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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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It looks like SEGA have gone for the generic way out and made the dreamers blonde.
Well, in this case I aplaud that, Claris and Elliot were supposed to be generic in order to appeal and impersonate the worries and concerns of teenagers.


Their character designs were not generic though, and that was a barrier in order to sell the game in US and Europe.


I mean... it's dificult to sell a game like this already, should they really keep those? (and this is coming from a claris fan)


NiGHTS was created above all with a wide appeal, meaning, he is genderless on purpose, sure not generic but it's to appeal to everyone, I think the characters redesign approach was necessary (surelly we didn't want Mii's intead?) still I wouldn't demand for two blonde kids (although the male one isn't revealed yet, I bet it's blonde too, and it's been rumored before)




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I think it's cool that they blend a "fantasy setting" with a real world setting, a bit like a combination between Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. A little girl who suddenly finds herself in this surreal world in a battle between good and evil and helped by a flying character...


I hope that the surreal fantasy-like setting will end up being very imaginative.

The purple character looks a bit like something taken from an old fashion amusement park, comedie del art theatre,

Thus, it would be nice if they choosed to draw some influence from the above mentioned source.


h t t p : / / w ww.clubs.org/arnoldi1.JPG

h t t p : / / w ww.kunstgaarden.dk/malere/152.jpg

h t t p : / / w ww.shop.plakatmuseum.dk/product_info.php?products_id=342&sessionid=2e80b32 e05a67ce3d52ebc0be81a02d1

h t t p : / / w ww.posters-nor.com/bildearkiv/thumbnails/ib.andersen.tivoli_100x100.jpg


(I can not post links yet so i had to do like this)

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Translated info:


- Girl from scan: Helen Cartwright, Boy in scan: William Taylor, both will be helping NiGHTS


- Helen wants to be good at the violin. Her nerves lead to nightmares, and the nightmares lead her to Nightopia.


- William is looking to become a pro soccer player. His nerves do him in as well.


- Both children live in the town of Bellbridge.





Is it just me, or does everything there just seem like a bad storywriter thinking up a name and coming up with a generic one.


They sound like something I would come up with for a GCSE story exam thing...


...or perhaps that's the whole point?



edit: Also, is it just me (again), or in the pictures at the bottom of the scan, are those spheres 2D?? Just like SM64...

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edit: Also, is it just me (again), or in the pictures at the bottom of the scan, are those spheres 2D?? Just like SM64...
Bottom of the Scan... is the last one? (with the boy)


That's the original NiGHTS from the saturn, but yeah, the "spheres/balls" (and lots of other stuff) were sprites, Saturn was actually very strong in that area.

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Note: "Same probably goes for this". What game do you think I was talking about? That's right. It was called making a relevent example.


Relevant? I just don't think saying blonde people are generic makes sense, much less comparing it to creating shadow and giving him guns. It's totally unrelated.

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Relevant? I just don't think saying blonde people are generic makes sense, much less comparing it to creating shadow and giving him guns. It's totally unrelated.


Blondes = popular in America (Note that even the woman in the picture is blonde)


Black gangsters with guns = popular in America. (See GTA)


Also, as far as I'm aware the main Humans were blonde in Sonic 360, and Maria in Sonic Adventure 2 was Blonde. How can I draw comparrisons between Sonic and NiGHTs? Because they're both made by Sonic Team.


Maybe saying blondes are generic wasn't the right way to describe it. Sorry for not putting thought into a one line post.

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OK now this games totally confuses me. Firstly, a lot of those new graphics could very easily be FMV (looks at pics of the boy) but even some of the other stuff that is in game is lloking good. But why is Nights himself still looking so shit?

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OK now this games totally confuses me. Firstly, a lot of those new graphics could very easily be FMV (looks at pics of the boy) but even some of the other stuff that is in game is lloking good. But why is Nights himself still looking so shit?
The scenes with the boy and girl out of Nightpia are most likely FMV; just like they were on the original NiGHTS.


Images: (not scans)














Source: http://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/2007/07/03/104,1183458782,74468,0,0.html

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Also, the screenshots are blown up to XBOX 360 res, so it's not indicative of anythig.


Yeah true. I think Xbox 360 and PS3 have made Wii games look worse than they really are. You adjust what you're used each time there is an advance in graphics. I used to think Luigi's Mansion looked incredible. It doesn't any more does it?


But anyway. I think think this is looking decent and I'm definitely going to pick it up just to give it a decent chance (I wont trust reviews on this one, as it may get picked on if it doesn't live up to the last game).

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Yeah true. I think Xbox 360 and PS3 have made Wii games look worse than they really are. You adjust what you're used each time there is an advance in graphics. I used to think Luigi's Mansion looked incredible. It doesn't any more does it?
That's not it, the images were forced into a bigger resolution than they were, Wii runs at 853x480 and they're clearly running at that resolution but upscaled into 1280x720, then stuff like jpeg compression and such don't help either.


Anyway here is the correct resolution of them:












Not as bad right?

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I was agreeing with him. :s I'm saying that people think they don't look good because they're so used to HD graphics now. I think they're good and I think they're better than Gamecube graphics it's just people remember them better than they really were.

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