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What are you becoming?


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Well done, Bard, you're now officially the easiest person to wind up. I'll bear that in mind in future.


Nah, I'm not wound up, just bemused at your gargantuan level of stupidity. Of course, with Fields, it's the simple matter that I hate his shitty guts. Now someone like Zell for example gives a reasoned view of what he thinks and why, instead of the ignorant bullshit that you spew on a hourly basis.

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Being a maths and science person, I've always seen art as a subject for the less academic crowd, seeing as art is more about talent and enthusiasm than intelligence. I take no interest in it, yet people have a passion for the subject, just like people have a passion for music and drama, and people who don't have a passion for it never really understand how these people feel. That's what really separates the "arts" from everything else.


I study art (Graphic Design) and I get subjects like Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature and stuff like that. And you need quite some intelligence for those. It's not all just drawing and sketching.


Also, art is more than just shapes on paper. If there wasn't art, you wouldn't be playing games or watching some of the stuff you see on tv. There's even art involved in the development of every product you buy (Product Design). Art rocks. Always has, always will.

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I'm currently studying Chemistry, Maths, Physics and geography at AS-level, and want to go on to Uni to do something to do with fuels, game design, game programming, or astrophysics.

The most likely would be game design, but I can't draw anything more than stickmen. Meh.


That's a winning combo.

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I'm sure some pansy white boy has to pull out the shit sometime or another.


Why are you bringing race into it, do you think you're on mtv or something using the expression "white boy"..


All because he was ripping art, which in my opinion is a pointless school lesson. You can't really teach people how to draw or how to be creative its natural.

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Like many people I don't really know where my life is going. And TBH I don't really care at the moment. I'm Living in the now and enjoying it. Haven't been to school yet. So I'm probably not going to pass this years classes.


But what are you becoming?

What are you studing now. Do you like what you are turning into?

And what do you want to become? Do you feel you have a "goal" in life?


I am studying a phd.

I am turning into a Dr.

I want to become a pet shop owner.

My goal is to survive life.



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"All art is quite useless" Oscar Wilde.

It wasn't necessarily meant as a bad thing.


Oscar Wilde didn't mean half the things he said, and if he meant this, then it's quite obvious that he thought of his life and profession as useless. I presume he's referring to more than just drawing/ visual arts when he said "all art." Art is the sole reason I still exist, if human life was just progression and science for the sake of science, I would have jumped off a cliff a long time ago.


Aghg :(


I don't know what I'm becoming now. I was confident about my AS January exams, but I got 2 Ds (Maths, History), a C (Computing). However, I did get a very high A for politics.


Bah, I'm depressed about school now.


That's not bad at all, most of the people doing January modules are people who are resitting it from last year, so it's those people that you're competing against. Don't worry, if you do them again in the summer you'll do much better, trust me on this. Also, the A is an incredibly encouraging sign. Well done dude.


My school didn't do January modules...we did it in the summer. 4 A's, I'm predicted this year :).

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I study art (Graphic Design) and I get subjects like Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature and stuff like that. And you need quite some intelligence for those. It's not all just drawing and sketching.


Also, art is more than just shapes on paper. If there wasn't art, you wouldn't be playing games or watching some of the stuff you see on tv. There's even art involved in the development of every product you buy (Product Design). Art rocks. Always has, always will.


You're right. i'll even expand what you're saying here: Artists are the ones that change the world. Artists can bring a message to the people. You're favourite musicians try to bring peace - but i don't see the highly-trained students from Yarddale do that. The people who govern our world aren't artists, and they don't think about good and bad, they think about saving their country,k votes and their arses.


Artists are required to make the revolutions happening - because we have the wider view on the world. Philosophy is something that artists do. Opinionate - provoke. I'm doing Arts right now and will probably be going for Graphic Design in a few months from now. And I lvoe talking to people in the artistic scene - because they can make you think so differently. i have yet to meet someone studying Latin to convince me of their opinions - if they even have them.


Not that it's worse, though. We need all of them and we can't aall be artists. Yes, it's about talent - but if you're a mathematician you need talent, too. If you're bad at calculation, don't even try to become mathematician, you need talent. If you're bad at thinking of visual concepts, then don't become an artist - you'll need some talent there, too.

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I'm doing English, Maths, Biology and Chemistry for my first year A-levels, and then next year i'm dropping maths.


I then plan to go onto studying medicine at either Manchester, Kings College, Imperial or Nottingham.


Now i just need the grades.

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I studied Latin for six years and loved it.


