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Guns - The Big Debate


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Something I was going to add to my post: Much like Global warming, whatever your opinions of that surely you can see that having all that Carbon in the atmosphere is not good for us or the planet. So reducing it can only be a good thing, whether it stops the ice caps from melting or not.


Making guns a lot harder to get hold of will surely reduce the amount of violent crimes committed.

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Something I was going to add to my post: Much like Global warming, whatever your opinions of that surely you can see that having all that Carbon in the atmosphere is not good for us or the planet. So reducing it can only be a good thing, whether it stops the ice caps from melting or not.


Making guns a lot harder to get hold of will surely reduce the amount of violent crimes committed.


So stop the gun companies making guns = problem solved?


We all know that, just nobody else is crazy enough to suggest it! :laughing:

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Virginia Tech wasn't about guns or gun legislation or military-grade weapons In the Home or whatever. It was the terrible and unavoidable meeting of a warped, star-crossed, shit-dumb kid and two handguns and a bunch of kids and Professors who in his chickenshit head were Necessary Victims...He would have laid his hands on those weapons regardless, regardless of Virginia state or federal law, otherwise, who knows -- he would have bombed the place. That's what warped, star-crossed, shit-dumb kids do. Would it have been harder with tougher gun-law, Yeah, it would have been harder with tougher gun-law. Would tougher gun-law bring an end to kids shooting up their schools, no, No it Wouldn't.


Let us be clear though, I am one hundred percent against guns On the Street. I can see the fun in gun-sports. My grandfather shot for England, and he was a kind straight-up How'd You Do English gentleman.

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As an American i understand the right to bear arms and yadda yadda yadda....but i honestly couldnt care less if gun production and sales was limited to military and trained law enforcement. The positive effects of this would far outweigh the negative ones.


So a few hunters wont get to slaughter defenseless wildlife? Boo Hoo


Self defense? Well you better hope your a quicker draw than the person already getting ready to shoot you..


For people that insist that they cant lead a normal, productive life without a firearm, they should by all means join the military. Bush has plenty of targets they can shoot at.

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As an American i understand the right to bear arms and yadda yadda yadda....but i honestly couldnt care less if gun production and sales was limited to military and trained law enforcement. The positive effects of this would far outweigh the negative ones.


So a few hunters wont get to slaughter defenseless wildlife? Boo Hoo


Self defense? Well you better hope your a quicker draw than the person already getting ready to shoot you..


For people that insist that they cant lead a normal, productive life without a firearm, they should by all means join the military. Bush has plenty of targets they can shoot at.


Police and military don't need to buy their own guns first off.



How quick you are to give away other people's rights. I'm sure there are others that wouldn't care if they gave away yours. I'm not about to tell people they can't defend themselves and their loved ones just because self-defense doesn't work 100 percent of the time.

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I don't think guns should be legal in the UK, but I also don't believe its actually possible to outlaw guns in America becuase they are too widespread. Certainly outlawing them in a place without border controls, i.e. a single state, county or town is the worst idea ever, becuase then people who can legally obtain guns can bring them in to commit crimes without fear of being caught at the border or reprimanded vigilante style.

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Virginia Tech wasn't about guns or gun legislation or military-grade weapons In the Home or whatever. It was the terrible and unavoidable meeting of a warped, star-crossed, shit-dumb kid and two handguns and a bunch of kids and Professors who in his chickenshit head were Necessary Victims...He would have laid his hands on those weapons regardless, regardless of Virginia state or federal law, otherwise, who knows -- he would have bombed the place. That's what warped, star-crossed, shit-dumb kids do. Would it have been harder with tougher gun-law, Yeah, it would have been harder with tougher gun-law. Would tougher gun-law bring an end to kids shooting up their schools, no, No it Wouldn't.

Yes; it would. Guns being harder to come across would make people less likely to try and get one.

If he hadn't been able to get hold of a gun as easily I reckon it would have been FAR more likely that he would have killed only 2 people that day, probably only one.

