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Baten Kaitos Origins Official Thread


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Give me a few mins I will go check


EDIT: Yup it works and the intro movie is shoddy as hell.


Shoddy? Cos of being freeloaded? Or is it a half baked game?


Dude, I havent got a Playstation :horse: thus Im not overly bothered by your Kingdom Hearts escapades. Though I have Chain of Memories and I wish the others were on a Nintendo machine because I think its class mixing all the Disney stuff into a game. Well, Im only really worried about what kind of Nightmare Before Christmas stages they can put into em. Anyway thats all beside the point, I do have a Cube and I do have the other Baten Kaitos game... ergo, I want to read about what else you have to say about Origins!


Play it! Post us up your views! :indeed:

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The intro sucks due to Namco not the Freeloader.


Like I said before Im not playing it until someone comes up with a guide for the game as I dont like missing things in RPGs. Even if I didnt have Kingdom Hearts I still wouldnt be playing it.


Just play it through a 2nd time round and get the stuff then, guides take the fu out of games.

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Just play it through a 2nd time round and get the stuff then, guides take the fu out of games.


I usually do with most games except RPGs as they always take like 60+ hours to play and I have many a game to get through. Saying that with me maybe selling my 360 it should free up some spare time for my Cube, well until the Wii arrives at least.

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You're selling your 360 Hero? How come? You were buying so many games for it...it's hard to believe...


I do enjoy the 360 but there arent many games coming out that interest me. Im also trying to cut back on how many games I buy and I dont want to get sucked into getting all 3 consoles in this next gen so I figure I maybe will just get and support the Wii.


I dunno if its a phase im going through or what but I just cant be bothered with gaming at all at the moment, hell im even thinking of getting rid of my DS and 20+ games. Time will tell I suppose.

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I dunno if its a phase im going through or what but I just cant be bothered with gaming at all at the moment, hell im even thinking of getting rid of my DS and 20+ games. Time will tell I suppose.

I know the feeling, I really do. It usually comes after a time when you've been gaming loads, so that's probably why.

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Very True.


I remember Shigsy ( it may have be Iwata ) saying ages ago that games take far too long to start these days and its true. The past few games I have played have really dragged at the beginning and takes ages to get into them. To be fair it may have just been the frame of mind Im in at the moment but I still think the guy has a point.

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Yes, indeed. I was trying to play Fable to xbox but I get easily bored. I don't know. I just have played so many games and I want something new. Something that it seems different. For example, I'm waiting for the Zelda to Wii. I believe that this game will be totally different among the others. Then, we will forget Fable, Shadow of Colossus, etc.


Nintendo is trying to enhance the games with originality, not only with graphics.

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I know the feeling, I really do. It usually comes after a time when you've been gaming loads, so that's probably why.


Yeh I found out I didn't play as much when I was around 15. But I found out it was just not being in the mood at the time. Now whilst I do probably play games atleast once a week, I'll find i'll play games for long spans at once and then not do at others. I blame the internet partly but its just me getting older aswell and not having as much time I suppose.

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Is there anything new known if it will come out in Europe too or not and if it will come out --> when?

Because if I buy the US-Version it would be the only game where I would need freeloader (a bit stupid) and also I don't know if freeloader will work with Wii (would like to only use Wii afterwards and give away Gamecube), maybe a new version but probably not from the beginning...

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I posted this also to NTSC-UK under nick "elkatas".


noticed that there isn't first play thread for this game, so I decided to create one. Baten Kaitos: Origins prequel for first Baten Kaitos, RPG game with card based combat system that you either loved or hated. Main gripe that most players had with first Baten Kaitos was the combat system. Baten Kaitos: Origins hasn't discarded predecessor's card based combat system, but the system has got major revamp.


The most important change in the system is that every character in your group uses same deck. Basic attack cards are same for everyone, but special attacks are character specific. You can play another combat card on the top of last one so long as it has higher number that card that was played before it. Instead of attacking, each character can use single healing or status card. Different armor cards are also there, but they are always valued with 0 and can be played only on the start of the combo. By my experience, this really weakens their effectiveness.


Another major change in combat mechanics is that you can discard more than one card from your hand in single round. How many cards you can keep in your hand and discard during your turn is based on party's current deck level, that steadily raises as you collect technical points from defeated enemies. Progession is quite fast, and after playing game for nine hours, I can discard three cards per each character's turn. This makes game less luck and more deck building based than its predecessor, as you can relatively quickly shuffle around deck and get cards you need.


Graphically Baten Kaitos: Origins doesn't really differ from its predecessor with its beautifully handdrawn backgrounds. As game is marketed as a sequel for the first game, you will visit many places from first game, but each background has at least some minor changes if compared to first Baten Kaitos. Music is little worse than in first Baten Kaitos and remind more of Motoi Sakuraba's Tales works. On the positive side, voice acting is much better now. It isn't great by any means, but not bad either (in first game, you just wanted to switch voice acting off so soon as it was possible).


As I said before, I have played game now for nine hours and thematically it follows your standard JRPG conventions. You only have three characters in the game, so interaction between characters is bit better than in most JRPGs. Before I understood to manage my decks, combat did take very long time to resolve, and I was also forced to grind levels to beat certain bosses. But after I started to pay more attention to deck building and use discard button more actively, combat has gone way more quicker than before.


In overall, so far Baten Kaitos: Origins has been fun little JRPG with fresh combat system. But from what I have heard from other players, game will get better more farther you play and there will be some serious WTF plot twists, like the case was with first Baten Kaitos.

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You started it yet Teppo?


Yup, in the beginning of second disc (22 hours on the clock). And boy, they weren't kidding when they said it would be tough boss battle. It's nearly criminial to put boss like this to the game. *bleep* *bleep* chicken. *bleep*. Those optional bosses that I mentioned are also *bleep* hard to kill. Otherwise it has been fun ride so far. :)

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Finished the game. Beated all four optional bosses, 45 hours in the clock. Found only about 20 percent of all possible cards, and didn't finish many subquests (my list had sixteen unfinished subquests). My total playing time is probably closer to 60 hours, as I spent lots of time trying to beat some more annoying bosses (like the boss in the beginning of second disc).

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Finished the game. Beated all four optional bosses, 45 hours in the clock. Found only about 20 percent of all possible cards, and didn't finish many subquests (my list had sixteen unfinished subquests). My total playing time is probably closer to 60 hours, as I spent lots of time trying to beat some more annoying bosses (like the boss in the beginning of second disc).
Give me your rating for this game then :p from 1 to 10. (you can use dots, like 8.7)


Did you find it better than Baten Kaitos 1? and is the story good? (no spoilers please)



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Did you find it better than Baten Kaitos 1? and is the story good? (no spoilers please)


Better? I dunno. Revised battlesystem was major improvement over old one, but I think that they made game little too hard. Some bosses required much more grinding than I was ever forced to do in BK, and felt just annoying. Though I had never problems with new system, I'm suspecting that it is probably too hectic for some players.


But what about plot? Plotwise BK:O is pretty much in same league as first BK, and you just need to admire Monolith Soft's skill to make plot-twists that are both unexcepted and believable. But I had some issues with the ending, which I felt to be both rushed up and bland. It didn't really help either that Geldoblame's rise into power was also really anti-climax. Seriously, most that he says in his scene feel bizarre and out of place.


Overall I did find BK:O well-designed game that progressed smoothly, but you could too clearly see that Monolith had run out of time. For example, some lands that you discover later in the game feel underused, as they are only few screens large. If I would review game, I would probably go with 8.5. Entertaining, solid game, with fresh combat system.

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