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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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The game looks fucking abysmal, not visually but in the sense of how awkward and glitchy the gameplay looks. Seems like another prime example of Sega's modern teams not having half a clue how to make a game.


Yes, very glitchty and awkward. Very. Are you watching the same game I am? You really aren't satisfied if you don't criticize every game that comes out for Wii. Of course you say something "OH HERE COMES THE PORTUGUESE MAFIA!" Whatever.

The textures aren't good, that's quite noticeable on that part inside the tunnel, but it isn't low poly at all, just look at the boss, he's perfectly round. And the water is much better than SA2. Still, doesn't even touch Sunshine's water.

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We will see. Its gonna be a game that cant really be judged until you get it me thinks. Sorry, for beating on about the graphics.


Is this free roaming or is it still going to be on a rail in a sense just like the original?

From the videos... it's true to the original, so "a rail in a sense"


I wonder if I can still walk on the land beneath me with the dreamers... And if the game has A-Life system (please expand them like chaos on adventure 2) and... Dynamic evolving soundtrack, that one was beautiful.

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Yes, very glitchty and awkward. Very. Are you watching the same game I am? You really aren't satisfied if you don't criticize every game that comes out for Wii. Of course you say something "OH HERE COMES THE PORTUGUESE MAFIA!" Whatever.

The textures aren't good, that's quite noticeable on that part inside the tunnel, but it isn't low poly at all, just look at the boss, he's perfectly round. And the water is much better than SA2. Still, doesn't even touch Sunshine's water.

There goes my hero.


Seriously, where is this "glitchy game play"? All I can see that looks at all undesirable, game play-wise is going through the little water thing that throws you off. That and the current absence of Nightopians, which honestly would make me cry.

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Looks extremely relaxing....will there be any sound..like music etc.. in the game?
Of course, it wouldn't be NiGHTS without it, they're just keeping from showing it.


listen to that video with this playing on the mp3 player:




That's the music the original water level in NiGHTS had ;) The game feels incomplete without music.

the current absence of Nightopians, which honestly would make me cry.
Let's cry.
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Of course there will this is work in progress. It would be weird to play a game like this without sound lol


Oh good. I was slightly worried for a min, i thought it was great and then i realised there was no sound except for a squaking bird.

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That game looks boring, and the graphics are nothing special, I really struggle to see what was so great about the original if this game represents what 'Into Dreams' was like.


And the main characters movement isn't fluid at all, I think that's what people mean when they say it's glitchy.

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That trailer felt like it was aimed at 5 year old Harry Potter film fans.


But it looks quite good, however, I'm a bit sceptical about the controls, because if the camera angles we saw in the video will be the same as in the final game I think controlling Nights will be quite a challenge. That was something that really irritated me about Sonic and the Secret Rings as well.

Give us a more or less fixed 3rd person view of the character please!

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That trailer felt like it was aimed at 5 year old Harry Potter film fans.


That's the point it's a game about children's dreams. I suppose one can't see what's so special about NiGHTS without playing it, but even though I didn't play a lot of it in the Saturn I remember having fun and the game was quite addictive.

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Of course, it wouldn't be NiGHTS without it, they're just keeping from showing it.


listen to that video with this playing on the mp3 player:




That's the music the original water level in NiGHTS had ;) The game feels incomplete without music.Let's cry.


Someone else thought of that.:smile:


Night with music

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Lazy SEGA, this game looks appalling:


Visually, the Wii game looks like a crisper version of the Saturn game, but the frame rate had a hard time staying within a "smooth" area. Back in the day, the original Nights wasn't exactly fluid either but 3D was still coming into its own on consoles - nowadays 3D is commonplace so the expectations are a lot higher. To be fair, the Wii version was pulling off a lot more nifty effects - water transparencies and more detailed characters, and the camera tilted a bit more so that players could see more of the road ahead. Since the game's heavily in development and barely in the "alpha" stage, we'll give it the benefit and expect the engine to smoothen up by its holiday release.


This is from the IGN coverage.

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Lazy SEGA, this game looks appalling:


This is from the IGN coverage.

With due respect, I didn't see any slowdown in the videos I saw, IGN is always overeacting, and exagerating.




NiGHTS's graphics are shaping up pretty nicely. The game has a nice, stylized look to it that includes a lot of pleasant visual effects as you dart around through the various levels. There's a distinct aesthetic difference between some of the worlds. The main world we saw was rather colorful and cheery, while the boss stage was very dark, with a lot of deep reds and blacks. This represents the difference between the normal Nightopia and the corrupted Nightmaren areas. The game is already running at a solid frame rate and the art style is quite lovely.
Source: http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/nightsjourneyofdreams/news.html?sid=6174475


If the slowdown was that bad don't you think they'd refer it? it's not like it's running at 15 frames or matts vision is better.


They just exagerate and talk from their asses.


I don't even like gamespot, but hell, if someone wanted to piss on a wii game it would be them, still they aren't pissing on the framerate.

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