight.

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mmm played some rank matches last night and I not too sure about this game. Defensive play is near enough impossible. Using someone like Taki is difficult man. Too many people play with Siegfried or Klick and just do the same move through the whole fight.


Yeah, that seems to be the case. I will be playing ranked until I get to level 20 for the achievement then I will switch back to player matches as its more relaxed and fun.


I was on til 1am playing the Tower of Souls and managed to get to the mid 40 range. I fired up the decending Tower this morning and got to stage 24 which I was happy with :)

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Street Fighter Alpha series and Street Fighter III: Third Strike are superb games.


I know I was kinda joking, actually thinking of picking up the PSP one which ever that is...


Hows people finding this after a weekends full play then? Hows the balancing issues feel? I have decided will buy this in a couple of weeks for PS3 when I get paid.

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My 360 just died! And guess what? It took SCIV with it! YAYNESS!


Was so pissed off i through my 360 controller across the room, it hit my PC monitor, put a dent in the screen and the 360 controller died. All in all a good £200 worth of damage. Oh joy!


I think i'll just give up on gaming, the Wii is dull, the 360 is an unreliable piece of junk and i'm really not all that fussed by the PS3 right now. PC gaming is still great, but i only really play online and my net connection has gone to shit (along with the dent in the monitor and the lack of a headset due to 360 controller die-age)


Gonna go pop some perscription strength pills for this damned headache i've had for the past 3 days and go to bed i think....


MY 360 LIVES!!!!!! :yay:


I've fixed the drive problem (invalidated my warranty doing so, but meh), tested it out on my broken Gears disk (which DREs in the menus) and it boots that game so i think everything is ok now. Just need to pluck up the courage to pop in a working game!


Off to town in a bit to see what Gamestation can do about fixing my Soul Calibur disk, fingers crossed :indeed: Then i just need the screwdrivers that open the 360 controller and *hopefully* i can fix that too!


I know I was kinda joking, actually thinking of picking up the PSP one which ever that is...


Hows people finding this after a weekends full play then? Hows the balancing issues feel? I have decided will buy this in a couple of weeks for PS3 when I get paid.


Blocking seems to have gone out the window, it's not very responsive. Some characters (Talim, for example) have been nerfed to the point of being useless and others (like Lizardman) are incredibly cheap. I hate the way Lizardman can crawl along the ground, his attacks are quite powerful when he's like that, and he's far more difficult to hit!


Basically it's not a patch on SCII and never will be. Hopefully patches will improve things though.

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Played it last night. While I don't think that it's too bad, it doesn't feel as good as SC I and SC II.


Having said that, it is a game I'll continue playing for the near future, and one I'll probably go back to playing when I get bored one night.

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Hey Hero, how come you ain't on my friends list anymore? Was thinking today that i'd like to play you at this, looked to see if you were online and you ain't there.


OK if i re-add you?


One thing i've noticed about the online: most of the players are shit and spam one move constantly. Get a good combo in and they're finished, it's only an issue when the spam move is unblockable :(


Then there's the people that kick-spam in order to win by ring-out. How i really, really hate them! The number of fights where i've had someone within the last inch of their life just to get thrown out of the arena is unreal!

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Guest Jordan

Gotten super addicted to this game now...

Finished the story with all characters (inc bonus lot) apart from 2 of them.


Then i'm going to get some of the rest of the easy achievements, then due a stupidly powerful character to try clear the rest of the tower.

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OK if i re-add you?


Yup feel free to do so.


Tower of Souls is a walkthrough if you use Astaroth with Drain HP A and Soul Edge. You can pretty much spam his diagonal down back and X ( hold ) move followed by the Y button. Its how I got my score achievement in arcade aswell :)


The hardest achievement in the game looks to be the 10,000 meters one. I have done just about everything in the game and I have only walked 4,800 meters!

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I'm still trying to perform a Critical Finish, but I'm definitely messing up somewhere.


The enemy's soul gauge flashes red, that's when to do it (Just press LB). But I'm certain I'm missing something out, and I'm thinking that because it's not happening...:wtf:


I hope it's something simple. It should be, because I'm a retard. :heh:

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