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Hmm, over the past few weeks I've been getting annoyed with myself for not telling people (well, friends) that I'm not straight, but bi. I know they don't have to know, but by not telling them, it makes it seem like I'm ashamed or whatever, which I'm not. I think that the longer I leave it, the worse it'll be when someone finds out. Im also worried that if I do tell a few people, I'll either lose some as friends, or I'll get trated differently etc etc.


/moan over.:yay:

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Hmm, over the past few weeks I've been getting annoyed with myself for not telling people (well, friends) that I'm not straight, but bi. I know they don't have to know, but by not telling them, it makes it seem like I'm ashamed or whatever, which I'm not. I think that the longer I leave it, the worse it'll be when someone finds out. Im also worried that if I do tell a few people, I'll either lose some as friends, or I'll get trated differently etc etc.


/moan over.:yay:


The people I have told, mainly girls at stagecoach, were all fine with it, and yeah they treat me differently, but in a good way, because they are more open with me I suppose.


But I guess it's differently if your bi....


Crap, guess I'm no use XD

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The people I have told, mainly girls at stagecoach, were all fine with it, and yeah they treat me differently, but in a good way, because they are more open with me I suppose.


But I guess it's differently if your bi....


Crap, guess I'm no use XD


lol!:) Hmm, well except for a couple, most my closer mates are guys so thats why I'm unsure whether to actually say anything. If most my mates were girls, I wouldn't have a problem. Damn it.

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Do you know anyone who have came out to your mates? If so how did they react?



Have you told anyone? Like any close mates?


Nope, None of my group of friends are gay/bi (As far as I know, the two that were, left before 6th form and they weren't in the same group of friends) so no-ones ever said anything like that to them. No-one knows I'm bi, none of my closer mates. This is why I'm worried about saying something, I have no idea how some will react.

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For me st8 male mates took it just as well as the girls. it just didn't bother them, plus I think they had a fair idea anyway.


I was really lucky when I came out not one bad reaction. My mam was a little upset my dad just didn't care.


Has anyone else found that the mothers seem to take "coming out" the worst? I know a few people who've said this.


As for getting some "action" over new year I'm going to st8 bars this year, but thats not stopped me pulling "st8" lads in the past! :heh:



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Nope, None of my group of friends are gay/bi (As far as I know, the two that were, left before 6th form and they weren't in the same group of friends) so no-ones ever said anything like that to them. No-one knows I'm bi, none of my closer mates. This is why I'm worried about saying something, I have no idea how some will react.





I have told a few guys, but the close guys I have told 1 of them is out as gay, and another 2 I suspect to be gay...



Errrm the straight guys are all fine with it aswell.



Btw none of these go to my school, I wouldn't dare come out at my school because of various reasons...(chavsrus)

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For me st8 male mates took it just as well as the girls. it just didn't bother them, plus I think they had a fair idea anyway.


I was really lucky when I came out not one bad reaction. My mam was a little upset my dad just didn't care.


Has anyone else found that the mothers seem to take "coming out" the worst? I know a few people who've said this.


As for getting some "action" over new year I'm going to st8 bars this year, but thats not stopped me pulling "st8" lads in the past! :heh:




Mine was fine. "Worse" was my grandad simply because he keeps asking if im okay and always tells me to take care and stuff. Its like yes thanks, im dandy. (Although to be fair, he likes me best as he has no bio-children/grandchildren but I was born the same day because im awesome).


Id imagine if my other set of grandparents found out then it would have been a different story.

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Yeah, my mum took it the worst.


Yes that is preciously the reason I would never tell my parents....actually i tried but they brushed it off as nothing as if I was just having a bad day or something





I have told a few guys, but the close guys I have told 1 of them is out as gay, and another 2 I suspect to be gay...



Errrm the straight guys are all fine with it aswell.



Btw none of these go to my school, I wouldn't dare come out at my school because of various reasons...(chavsrus)

i came out at my old school and it was an all boys school:)

Depends on how well you think people like you . If you are a asshole(and i'm not saying you are) they may use it against you.

That's how I feel anyway. You're too young though wait until maybe your second last year or something.


Haven't seen you post for ages :| Where have you been? =]




Maybe not as active as i once was... But i still got my average of

10.(something or other) posts a day:)

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Yes that is preciously the reason I would never tell my parents....actually i tried but they brushed it off as nothing as if I was just having a bad day or something



i came out at my old school and it was an all boys school:)

Depends on how well you think people like you . If you are a asshole(and i'm not saying you are) they may use it against you.

That's how I feel anyway. You're too young though wait until maybe your second last year or something.




Maybe not as active as i once was... But i still got my average of

10.(something or other) posts a day:)


Well, my old school shut down, so I have had to move to this other school where I hardly know people.


In my old school I was very well liked, we were all pretty tight as we were a small year, so that was great but still wouldn't tell anyone there.


But now in my new school, I only know my classmates and it's abit meh, so thats fucked things up really...XD



And I am in my second last year (year ten)..

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Well, my old school shut down, so I have had to move to this other school where I hardly know people.


In my old school I was very well liked, we were all pretty tight as we were a small year, so that was great but still wouldn't tell anyone there.


But now in my new school, I only know my classmates and it's abit meh, so thats fucked things up really...XD



And I am in my second last year (year ten)..


It's really not of a big deal as you say it is.. Well you see I never really gave a crap about what people thought of me anyway..Just be proud of what you are.....Are you sure by the way anyway? I Don't think it's easy to go back. My friends tried to get me into girls for a while... even went out with one for a little while.....but i just never took to it.


If you are sure.. and I think you are then I suggest going for it. I don't know your friends though. It's a shame about the moving school that doesn't help I suppose. I've never regretted coming out.

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yeah I'm pretty damn sure XD


I just don't think I need to tbh, I have people to talk to sboutvit so its fine =]


well that's good you really need to talk to people.....well that's my opinion anyway.. i don't think you can bottle it up.. i tried for 6 yearsish...I would have gotten away with it too if it wern't for those meddling kids(my friends) wondering why I didn't go out with them much ..

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well that's good you really need to talk to people.....well that's my opinion anyway.. i don't think you can bottle it up.. i tried for 6 yearsish...I would have gotten away with it too if it wern't for those meddling kids(my friends) wondering why I didn't go out with them much ..




sorry, this stupid iPod keypad -_-


yeah its been slot easier since I have had people to talk to about it. They are done though, cuz they are so understanding and helpful =]

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Last night is not one I want to remember, the one time in ages I allow myself to get drunk, I go and mess around with a mates ex(just) girlfriend. I really don't know what to do, I mean, if he finds out he'll kill me. She said she won't say anything because she knows he'd go mental, but I don't know if she will or not. This is why I don't drink often, I hate it when stuff like this happens.

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I never find I lose control when I drink...unless I pass out obviously.


Sounds like a crappy situation but, like you said, you were drunk so at least there wasn't intention. Sorry for the absolute and complete lack of help.


I unfortunatly do sometimes, which is why I don't usually allow myself to drink that much. But I thought seeing as it's christmas and the like, what the hell.:heh: If he does find out I'll just have to explain that I was drunk and like you said, there wasn't any intention. Hopefully he'll take it okay.


Frick on a Stick with a Brick.

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