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Scientology (and me)


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I thought the way the head scientologist guy with the dark glasses continually talked down and shouted at the reporter was just childish and it was completely understandable that he finally lost it. You can't just talk over someone when they are trying to make a valid point about an interview when the Scientologists weren't even there. They seem very very shady and try to intimidate anyone who asks questions.


It's a very dangerous cult to get involved with and I sure hope noone I know ends up trapped within their ranks.


I thought the same, the reported guy seemed to be making more of a point by shouting over him, as the scientologist guy kept cutting him off and talking over him. Even so, he shouldn't have done it, but I do not blame him at all. He clearly wasn't all that raging, as he spoke quite calmly right after in asking if he understood that. He had a totally valid point too!

BBC article about the show - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6650545.stm


Some people are sort of missing the point of this thread, it was about the panorama documentary, which hopefully will surface on tinternets soon. It wasn't so much about the cult/religion itself, but about its methods, what they call 'fair game' tactics.


As early as the mid-1950s, Hubbard advocated taking a punitive line towards the perceived enemies of Scientology. In 1955, Hubbard told Scientologists that "the law can be used very easily to harass ... The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage, rather than to win - if possible, of course, ruin [the target] utterly".[1]


It is.....


It is...?


(original post now has links to documetary!)

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It's quite worrying, they turned up halfway through one of his interviews with one of their critics with a rap sheet of the interviewee's criminal convictions, which is actually what later caused him to explode.


Anyway, something my mate found of some other scientologists, being quite hostile from what I observe, to a guy who's just come along to film some stuff(being quite amicable too).

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Well yes, we weren't seriously going to incite war between them and scientology.





It's tempting, but I'm not sure everyone deserves oxygen. In fact, we should re-locate to mars and make some oxygen pumps and have exclusive control over them until one day a fella named Quaid will come along...

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It is...?


Yep, at A-Level at least; most of it is pointing out the obvious, and the rest is bullshit. The exams are "remember & write" blah blah blah.

Then a bit of it is really the missing parts of GCSE biology, and then there's a bit about evolution and also how Human Babies are born to early cos they grow too fast/our women are too small :P




Anyway....Just watched it, and:



He tells him to let the Scientologists give their points of view, but then they're suddenly not allowed to show what the scientologists had said.

If the BBC weren't quite such pussies themselves then they would have shown it (and surely wouldn't have had any fear of a lawsuit since they'd agreed to be interviewed :S)


If I were the BBC, I'd actually take out a lawsuit at Scientology for harrassment.



Yeah, matey BBC had all the right to shout at that ****; and I don't really get how Scientology can use it against him. "Do you understand?" :heh:

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I saw that documentary on BBC1. Up until that point, i felt Scientology was just one of those psuedo-religions/popular cults and was not that fussed by its existence.


Now however, after seeing this "fair game" malarky, i'm fuming. Absolutely fuming. This is NOT a religion, its a cult and a rediculous joke by its loony creator. No religion should support this harassment and intimidation of critics - Bhudism, Christianity, do not and I don't see why Scientology needs to discredit its critics in this way (everything has critics, just live with it and positively promote your organistion).


Also, any serious organisation pertaining to be a religion should not be advocating these family 'disconnects'. No religion should be of greater personal significance than family. It was heartbreaking to hear that woman on Panorama discussing her 'disconnected' daughter.

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It was awesome that Scientologist bell end who kept following him, just wouldn't shut up. I'm not surprised that the reporter blew his load [¬_¬]


I didn't realise so many famous people choked on this bullshit also. Kirsty Alley? Downhill...

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<big post>

Heh, I thought you meant as a whole as a practice like. You're right though, it's pretty rubbish at alevel(i did it as an AS before doing it now) and the worst bit was the biological stuff. It's all right if you find it all interesting which I do, but as for the common sense stuff, that's pretty much all of psychology for you :p


I saw that documentary on BBC1. Up until that point, i felt Scientology was just one of those psuedo-religions/popular cults and was not that fussed by its existence.


Now however, after seeing this "fair game" malarky, i'm fuming. Absolutely fuming. This is NOT a religion, its a cult and a rediculous joke by its loony creator. No religion should support this harassment and intimidation of critics - Bhudism, Christianity, do not and I don't see why Scientology needs to discredit its critics in this way (everything has critics, just live with it and positively promote your organistion).


Also, any serious organisation pertaining to be a religion should not be advocating these family 'disconnects'. No religion should be of greater personal significance than family. It was heartbreaking to hear that woman on Panorama discussing her 'disconnected' daughter.

Exactly, I cannot believe how they've achieved status as a 'religion' in some places. It's a total cult, what sort of religion is so secretive? Requires money to 'advance' within it? It's absolutely ridiculous, and their 'fair game' techniques are terrible. The way they collect and hold information about people, make stuff up, they're like a secret intelligence agency or something, and it's quite worrying. I seriously hope this 'religion' is non existant or as close as in 30 years time. I hope no one I know gets into it, cos it's some worrying stuff. I been reading and watching alot of the stuff on xenutv.com and although it's a biased site, it doesn't help scientology at all. The videos speak for themselves, and they aren't fake. Scientology needs to get a grip, or fuck off.

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