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Although he appears to be lacking a neck. Is he on steroids?


No - he's meant to be a big-headed, poser-type character, but he is wholesome and wouldn't take steroids. Actually, I deliberately don't describe the pictures first, because I'm interested to see what people take from them without me saying anything. I'm glad you pointed out he looks like he's on steroids, because I definitely don't want to encourage that, so I'll think about the neck more carefully next time.


His lack of a n ck really hurts the figure. A neck, or an indication of one, can give the feeling of tension and muscle structure etc. And floating heads are a bad thing to have in general.


It's funny, I never know what you guys are going to say. I always predict the wrong thing (I thought people would dislike the trousers, crate or abdomen), but then you point out something I didn't notice. I'm going to check the original drawing now to see if I drew the neck in pencil and forgot to ink it (probably not, but it's got my interest now).

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I wasn't suggesting he looked like someone who does take steroids, but theres a certain association (to me at least) that steroids leads to crazy muscles and necklessness is part of that (to me...)


I actually like the crate. There's a certain Acme quality to the name. Although now that you mention it, I think the very left edge needs to be squished a bit. It seems wider then everything on the right.

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It looks nice Grazza. =)

But indeed like had been pointed out, the lack of a neck makes his head look like it's just been stuck on his body. Apart from that it looks nice!


I did two quick drawings this week to compare two styles or something (plus so I'd have -something- to show my jury). First is just a normal pencil sketch coloured in photoshop, second one is a linocut (also quickly coloured in photoshop).






I think I kinda like the linocut style, makes things look a bit more... robust or something? Though I think I need to find a medium in which I can recreate this style so I don't have to cut up my fingers any more. =P

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It looks like Grimace raping a dog...


(not a judgement of artistic merit, but rather an interpretation)


Haha I can definitely see that now.


I did a new pic, hope you like it:



I think that his stomach area needs to be a bit wider, he looks too thin for the amount of muscle he has. (I assume you're going for more of an athletic body rather than brick shit house?)

Edited by MoogleViper
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I think that his stomach area needs to be a bit wider, he looks too thin for the amount of muscle he has. (I assume you're going for more of an athletic body rather than brick shit house?)


Yeah, you're right, thanks. He is actually meant to be more "big" than just athletic, as he's not my main character (who is meant to be perfectly balanced and athletic). I'll bulk him up next time.

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Working toward a portfolio. Some feedback would be nice. I know they're not brilliant but if people could point out stuff now...well it would help to catch things now yes?



(crim face)


(unintentionally Animeish eyes)






(bloody thing wouldn't stay still :p)




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In the human ones, the proportions.


You should measure out the figure you are drawing. With a life model, just measure in "heads" (i.e, stick out your arm, remaining in the position you're standing/sitting in mostly and use your pencil and your thumb to guage the length of the head. Then count how many "heads" make up the body. (Obviously harder for lying down people, doesnt have to be heads) So if it was 6 heads, you'd put 6 light marks on your page (equidistant from each other, but at a larger scale than the pencil measurements obviously), and so you have a rough idea of where things should go.


This same applies with small areas, like the face. Measure in noses or similar, and then you can almost roughly grid the size of things and where they should go.


Save detail for last, block in bold tones first (after the measuring, which can take a while). Always have a rubber, and don't be afraid to use it. Seeing the "wrong" marks behind the final one adds depth and nice backing tone, history of the mark etc.


Squinting your eyes helps to work out what the darkest/lightest tones really are.


Also, trying to get the whole thing to unite as a whole. In the bottom one, the woman's features aren't united with her head or hair, they're fine and dark, compared. Some tone would be needed and darker lines in the hair, or lighter features, so it's modulated.

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As Paj said, proportions need more work. The pencil technique is a good one to use for real life drawings, though you can also use it for photos (though like I said before, life drawing is always better).


Right now you seem to be focusing a lot on putting in "colour" in the drawings. You should try to focus on the shapes first (you did it with the little hamster sketches). Try to do some line drawings first, focusing on proportions and shapes. You can use different pencils (try using some softer ones too (2B-9B)) to get more variety in your lines; try thick and thin lines.


Once you get the shapes and lines right, you can start working on shading and more detailing. But I think right now you need to work on your drawing technique a bit. Also, try using charcoal as well, I find it more fun to work with for life drawings.


Here's some links to other people's galleries with life drawings. Don't feel discouraged by what they make, but try and get some inspiration from there. I find that looking at other people's art makes me realise what I could do better myself. =)






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Cheers my amigos from strange far off lands :)


Mhm I'm working on proportions. I just find the whole head thing...irritating. For no rational reason, unless a preference from going all in at once is rational. Who knows.


I know faces is something I really need to work on but I'm kind of bored of my own :heh:


I have been using different pencils (4H-4B as thats all I have at present) although I suppose I get stuck in a rut of using some old faithfuls. I'm really not sure how much detail this course wants in terms of...detail. I should probably just do some more line drawings to improve things but they feel, in a way, a waste of time (because time is of an essence). Because the life drawing class I'm doing is (or at least can) focus primarily on line drawings. And is with charcoal, as much as I dislike it (mostly 'cause its so bloody messy!)


Cheers for the links Eenuh :)

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You'll learn to love charcoal*. When I first had to use it in life drawing I hated. Mess angered me. But then it's actually a very good medium to work in with life drawings (imo), once you get used to it.


Beware of things becoming "outlines" too.




*Not a fact.

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I think he means that you don't just have to draw simple, thin lines, as it will make your drawing look flat. Like with the hamster outlines, they're basically just a collection of lines that all have the same weight (they all have the same thickness and darkness).


By putting variety in your lines your drawing will be more dynamic and show more life. Like these, they're basically line drawings but they still look interesting.




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Ah I see, cheers :)


With the hamster stuff in particular I was just trying to get an understanding of movement and poses and stuff. I intend to (at some point) make a model in Maya. As I said, the little menace never sits still.


Just done a few imitations of that sort of stuff. To get into the mindset/research-through-doing (plus its late and I have no nude model to hand...) kinda understanding. Hopefully practice will help anyway.

Edited by Ashley
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Nice shading, Ashley, and they feel soulful. Love the cat. I can't really give any advice, as I'm terrible at drawing from observation (no jokes about being terrible in general, please! ;)) Are any of them drawn from pictures, or are they all real life?

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The two girls are (the second being someone from Girls Aloud, she was on the front of the Metro a while ago). The hamsters were a combination of life and photos.


Thanks :)


Done some new stuff since posting this/reading your comments yesterday. General note: the sketchbook I used was...whats the opposite of spiral bound? So it was akward to scan some of it, and the scanner blurs at the edges.









Obviously I know they're not perfect (such as 3's hips and 5's monkey face) but improvement? Yes? No? The last two are copies of other drawings I found in Eenuh's links. The very last one was quite a vague picture, which means there wasn't much detail which is kinda how her hand ended up looking like a claw...


And some more fun stuff;





Don't have to comment on those, but thought I'd share.

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(3D) Character Animation. http://www.csm.arts.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/character-animation.htm (although at this very second that link doesn't appear to be working...but I'm sure its just me/this moment)


(p.s. people new stuff on the last page. Feedback would be greatly appreciated :D)

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