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Donkey Kong Country Series

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"Ginger spider?!!" C'mon man, I know you know that he's called Squitter. The Web Woods is one of the levels that I remembered being the longest and worst of the game. Sure its the longest, but I had totally purged levels like Toxic Tower and Castle Crush from my memory until my recent play through, grr.

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Absaloutly love DKC2! I'll be purchasing it when I can buy some more wii points from NoE. I have 500 points, so just another 300...


I always prefered DKC 1 and 3 more than two for some reason. Even though two has the amazing theme park world! I didn't really like the second world, especially the floating balloons with Rambi level - dunno why, but I just sucked at it. Though I think the game just got better and better, toxic tower was fanastic! And the final boss fight is very epic! Can't wait to play it again (try and get all the coins this time...).

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I loved the sensation of fleeing through a level, cartwheeling, rolling, jumping and swinging with almost rythmic consistency that bewildered those watching. DK2 had the least of this compared to 1 and 3 but it was all about the atmosphere for sure. Wonderful, imaginative broad strokes painted with wonderful audio which begged you for a sound test. And when you found that sound test you were lost in the atmosphere.


Wonderful game. One of my favourite games ever from an astounding series which is still one of my favourite gaming experiences as a young 'un.:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man I'm loving DKC3 at the moment. Looks pretty horrific in 480p but only because it's oh so sharp all over. However, even though it lost the moodyness of the prequels, still a fabulous game and a lovely memory. I still love the treetop levels. The music is absolutely gorgeous. :) Panflutes have never been put to better use than on the DKC trilogy. :D


These games make me realise that DK64 was drivel in comparison.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I loved the sensation of fleeing through a level, cartwheeling, rolling, jumping and swinging with almost rythmic consistency that bewildered those watching. DK2 had the least of this compared to 1 and 3 but it was all about the atmosphere for sure.


In defence of the GBA version of DKC3, a lot of the "stop & wait a bit" annoyances in the SNES version were fixed & the levels did seem to flow better.

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  • 1 month later...

I only ever owned DKC1 on the SNES and I finally got round to buying DKC2 yesterday.


I'm sorry to say I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. I think my memory of DKC being a graphical treat for the eyes was a little rose-tinted (perhaps I should have started with the original DKC to ground my expectations)!


I'll more than likely continue playing though. I'm enjoying it for sure, but not as much as I'd hoped. Someone said the Theme Park level was great, so I've got that to look forward to.


p.s. I felt pretty foolish for making it all the way to the boss on the first section without remembering you can hold down the Grab button to hold an object!

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Disappointed in you Patchy. I think its now time you bought either a PS3 or Xbox 360 to satisfy your graphical needs. Though if DKC2 doesn't do anything for you they you could be a lost cause. :hmm:


Did you know you can team the kongs up? Try pressing A and then you can throw one of em by pressing Y, priceless.

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Disappointed in you Patchy. I think its now time you bought either a PS3 or Xbox 360 to satisfy your graphical needs.


LOL! I can clearly remember being wowed when I first played DKC on the SNES. My expectations were therefore unreasonably high.


Did you know you can team the kongs up? Try pressing A and then you can throw one of em by pressing Y, priceless.


Yep, taking enemies out that way is very satisfying. By the way, do you have to play with the Classic Controller? Every other controller I tried didn't make available the 'Swap Kongs' button (Select on the Classic Kongtroller).

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Though if DKC2 doesn't do anything for you they you could be a lost cause. :hmm:


Did you know you can team the kongs up? Try pressing A and then you can throw one of em by pressing Y, priceless.


The brambles music still sends shivers down my spine. (Although the smash bros brawl version tries it's best to ruin it's simplicity).

DKC2 still stands up today as wondrous, inviting and having more 'soul' than most 2d platformers before 'and' after ever did.


I'm pleased dixie has been included in a couple more Nintendo franchises of late. Mario hoops 3on3 being one such standout. What with her, Diddy and DK it's like the closest I'll ever get to realising my DKC fettish all over again.


DKC deserves to be on everyones wish list just for the music alone :p


So yeah, when selecting your player number in the game (IE one player, two player, teams etc..) press down five times at the bottom of the screen for the sound test...Wondrous. (Press down 5 times again for cheats which you have to enter). I still listen to the music today :D

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Lol, I like to sometimes throw a Kong and leave them for dead- just go for it on me lonesome for a bit!


You know, I've never tried it with a GC controller so I can't think how it compensates for the select button. I take it you tried every button including Z? I think I played SimCity with the Wavebird before I got a Classic Controller and I hazily recall that Z may have worked in the stead of select. Try it out. ::shrug:


Tell you what, if you feel let down by how you remembered the graphics then do yourself a huge favour and don't go anywhere near the GBA conversions. It could push you over the edge.


