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Atomic Boo

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French isn't compulsory subject here in Finland. It's optional. Only English and Swedish (which is maybe the most hated subject in Finland :/) are compulsory here. I could have chosen French but I don't like how you pronounce the words so I picked German.

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Le français est une langue très importante en Belgique, parce que c'est une des deux langues on parle ici. A Flandres on parle le néerlandais, et à Wallonie on parle le français. Je n'aime pas beaucoup le français, mais je n'ai pas de choix.

Si vous trouvez des fautes dans mon post(?), je m'excuse.

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i got as far as french is very important in belgium, because we talk two languages here (i think) and now im lost :P

Heh, let me help you:

Translation:French is a very important language in Belgium, because it's one of the two languages we speak here. In Flanders we speak Dutch and in Wallonie (I have no idea what it is in English) we speak French. I don't like French much, but I don't have any choice.
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I had to do one month of French before I moved schools to somewhere crap that only did one language subject instead of two. I could've aced German, was top of the class, instead I end up in a school that doesn't even teach higher German, only foundation, barely scrape a C because none of the class ever paid attention and not one teacher we had is slightly capable.

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Le français est une langue très importante en Belgique, parce que c'est une des deux langues on parle ici. A Flandres on parle le néerlandais, et à Wallonie on parle le français. Je n'aime pas beaucoup le français, mais je n'ai pas de choix.

Si vous trouvez des fautes dans mon post(?), je m'excuse.


I understood all of that! OMG! Doing French AS Level was not a complete waste!!

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Wow some impressive arguments here: 'French sucks!' :indeed: Being able to speak a foreign language can really improve your job prospects nowadays, you know, and having lived in France for nine months, I can confidently say that the rumour that 'they all speak English anyway' is completely untrue.

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I've never studied French but I'm fluent in Spanish and am currently studying it. I think that you can sort of get by in all of the Romance languages once you master one of them. Speaking more than one language is great for travel, in addition to being helping you in your professional life.

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Wow some impressive arguments here: 'French sucks!' :indeed: Being able to speak a foreign language can really improve your job prospects nowadays, you know, and having lived in France for nine months, I can confidently say that the rumour that 'they all speak English anyway' is completely untrue.


well they should do english is the universal language :)

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I too had my reservations about French GCSE, and for most of the course I imagined I'd do very poorly. However, when it got into year 11, instead of complaining about how annoying my French teacher was and how hopeless the languages department was at my school, I decided to just put some hard work in, and it paid dividends. I managed a high B in the end, which I was very satisfied with, considering the situation.


My advice is just to stick in there and don't become discouraged or lazy. If you put the effort in, your understanding will grow much more quickly than you'd expect.

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ha the french i like it when a nice young ladey (young as in 19-27) can whisper sweet nothings in ur ear in the language but to speak it go to france and get out of the books i find it easyer that way but for my gcses thinkin about it i got my self forcable removed from the class so i could do more art and design wich dindnt help because i still only got a c for loosing my portfolio but hay no matter now im studyin architecture and that has itds own language

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Since I live in a mostly French speaking city (Brussels), I -have- to know my French. I don't know, but I think that no matter where you live, it's always good to know some other languages. Can always come in handy (especially if you travel a lot).

And no, a lot of people in France -do not- speak/know English. They're very proud of their language and appreciate it if you try to talk to them in their own language, even if that is with a lot of mistakes.

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ha the french i like it when a nice young ladey (young as in 19-27) can whisper sweet nothings in ur ear in the language but to speak it go to france and get out of the books i find it easyer that way but for my gcses thinkin about it i got my self forcable removed from the class so i could do more art and design wich dindnt help because i still only got a c for loosing my portfolio but hay no matter now im studyin architecture and that has itds own language


The lack of punctuation is impressive :woops: <== LOOK NO '.'

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Never had any real problems with french untill this year. The teacher we have just talks and talks and ... talks. It's so bloody anoying to me that i just block her out and not listen anymore, while endulging in far more interesting fantasy worlds, where I like don't have to speak french because the world is like mine. And i have flamethrowers and rocketlaunchers instead of arms. And jets on my back. But I'm dwelling off here.


I'm getting relatively bad grades lately (24.5/50 CMON BITCH!!!), but it's because I'm bored with studying. Ah well.

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Never had any real problems with french untill this year. The teacher we have just talks and talks and ... talks. It's so bloody anoying to me that i just block her out and not listen anymore, while endulging in far more interesting fantasy worlds, where I like don't have to speak french because the world is like mine. And i have flamethrowers and rocketlaunchers instead of arms. And jets on my back. But I'm dwelling off here.


I'm getting relatively bad grades lately (24.5/50 CMON BITCH!!!), but it's because I'm bored with studying. Ah well.


Strange, I like her much better than the teacher we had last year (kopo and I are in the same class btw ;)). She speaks understandably and makes some very sarcastic comments sometimes that nobody catches but me :) (26/50 YEAH BITCH!!)

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I'm doing Irish and French for A2 at the moment, French is enjoyable but I haven't as much passion for it as I do for Irish, so I don't give it as much dedication. Plus you have to be in France to practice it efficiently, I can practice my Irish everyday here (no matter what anti-Irish language people say, it's still used actively by speakers).

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