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Formula 1 2007


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I definetly think there is under-cover racism towards him going on at certain areas in this nation. People wont own up to it obviously, but I definetly think if Hamilton was a white driver he would see alot more support.

I hate people who cry 'racist' at every opportunity but in this case it's true. All these people who slag off Lewis are closet racists, no doubt about it.


There, I've said it. Flame me if you want.

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I don't think anybody's racist. I can't help but feel some are being a tad snobbish though. The influx of boisterous, unwashed sports-fans to F1 following Hamilton's stellar entrance seems to have been a bit of a shock to those traditional buffs, encumbered behind their tyre guides and past-season annuals.

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hobb is right about the racist thing if he was indeed white there would not be as much hate for him


i want him to win....to say the only person to win a season in there first year is BRITISH would be great.


what i hate is when people suddenly start watching when a british guy is doing well. I dont think those people are true racing fans

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I don't understand all this hate for Hamilton either! why the hate people? he is a great young British driver we should be supporting him. Well I am. I don't get why some of you want him to fail so much? I don't think there is anything racist in it, just strange why you would want someone to fail especially a Brit who is actually doing well in the sport for once.

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I absolutly hate the notion that because somebody is the same nationality as me I should support them. If anything that stinks of racism to me.


Although as ive said many times in this thread its not hamilton per se I have a problem with, although I think Ron Dennis is a massive cuntbag but thats a different matter. It's the whole ITV wankfest we have to sit through every weekend when we sit down to watch a race that I have a problem with. I cant actualy watch the the pre race build up anymore and any time James Allen opens him mouth I cant help but cringe.

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People aren't being racist if they don't support Hamilton. People say "he would get mroe support if he was a white man", but if he was white, would anyone call it racism when he doesn't get the support? It's BS.


People, like us in this thread, don't support Hamilton because we are pissed off with the ITV coverage of him. I'd love him to win, to be the first ever rookie to win the championship, but then we'd never hear the ****ing end of it from the British media. See: 1966, 2003, and whatever year the fucking Ashes were.

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While were about, lets get rid of the Olympics. And the world cup. I know when they roll around I always support Cameroon. I hate the fact the John Motson always insists on talking about England. Who wants to hear about England anyway? I could just skip the pre-match show but I'm a masochist.

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I'd be happy for Hamilton to win if James Allen wasnt his number one fan tbh. Got nothing to do with his skin colour. Pretty much the same reason I dont like Coultard because Martin Brundle loves him.


I don't think you should hate someone or wish bad luck upon them just because someone else likes them. It's a stupid reason. It's like not supporting the england football team solely because they are hyped up before every tournament, or Ian Wright likes them, or something stupid like that. You should have your own reasons and opinions, not solely based on if a commentator likes them or not.


Surely you can apprecciate how good Hamilton actually is and that it is good for the sport for a newbie to come in and disrupt theexperienced drivers?

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Seriously WTF!!


Just because Hamiltons British everyone has to support him all of a sudden! I hate this attitude!!

I've supported Raikkonen for 6 years now, you think I'm gonna drop that all of a sudden because Hamilton's on the scene, then think again.

It doesn't really translate to football, but I doubt alot of you actually support your home team. You might like to watch them play, but should they actually start beating the team you support I doubt you take well to it!

Sure I can appreciate Hamiltons talent, as I've said countless times!


I think alot of people are just mis-interpreting it because it's Hamiltons first year in F1!

It's not specifically the fact that it's Hamilton, it's that he's leading the championship! But because it's his first year it looks like he's being given a hard time!

If Alonso had been winning the championship and he had just retired from the Grand Prix I'd be acting the exact same way!


Have to say though, I just can't stand all the ITV coverage Hamilton gets and it will only get worse for next year! Certainly hasn't made me warm to the guy!

Also can't stand any fans that are new to F1 specifically because of Hamilton, who now feel they have the right to tell me I should support him and am a Racist if I don't! PLEASE!!

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It doesn't really translate to football, but I doubt alot of you actually support your home team.


That's down to personal opinion. I've always supported British drivers, I'd love to see them succeed. I also have favourite drivers, eg. M. Schumacher.