Creating a bomb is unlikley for an unorganised warped killer like him, and it would have been easier to get a gun than to build a decent bomb.



Anyway, I don't get why people over here are even worrying about it all when linking it to UK/EU laws. Nothing's gonna happen in America by discussing it.

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I was wondering, since some of you are Americans or have a good understanding of their culture, realistically do you think the National Rifle Association can be defeated politically? My gut feeling is that so long as they are a powerful body, it wouldn't be possible to harden gun laws in the US, but I may be mistaken (?)


In other words, theories aside, I think practically it's not possible to toughen up gun law in the US?

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I'm interested in guns. Does this make me a bad person?


Are you interested in inflicting serious harm upon a fellow human being?

Another living creature?

Your self?

With a gun?


I list those in what I consider order of seriousness.

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You're right, that was appallingly unclear. If I was to say I wished to own a gun merely to make me feel safe, or to take up a hobby with it, say a shooting range or something, does this make me a bad person as such?


This is purely hypothetical. I don't wish to own a real gun, though I do wish to hear other people's thoughts on it.


(I want to get in to Airsofting, however.)

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You're right, that was appallingly unclear. If I was to say I wished to own a gun merely to make me feel safe, or to take up a hobby with it, say a shooting range or something, does this make me a bad person as such?


This is purely hypothetical. I don't wish to own a real gun, though I do wish to hear other people's thoughts on it.


(I want to get in to Airsofting, however.)


I've travelled to Prague to go shooting on a range with pistols, it was great fun and there's absolutely nothing wrong with having an interest in guns. I have owned a number of air pistols, I just shoot targets, it's good sport!

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You're right, that was appallingly unclear. If I was to say I wished to own a gun merely to make me feel safe, or to take up a hobby with it, say a shooting range or something, does this make me a bad person as such?


This is purely hypothetical. I don't wish to own a real gun, though I do wish to hear other people's thoughts on it.


(I want to get in to Airsofting, however.)


The point I was making, was no there isn't really anything wrong with it. Owning a gun is not a problem or an issue, a person's intents and attitudes are. I once when I was a wee cub went somewhere and did target shooting with an air rifle, was actually really good fun from what I barely remember(I'd forgotten til now). A gun is simply an inanimate object until someone animates it, how could there be anything wrong with wanting a gun or being interested in them, or even owning one?

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Very ignorant post. America's crime rate is certainly not the highest in the world. The highest rate of Murder and Rape is in South Africa. It's total chaos there.


So because it isn't the worst that means it doesn't need solving? That's completely retarded. If you had a problem with your life would it be wrong for you to solve it because there are people with worse problems?

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So because it isn't the worst that means it doesn't need solving? That's completely retarded. If you had a problem with your life would it be wrong for you to solve it because there are people with worse problems?


That wasn't what I was saying. Also it is very difficult to take America as a whole, as the 52 states are each very different. Some are extremely peaceful and have virtually no crime. Look at ohers and the inner city areas are like warzones.

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Here in denmark it's probably not a problem getting a gun if you really want to.. but I can't help thinking that we would see an increase in gun crime if you could just walk into a store and buy a gun.. without a hunting licens or some other permit.. As far as I remember we have only had one school shooting here i DK.. 1994.. the loser shot 2 fellow students and then took his own head of with the shot gun.. have talked to my boss about it.. I want a semi automatic rifle hidden under my desk.. just in case..

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Here in denmark it's probably not a problem getting a gun if you really want to.. but I can't help thinking that we would see an increase in gun crime if you could just walk into a store and buy a gun.. without a hunting licens or some other permit.. As far as I remember we have only had one school shooting here i DK.. 1994.. the loser shot 2 fellow students and then took his own head of with the shot gun.. have talked to my boss about it.. I want a semi automatic rifle hidden under my desk.. just in case..


Wouldnt thatg be pretty useless? If someone pulled a gun on you would you really have enough time to grab the rifle, release the safety and shoot back?

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