I meant it differently. It was just suggestive. I mean, people who didn't get in contact with those people are not that free of their thinking most of the times. i've been studying Art School for four years now - and it's simply freedom. it's necessary freedom to be able to express yourself. But if I see what the opinions of people on the 'worthier' school have, I think (quietly and by myself) 'Man, it's good they don't get a creative job'. Their opinions aren't creative, they're jsut copied. Sorry if I offended anyone. My last psot seemed a little to radical.


Just don't get met started on the subject. :wink:

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I love art and am currently doing a Maths degree, i love maths (when i can understand it, so far uni maths has been quite the prick to me having studied no further maths or anything at A-level, plus wasting away over my gap year). I just want to get this degree and get out. As for what am i becoming, all i do know is i don't want to let my life become all about maths, one year studying the subject by itself has made that evident to me.

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You're right. i'll even expand what you're saying here: Artists are the ones that change the world. Artists can bring a message to the people. You're favourite musicians try to bring peace - but i don't see the highly-trained students from Yarddale do that. The people who govern our world aren't artists, and they don't think about good and bad, they think about saving their country,k votes and their arses.


Artists are required to make the revolutions happening - because we have the wider view on the world. Philosophy is something that artists do. Opinionate - provoke. I'm doing Arts right now and will probably be going for Graphic Design in a few months from now. And I lvoe talking to people in the artistic scene - because they can make you think so differently. i have yet to meet someone studying Latin to convince me of their opinions - if they even have them.


Not that it's worse, though. We need all of them and we can't aall be artists. Yes, it's about talent - but if you're a mathematician you need talent, too. If you're bad at calculation, don't even try to become mathematician, you need talent. If you're bad at thinking of visual concepts, then don't become an artist - you'll need some talent there, too.

This is bollocks.

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Oscar Wilde didn't mean half the things he said, and if he meant this, then it's quite obvious that he thought of his life and profession as useless. I presume he's referring to more than just drawing/ visual arts when he said "all art." Art is the sole reason I still exist, if human life was just progression and science for the sake of science, I would have jumped off a cliff a long time ago.


I think the point he was making was that if something has a use, it exists for that function and cannot be seen as art. If something is beautiful and useful, it is well crafted, but not art. I might have a lovely cup, but it isn't art because I can drink out of it. The sentence I was referring to follows "The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely". I like a bit of art myself, it seems to enlighten and confuse at the same time, bypassing reason and speaking directly to the core of awareness. An appreciation for the aesthetic is instant, and clear.

I'm a mathematician who fucked about something rotten in Art GCSE, but I would happily spend a day wandering around the Tate modern. Art can exist in many things and the feeling it provokes can be found in many places (including Maths, where a visual imagination is certainly useful in geometry (shapes on a page, anyone?) and topology (where there isn't even a page, and most 'shapes' are the same thing). Beauty doesn't have to be useless, but for something to be 'art' it must be 'art' to it's core- and nothing else. A soul that cannot appreciate art in some form or another is a poor soul, but, again, I'm sticking by Wildey with this one, "All art is quite useless".

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im doing Art and Design at college, and retaking Maths. Its alot of pressure right now, and theres a big part of me that wants to quit, work for minimum rate just so i can have a good time at weekends and not be broke all the time.


ive never been a 'quiter' either. so im becoming a quiter?


(kicked myself for considering it again)

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I love art and am currently doing a Maths degree, i love maths (when i can understand it, so far uni maths has been quite the prick to me having studied no further maths or anything at A-level, plus wasting away over my gap year). I just want to get this degree and get out. As for what am i becoming, all i do know is i don't want to let my life become all about maths, one year studying the subject by itself has made that evident to me.


you managed to get on an undergraduate maths course without a-level - WOW ! Anyway, transfer course if you dont like it. But soon you will realise that the whole world equals 33.33333 reoccuiring. (which is a bit of a spoiler really)


im doing Art and Design at college, and retaking Maths. Its alot of pressure right now, and theres a big part of me that wants to quit, work for minimum rate just so i can have a good time at weekends and not be broke all the time.


ive never been a 'quiter' either. so im becoming a quiter?


(kicked myself for considering it again)


don't be a thick shit and get your GCSE and finish college. Find a girl you fancy in your class and make that the reason for enduring all the other hardships. ... best still fall in love with your teacher and let that be the motivation for turning up.

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don't be a thick shit and get your GCSE and finish college. Find a girl you fancy in your class and make that the reason for enduring all the other hardships. ... best still fall in love with your teacher and let that be the motivation for turning up.


her nickname is B.O. Bernie.



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