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Halo 1 singleplayer is like pounding nails through our dicks (in the words of the PA guys). I really cant understand how anyone can like it. Controls are tight, graphics and music are awesome. Thats about it. The level design is horrible beyond words. It starts out nice, 40 minutes later, the horror starts. The entire game is played on places that all look alike, so theyre hard to navigate. Bungie clearly had to put those arrows in the floor because they saw that it was impossible to play without them. After hours of tedious levels you get to a horrible and frustrating last level and then you have to go back to the beggining of the game! Boo yah! And that last sequence in the warthog... oh god.

Multiplayer seems cool though. I played a little of Halo 2 and the level design seems great, so maybe Bungie learned something.

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I really cant understand how anyone can like it.


Then give up trying, it doesn't matter in the slightest.


All these folks who wonder "Am I the only one who does/doesn't like such and such a game?"


No, you're not. We all like different things, get over yourselves.

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Far Cry.


Amazing Graphics? Yes.

Amazing setting? Yes.

Amazing AI, as claimed by gaming publications the world over? They stand right in front of you, guns pointed calling things like 'Where are you?' 'Are you hiding?' The AI in this game, after I have finished it on 'Realistic', is practically non-existant.


And the story and general game-design is hollow and formulaic.

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Then give up trying, it doesn't matter in the slightest.


All these folks who wonder "Am I the only one who does/doesn't like such and such a game?"


No, you're not. We all like different things, get over yourselves.

As far as I can see the only thing I said was my opinion. This is what this forum is about, expressing opinions and I was expressing mine about a game that I think is totally overrated.

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Tales of Symphonia is extremely overrated. It took me ages to track down a copy (and I even got it at a low price), and it appears to be mostly enjoyable. But the only thing it's got going for it is it's battle system.


I can understand why so many people loved it, as they had probably never played an RPG before. It really should have been called "Tales of Symphonia: My First RPG."


I've just gone back to it today, as I want to finish it before I sell it in a few weeks time and make a tidy profit hopefully (as it appears to be quite rare), and I've just started disc 2. The story is abismal aswell, and makes me laugh often at just how stupid it is.


Also the word "bastard" is overly used by Lloyd. I just noticed today that the word comes up more often than you think, so I glanced over to the ToS case to see a Pegi rating of 12+............surely that doesn't make sense. Of course, they only chucked in language like that to make the characters feel gritty and cool, and if the story wasn't made out of so much pap, then that use of language may have been resonable......................but in the end it just ends up being purely pointless, just like the game.


The battle system though, is what truely shines through.

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Tales of Symphonia is extremely overrated. It took me ages to track down a copy (and I even got it at a low price), and it appears to be mostly enjoyable. But the only thing it's got going for it is it's battle system.


I can understand why so many people loved it, as they had probably never played an RPG before. It really should have been called "Tales of Symphonia: My First RPG."


I've just gone back to it today, as I want to finish it before I sell it in a few weeks time and make a tidy profit hopefully (as it appears to be quite rare), and I've just started disc 2. The story is abismal aswell, and makes me laugh often at just how stupid it is.


Also the word "bastard" is overly used by Lloyd. I just noticed today that the word comes up more often than you think, so I glanced over to the ToS case to see a Pegi rating of 12+............surely that doesn't make sense. Of course, they only chucked in language like that to make the characters feel gritty and cool, and if the story wasn't made out of so much pap, then that use of language may have been resonable......................but in the end it just ends up being purely pointless, just like the game.


The battle system though, is what truely shines through.


It isn't perfect, but it's still a game I looked forward to since seeing the first footage from Japan, and enjoyed immensely. Probably my favourite on the GameCube... but then I -do- buy into all that crummy Japanese kid with perfect hair saves the world with cheesy dialogue stuff.

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dan's unfounded judgement on kameo: rare have never made a good 3d adventure game in their existence. unless this is totally different expect a pretty, average playing game that rapidly unravels into a formless sack of steaming turd.


dk64. may you burn in the fires of hell for eternity.

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I think both Halo's are overratted. Good games but it's not top in the FPS genre. I would give that to Half Life 2 easily.

Halo's levels were bland and the story didn't really pull me in at all. I like FPS that do something different rather than just look pretty with big guns and that's all Halo was to me

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I think both Halo's are overratted. Good games but it's not top in the FPS genre. I would give that to Half Life 2 easily.

Halo's levels were bland and the story didn't really pull me in at all. I like FPS that do something different rather than just look pretty with big guns and that's all Halo was to me


Speaking as one of the folks that love Halo, it's far more about the mulitplayer than anything else for me.

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Does anybody else prefer Timesplitters or am i the only one?



I'm with you on that one. Especially future perfect. My buddy and I are so obsessed with it that we play in class. He brings his cube and we hook it up to my portable DVD player. That's what's great about university....teachers don't give a shit what you do....

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