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Crysis Coming To Wii?


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Apparently so, according to a so-called "leaked image" from a Pre-Alpha version.




We have no idea of the authenticity of this image, but if it is to be believed, then it seems Crysis is coming to the Wii, if not all 3 next-gen consoles. As you can see from the image, the graphics are looking pretty impressive, although why Crytek would choose to put the game on the Wii first, is beyond us. Rumor mill for sure.


Source: Gamersreports.

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It's a mistake by 1up - the banner at the top left was added by them for their video podcast



Bringing Crysis to Wii makes no sense whatsoever - this game is only and only about the mindblowing visuals.


The developers have stated interest in the Wii, explained that with effort the PS2 can still do great visuals, and said that they are not sure if they will bring Crysis to other platforms.

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The developers have stated interest in the Wii, explained that with effort the PS2 can still do great visuals, and said that they are not sure if they will bring Crysis to other platforms.
Were they talking about Crysis? Didn't know that... I think that a Crysis without the wind blowing the trees, the photorealisic island and cinematic surround sound will kind of miss the point of what the game is really about. Let's wait and see though :smile:
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Game Informer September 2006, Crytek Interview:


GI: It’s assumed that if you do console development it’ll be on the most powerful systems – Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think of Wii?


Yerli: I love the Wii (laughs). When I was at E3 and playtested it, I loved it. I thought about how we could do games for this platform and what kind of games they would be, and what kind of shooters we could do on it, and work it to our own needs here. Yes we’ve had some thoughts, but Crysis is not part of the plan at this stage, but that may change. We are a company that takes one step at a time, and once we achieve the goal that we want to achieve then we take the next step and see what the next platform we go with next. We did not decide if we’ll do PS3 at all. We have all of the development kits, and we have research going on. We have the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, we work as researchers and test them, essentially. We have parts of these systems running because there is going to be console development in our company, but if it’s going to be Crysis or not is a step ahead of us. Because if we go to fast we sacrifice quality on PC, and I want to make sure it’s the best PC shooter we can do. With our company our goal is to make it the best shooter of all time. Once we achieve that, our achievement is we do our best and that’s it. Whether we do it our not is to be determined. Once we are there, then we’ll take the next step.


GI: Crytek is known to have made stunningly beautiful games, and while you can sort of experience them on lesser hardware, if you have the quad-SLI setup, and three gigs of RAM and a super fast processor it’s going to look incredible. With looking at what the Wii has under the hood, does that discourage you as a developer?


Yerli: No, not at all, because I think we can make great visuals by different means. Look at the PS2. Some PS2 games still look fabulous. And there are games that are just stylized perfectly. You can achieve anything with every hardware. I think it’s a matter of artistic direction, how you use the limitations. That ultimately is the experience you want to give. The experiences in Crysis drives the art direction. The experience of the frozen environments, the experience of interactivity, then we decide how we want it to come across visually. What do we need to do, how far do we need to go? With the Nintendo Wii the approach will be similar. We have this great controller, we have the limited power of the console, How we can make a confined space or large outdoor level, whatever, how can we make the best out of the controller that’s giving the experience that we want to give? Completely fluid interactivity – how can we do that? I think it would be a completely different approach, and it deserves to be as well. So, if it our decision to make Crysis for Wii, if and I don’t want to be quoted saying we’ll do it. But if – if we would do it, it would have to be a completely optimal version, but it would be great. (laughs)

Source: http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200608/N06.0830.2058.31148.htm


Crysis isn't out yet, so they shouldn't be focusing on any console just yet, but given Wii sales results and how open-minded they were (and I like that attitude) who knows. Would be nice.

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Crysis will be on 360 and ps3 not wii.


It just wouldn't work

For the record Crytek said Crysis couldn't run as is on PS3 or X360 with the maximum quality applied. It's the top of the hill game right now, it's maximum hardware prospects are already higher than curent gen consoles.


They are the Far Cry Developers, look what they did for Xbox instead of porting a PC game, Crysis for the Consoles? I'll go on to say that it shouldn't happen anyway, not the PC Crysis, a spin off? maybe, or a all new game/franchise.


That's true for all of the consoles actually, it's more likely for them to focus on a new installment than on a straight port even if it's for PS3/X360.


I like their attitude though, and if they had that opinion last year with Wii's success it shouldn't have changed. Not saying it'll happen, but it could happen.