I don't think it's bad that people aren't supporting him. However, it's all the anti-Hamilton posts that make me question some people here.

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Seriously WTF!!


Just because Hamiltons British everyone has to support him all of a sudden! I hate this attitude!!

I've supported Raikkonen for 6 years now, you think I'm gonna drop that all of a sudden because Hamilton's on the scene, then think again.

It doesn't really translate to football, but I doubt alot of you actually support your home team. You might like to watch them play, but should they actually start beating the team you support I doubt you take well to it!

Sure I can appreciate Hamiltons talent, as I've said countless times!


I think alot of people are just mis-interpreting it because it's Hamiltons first year in F1!

It's not specifically the fact that it's Hamilton, it's that he's leading the championship! But because it's his first year it looks like he's being given a hard time!

If Alonso had been winning the championship and he had just retired from the Grand Prix I'd be acting the exact same way!


Have to say though, I just can't stand all the ITV coverage Hamilton gets and it will only get worse for next year! Certainly hasn't made me warm to the guy!

Also can't stand any fans that are new to F1 specifically because of Hamilton, who now feel they have the right to tell me I should support him and am a Racist if I don't! PLEASE!!


Fair enough if you've supported Raikonnen for six years, but lots of people seem to hate him just because of him being british and that ITV love him.

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Fair enough if you've supported Raikonnen for six years, but lots of people seem to hate him just because of him being british and that ITV love him.
I don't think anyone [on here atleast] hates him! and especially not because he's British!


But it's certainly true that ITV have ruined their F1 coverage this year by dedicating all their time to Hamilton!

Not even Antony Davidson [british driver making his debut race year] got a decent feature in any show that I can remember! let alone the other 20 racers out there!


McLaren were crazy today! Check out just how bad the tyres were!



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there is no reason at all to be forced to support a specific driver.


i for one have ALWAYS followed Michael Shumacher for christknows how long and was very sad to hear him go last year.


it does make me laugh how pretty much everything boils down to racism now adays tho, its racist to not support a british driver if your british now? LOL

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I think it's going to be Hamilton or Alonso. Raikonnen is good enough, more then good enough, but I get the impression Hamilton and Alonso want it just so much more. Some may despair at some of their dirty play, but if you want to win you have to play dirty. I'm talking pig sex dirty here. And I don't use that as simile, I really mean you'll have sex with an actual pig if it helps you. Senna did it, Michael Schumacher did it and Alonso and Hamilton are doing it now. Play dirty that is, not have actual sex with a pig. Not as far as I know of anyway.


Hill versus Schumacher is a good case in point. Was Hill good enough to beat Schumacher? Yes, easily good enough - he once overtook him in a Arrows (the Super Aguri of their day) to take the lead at Hungary 97. But Schumacher always had the edge because he was willing to stretch it just that little bit further when it mattered. That, is what makes great drivers. Pig sex and all.

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Hamilton I think has been pretty edgy in the traditional F1 context, and it is also part of why he's such a breath of fresh air. He's less of a team player and more of an old fashioned racer. Get in his way and it won't matter who you're driving for, he'll cheerfully rip your wheels off without a second glance. Very Senna-esque in my view.


As for Brazil, I think Alonso's experience will make up the points difference, and I think he's learned not to underestimate Hamilton. In a straight fight I think Hamilton can still out-punch him though.

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i hope for the love of god that he wins the championship, i am sick of this season already (alonso whining like a bitch, ferrari whining like a bitch also), if he doesnt win i may just snap and kill someone because i am not wasting all that time on a cry-baby spaniard(no offence to the spanish people i just dont like this perticular one)

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Why are some people hating this season? This the most exciting season we've had in well over a decade. All this "whining" and foul play is nothing new to F1 and is nothing that every other sport doesn't deal with every day. It just seems all over the place because there's so much interest and so much at stake.

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Why are some people hating this season? This the most exciting season we've had in well over a decade. All this "whining" and foul play is nothing new to F1 and is nothing that every other sport doesn't deal with every day. It just seems all over the place because there's so much interest and so much at stake.


I agree. On track at least, it's been a simply awesome season.

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