Tapedeck knows his gaming heritage. Yeah I'm tempted to get DK Jet on the Wii simply because it harks back to the style of the DKCs. I fully agree about seeing Dixie having her renaissance, its well deserved.


I'll tell you something that gets on my goat- when people/ mags/ sites call Kiddy Kong Tiny and mix things up like that. I was flicking through the newest NOM last week and they had a bit of a DKC thing near the back... I lost even more respect for them when I saw a picture of DKC 3 and the caption mentioned Tiny Kong. Those amateurs.

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I take it you tried every button including Z?


I might have missed the Z button actually, thanks. I'll give it another go. I'd like to use the HORI pad ideally.


Tell you what, if you feel let down by how you remembered the graphics then do yourself a huge favour and don't go anywhere near the GBA conversions. It could push you over the edge.


I'll bear that in mind!

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Tell you what, if you feel let down by how you remembered the graphics then do yourself a huge favour and don't go anywhere near the GBA conversions. It could push you over the edge.


Tapedeck knows his gaming heritage. Yeah I'm tempted to get DK Jet on the Wii simply because it harks back to the style of the DKCs. I fully agree about seeing Dixie having her renaissance, its well deserved.


I'll tell you something that gets on my goat- when people/ mags/ sites call Kiddy Kong Tiny and mix things up like that. I was flicking through the newest NOM last week and they had a bit of a DKC thing near the back... I lost even more respect for them when I saw a picture of DKC 3 and the caption mentioned Tiny Kong. Those amateurs.


I was gutted when they trashed the DKC series on the GBA. I've mentioned it many times before but I'll always use those titles as a barometer as to how far Rare had fallen. I understand they 'spruced' up DKC to a lighter hue for the original GBA but with 2+3 there was no reason to change the pallete. (As the GBA SP was available). It nullified the atmosphere. I appreciated some aspects of the GBA versions such as the sreen grabs being collectables but they were lazily placed with some terribly compressed renders used. And finally I feel I HAVE to mention Rare's recent voiceovers! (Diddy Kong Racing DS as a primary example!) They have been terrible in comparison to what Robin Beanland used to crank out ever since the SNES days. I honestly think Banjo Threeie is make-or-break for Rare in the eyes of many.


I agree with your NOM issue Dark, it's like they used the N64 version of DK as gospel and then forgot all about the DKC series. Which, admittedly was far, far better. Idiots. Anyway, back to Mario Hoops...At least Square-Enix know how good Rare's character designs used to be. Sniff sniff.

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Actually, 3 looked decent. But i agree with you about all of 1 & most of 2, they looked v washed out.


I got DK Jet on the Wii and, once you get over the whole "it doesn't support bongos" thing, it's actually a v fun racing game, they've compensated by adding extra moves etc that wouldn't have been possible with the bongos limited buttons/actions. I like the scenery and the rock solid 60fps helps too.

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  • 2 months later...

Played some more of DKC2 last night. Its been one of those games I keep meaning to come back to.


I finished the lava level at last. Yay. I found the lava sword boss to be difficult because I couldn't find a way to jump across the hooks to the other side using Diddy. It was fine with Dixie, because you can do her wacky hair spin in midair to get that extra bit of required length.


Is there any way you can make the same sort of long jumps with Diddy?

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Diddy can jump slightly higher, and is faster. Ive personally not had a problem with that level, you just need to like jump off the hooks as soon as you get on them.


That's bizarre - I was sure I was holding right and jump until the moment I died, cursing merrily away.

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That's bizarre - I was sure I was holding right and jump until the moment I died, cursing merrily away.


I don't know if this is any help or not.. but I always hold Y during the whole game, practically.. including when I'm jumping across the hooks :heh: ..maybe it gives you a little extra distance on the jump?


I just have a habit of holding the run button since playing Super Mario World.. now I very rarely let go : peace:

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I don't know if this is any help or not.. but I always hold Y during the whole game, practically.. including when I'm jumping across the hooks :heh: ..maybe it gives you a little extra distance on the jump?


I just have a habit of holding the run button since playing Super Mario World.. now I very rarely let go : peace:


Same here. :)

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I don't know if this is any help or not.. but I always hold Y during the whole game, practically.. including when I'm jumping across the hooks :heh: ..maybe it gives you a little extra distance on the jump?


I think you might have cracked it. Thanks, I'll try it later.

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Yeah, give it some Y! Kleever is very beatable with Diddy, you only need Dixie if you are going to float out wide and grab the banana coins. I'd say Krocodile Kauldron is probably my least favourite world in DKC 2- I'm not a great fan of lava themed levels, but there's some good levels that await you in the next world, Krem Quay.

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