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Shadow of the Colossus


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well you see... the game is out of print right now, from what I heard... now... there's a chance that sony re-releases it when shadow of colosus comes out, or re-releasing it, if shadow of colosus sells well, because if you really like a game, you might want more from the same team... and that's ICO...


-sorry for quoting myself, but I seem to have predicted something, and now I've got to do a post prooving just that ;)-


ICO to return in 2006


February 2006 will see the long-awaited re-release of one of the most unique and beautiful PS2 games ever; the seminal classic ICO.


To tie-in with the release of Shadow of the Colossus, SCEE is re-releasing creator Fumito Ueda's previous classic, ICO. Despite being released to huge critical acclaim back in spring 2002, ICO's haunting story of an unwanted boy and a ghostly girl joining forces to find freedom and happiness failed to set the buying public on fire, and once the first run disappeared from our shelves, that was that.


But like a cult film, word of ICO's sheer brilliance spread throughout the gaming community and it quite rightly became the most sought after deleted game for PlayStation 2, with second-hand copies exchanging hands for much more than the original shop price. Now with the imminent release of Ueda-san's new opus Shadow of the Colossus, ICO will be hitting the shops alongside its younger sibling this coming February.


Like other classic, cult games such as Katamari Damacy, Amplitude and Rez, it's difficult to put ICO's wondrous experience into words and do it justice. What we will say, is ICO is one of a kind when it comes to its thoughtful and engaging action adventure gameplay and should certainly be on everyone's shopping list next year. Check out the ICO website PlayStation.com produced for the game way back in 2002 - long before Flash websites made searching for information that much more "in your face" - and sit back in the knowledge you've now got not one, but two classics coming your way early next year.

Source: http://uk.playstation.com/news/newsStory.jhtml?storyId=107164_en_GB_NEWS&linktype=NT3
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I finished this a couple of days ago, and now feel a yawning void in my life :( The ending was devastating - perhaps more so than ICO, which I thought had a truly moving ending.


Some of the later colossi make for fantastic fights, so I would definitely stick with the game; they arent all walking beasts that you have to trip over to climb up. Im going to play through the time attack modes now to unlock new coloured Agros - and go and find some of the secret areas ;) I also hope that its possible to change the ending; no-one on line seems to think you can, but I have ordered the guide to make sure that they just havent cocked things up.


I personally liked the fact that there werent any dungeons, as thats what makes the game so refreshingly different. The enemies are your dungeons; theres no block pushing, button pressing puzzles, and that is a great thing as far as Im concerned. ;)


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Edited by Johelian
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  • 7 months later...
ok so I just completede this great but short game.. now I read that you can climb the Temple.. and that there is a glitch that allows you to do that without your grip-o-meter depleting.. I just can't get it to work.. any help?


Librarian, check out this video -




I got it through the Shadow of the Colossus entry on Wikipedia.


I followed the video and got to the top of the temple after a few attempts. It is quite tricky to do admittedly. The glitch is that while climbing, if you hold jump to charge your jump, then push diagonally on the stick (so up and left, or up and right - not straight up), and release the jump button you should vault up a little bit but without losing any grip strength. Hope this helps!

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I am currently trying to do this.


I have spent 5 hours finding all those special lizards that increase your stamina through the lizard detector item you get in the time trial mode.


But now I still cannot climb the temple. (I might kill myself because of this).


When you get to the top of the first wall you start climbing I keep failing to stand on the ledge so I can regenerate my stamina, and thus, poor Wander keeps falling to his doom while Agro looks onwards.


And my favourite colossus has to be number 3, The Knight, i'll remember him for a long time.

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yeps.. thanks NIck81.. im going to try it later.. but Mcmad dont bother hunting to many lizards.. as I see it your grip-o-meter maxes out at one point and you cant get it bigger no matter how many white tailed lizards you get


No problem - like I say, work on the diagonal jumping technique and follow the video closely and you should get there!


McMad is right, it is possible to build up a huge grip meter, but if you can nail the diagonal jump trick then your grip strength won't matter too much.

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Guest Stefkov

Mi hermano bought this game, and it looks immense.

Great game, and i love the idea in it.

The horse riding looked good in it, but the horse was a bit too 'wild' if you get me.

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ha ha ha just read somewhere that the jump glitch is not in the PAL version..

Well.. I hope that is true.. otherwise the glitch is too difficult for me to use

-- so it is back to collecting tails for me.. and by the way.. my favorite Colossi are by far the two flying ones.. the bird by the lake and the worm thing in the dessert

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ha ha ha just read somewhere that the jump glitch is not in the PAL version..

Well.. I hope that is true.. otherwise the glitch is too difficult for me to use

-- so it is back to collecting tails for me.. and by the way.. my favorite Colossi are by far the two flying ones.. the bird by the lake and the worm thing in the dessert


Ah, I didn't realise that (I've been playing the American version). I don't know how long it will take to build up enough grip to climb the temple without the jump glitch. Collecting tails, and I think defeating the colossi gives you more strength as well. Anyway, hope you get there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought i'd just revive this thread to say:




Yep I managed to climb all the way up the side of the temple and explored the secret garden for anything special.


Although my favourite part was actually crossing the bridge over to the edge of the world because there is a quite pleasant Easter Egg there. If anyone wants to know and cannot be bothered to climb the temple for themselves then read the spoiler...




I really hope there will be a fantastic follow-up on PS3... Ah crap... So much money:weep: .

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  • 5 months later...
My copy just arrived today and it came in some kind of special box. I hate these kind of boxes as they dont match the rest of my games, is this the only edition out or is there a normal box edition?


Only edition, ICO you can get in a crappy plastic box though. i love the cardboard ones, they match the game and make it feel more special.

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Once in a while a game comes along that makes you understand why you spend your spare time and had earned cash on this past time and SOTC is one of those games!


I had the intention of just having a quick go last night as I am full of cold and cant really be bothered to play but I found myself drawn into the game for a few hours.


I managed to take down the first 4 Colossi in the few hours I have played but all have been great experiences. Sure, I wasnt the biggest fan of the 4th one in terms of its design and how easy it was to bring down but I still enjoyed taking it on. The best one that I have encountered so far is probably the 3rd one. It was great running up his sword ( sounds wrong ) and then hopping on his back to beat the hell out of him.


Another great addition to this game is the musical score. Im a big sucker for great music in a game and this delivers on every level and then some. The way that it stays quiet and subtle as you ride around on your horse and then the moment you attack a Colossi the music instantly changes to an epic score. Its weird but the way has been done it kind of reminds me of The Snowman, that classic Christmas cartoon. Although the story in that cartoon had no dialogue the music managed to tell the story and capture the feel of the film which is what the music in SOTC seems to do.


Yes I have only played for a few hours but the experience so far has been amazing and I look forward to carrying on the game when I get in from work today.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Been on nearly a hour trying to reach the last boss, his fire balls keep nailing me and I cant reach the next wall in time. Maybe I should call it a night and start fresh when I get up....


EDIT: I knew that this would happen, I posted my message and then I beat him straight away. The ending was beautiful if a little confusing. Someone care to explain it to me?

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