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It would but what would be left on the Wii would be a average shooter. Crysis is not the excalibur of 3D Shooters without its stunning visuals.
Exactly my point. Far Cry (Crytek's previous game) was pretty average if you took away the (for its time) stunning visuals. The story especially got really lame towards the end. The 'only' thing this game has going for it is something the Wii cannot offer.


Even if they'd make Crysis Wii, it wouldn't be that fantastic.

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Exactly my point. Far Cry (Crytek's previous game) was pretty average if you took away the (for its time) stunning visuals. The story especially got really lame towards the end. The 'only' thing this game has going for it is something the Wii cannot offer.


Even if they'd make Crysis Wii, it wouldn't be that fantastic.

If they did a game from ground to exploit the hardware it had some potential to be good though :)


I'd love to have them on board, liked their attitude towards hardware "if we put our hands on it we'll just have to overcome that", way better than saying they don't want or bashing it without even developing or taking a chance with the hardware; of course in the end they just didn't close any doors, but a lot of developers would close the door on Wii's face last september.

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Were they talking about Crysis?


I remember that I did read interview somewhere, where EA's representative said that home console's would get their own Crysis spin-off title. However, the representative also said that the game would be outsourced to other company, and would have nothing to do with Crytek. Pretty similar to Far Cry Instincts, I think.

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If they did a game from ground to exploit the hardware it had some potential to be good though :)


I'd love to have them on board, liked their attitude towards hardware "if we put our hands on it we'll just have to overcome that", way better than saying they don't want or bashing it without even developing or taking a chance with the hardware; of course in the end they just didn't close any doors, but a lot of developers would close the door on Wii's face last september.

Sure I'd like to see them try :smile:


Thing is though, if you see them waving plants in those videos you get the feeling that it's something the Wiimote can't compensate for; gameplay is not this game's priority.


I mean, if they're building a game from the ground up for the Wii anyway (they've got a good basis with CryENGINE) they'd might as well make a brand new game instead of making a cut-down version of Crysis - it'd just feel like a step down.

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If they did a game from ground to exploit the hardware it had some potential to be good though :)


I'd love to have them on board, liked their attitude towards hardware "if we put our hands on it we'll just have to overcome that", way better than saying they don't want or bashing it without even developing or taking a chance with the hardware; of course in the end they just didn't close any doors, but a lot of developers would close the door on Wii's face last september.



Well in my eyes pushing hardware is you have a system which you are so used to that you can do amazing things even if the hardware doesn't look like it. Crysis only looks so stunning because of the enormous hardware it demands. That is nothing special if you ask me. They don't optimize or try to take advantage of current generation hardware. They rather make a game which says "buy a new ATI/NVIDIA graphic card and a dual core CPU" not a "wow I did not expect to have such a good looking game on my old computer".

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Some games would run on Wii with an awefull framerate and detail, Crysis would make Wii blow up.
As is of course, but we're not talking about PC crysis game being ported and released for Wii; We're, I think, talking about the prospects of Critek working on Wii hardware; from the ground up.


And I'd like to see that.



Well in my eyes pushing hardware is you have a system which you are so used to that you can do amazing things even if the hardware doesn't look like it. Crysis only looks so stunning because of the enormous hardware it demands. That is nothing special if you ask me. They don't optimize or try to take advantage of current generation hardware. They rather make a game which says "buy a new ATI/NVIDIA graphic card and a dual core CPU" not a "wow I did not expect to have such a good looking game on my old computer".
True even because graphics card often sponsor them; but on consoles that works different, for example if a PS2 game has really good graphics for the system... people will compare it to other titles in the same hardware. If they're gonna make games for consoles they'll have to focus on that. And if they're willing to develop for Wii I'd like to see that; they're certainly talented and ideally they'd have to come up with something to push the system.
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As is of course, but we're not talking about PC crysis game being ported and released for Wii; We're, I think, talking about the prospects of Critek working on Wii hardware; from the ground up.


And I'd like to see that.


What would be the point, it wouldn't be crysis anymore if it was on wii

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What would be the point, it wouldn't be crysis anymore if it was on wii
Could be, it's not like the graphics would be 2D or look like N64. They could still pull great graphics out of the system.


It wouldn't be the same Crysis, that's for sure, but that doesn't imply it wouldn't be good, like they stated they really liked the controller, and didn't see the hardware as a limitation.

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They could make a slightly smaller, different version on Wii. That should not take too long, with their fancy map maker.
Hmmm... It would be harder than that if they wanted to take the best out of the system (and not just cut features until it runs), highly advised to start from scratch; so it could (and should) take time.
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