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I'm not saying something has to be powerful to be impressive, as I personally think art direction is possibly the most important aspect for visuals. The truth is that while Wii will have games that look 'nice', it'll always be like 'if only Zelda looked like White Knight Story...etc.' Many nintendo fanboys/fans deny it but it's the truth.

Man I feel like i've discussed/debated about wii's graphics etc. more than anything in a long time.


Saying that, I did find Twilight Princess impressive visually, be it a GC port or not, whatever you like to call it. It was subtle more than anything, and wasn't too "wow, I'm gorgeous/in your face" like I felt Wind Waker was. Wind Waker had lovely art, but I found the whole thing a bit too bright and 'happy'. Had they just darkened things a little, seem a little more doom-y, I think it would have worked wonders. Majora's Mask did this well, for example. You stepped outside in Termina Field and you think "ah, we have problems here in this world."


You're right, all anybody talks about are the graphics. I don't actually think that many people have played enough Wii games, and yet they complain there is nothing to play. I've seen a few gamers on here with 7 or 8, in some cases 9 games. I think we all need to do a lot less talking, and a lot more gaming.

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I'm not saying something has to be powerful to be impressive, as I personally think art direction is possibly the most important aspect for visuals. The truth is that while Wii will have games that look 'nice', it'll always be like 'if only Zelda looked like White Knight Story...etc.' Many nintendo fanboys/fans deny it but it's the truth.

Man I feel like i've discussed/debated about wii's graphics etc. more than anything in a long time.


And the PS fanboys will be like "if only White Knight Story played like Zelda...etc."

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I'm not saying something has to be powerful to be impressive, as I personally think art direction is possibly the most important aspect for visuals. The truth is that while Wii will have games that look 'nice', it'll always be like 'if only Zelda looked like White Knight Story...etc.' Many nintendo fanboys/fans deny it but it's the truth.

I've said it before and I still stand by it, yes it would nice if the Wii was as powerful as the PS3. However, I will also say this: moon on a stick. If the Wii was as powerful as a PS3 it would also have a similar price tag, and development costs, two things which would hinder its mission to bring new gamers in to the fold.


It's very easy to get bogged down in the details when you visit forums all the time as things are gone over and over and over until people lose all perspective. The type of people that Nintendo are courting with the Wii don't give a crap about realistic floor textures. They really, really don't. And to be frank, I don't think gamers should either.


Just look at the PC, the most powerful games machine around. Now see how many technically advanced first-person shooters there are. Ooh, look at all those normal mapped explosive barrels. And don't those grey corridors have an authentically gritty look to them? And look at that lovingly textured identikit guard! Sure it's basically Doom with more terrorists and particle effects, but look at all those graphical effects!


Yes, that is a blatant play on a stereotype, but there's certainly plenty of truth in it. People can get so caught up in advancing technology that they forget about style and taste. On the other hand, to push more limited hardware style and cohesion are key to making something look great; just look at EA's efforts with Blur and Boogie, their first 'proper' Wii games.


I have no doubt that the Wii will have some fantastic looking games. In fact Super Paper Mario fits that description already, and that's ostensibly a GameCube game. Similarly the 360 and PS3 will also sport some true classics. But there will be plenty of dross in between on all formats, because that's the way things work. The Wii is only a few months old, and the first year of a console is always pretty lackluster — in my opinion the 360's first year was almost painful — but once people really start to get to grips with machines things improve dramatically.


I think it's fair to say that Nintendo's success has taken everyone by surprise, and it's left a lot of publishers playing catchup. If by this time next year we're still only seeing PSP ports and party game collections then I'll be the first to complain, but I don't think I'll be needing to.

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You're right, all anybody talks about are the graphics. I don't actually think that many people have played enough Wii games, and yet they complain there is nothing to play. I've seen a few gamers on here with 7 or 8, in some cases 9 games. I think we all need to do a lot less talking, and a lot more gaming.

I would play more if there were Wii games worth playing. At the moment the majority are either ports or mini games


I have probably been gaming before you were even born, and after the second coming of PC-gaming*, I haven't never really thought that "damn, this game should look better and more like game X". It's practically pointless that doesn't change anything. Each game must be played on its own merits, and longing for greener pastures just distracts your enjoyment of game.


* 1996-1999

Stop going on about your age, no-one cares.

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Stop going on about your age, no-one cares.


Heh, so I offended you, because I don't agree with you? I'm just saying that guys seldom have perspective to these things because you people are so goddamn fucking impatient. For example, you are bitching that there is ports. Well, if the port is extremely good (like in case of Godfather), what does it fucking matter?


How long did it take DS to take off?


Hmh, considering from where you look. It took eight months to get Nintendogs, 12 to get Mario Kart, 13 to get Animal Crossing. I personally would say that Animal Crossing was the major turning point in the west. In the east, major turning point was Brain Training that came 6 months after local launch.

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Heh, so I offended you, because I don't agree with you? I'm just saying that guys seldom have perspective to these things. For example, you are bitching that there is ports. Well, if the port is extremely good (like in case of Godfather), what does it fucking matter?

It's not a matter of you offending me, it's a matter of you putting forward a decent argument without referring to your age and how you are superior or whatever bullocks you're trying to say. If you want to say that 'guys seldom have perspective to these things' then you don't need to mention age...

So it doesn't 'fucking matter' if the games are ports? Um, it bloody does if you care about playing original games designed for the platform rather than tacked on games. Go ahead, stick with your ps2 ports with waggle then while I wait to buy new games that are actually made for the platform e.g. Super Mario Galaxy.

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So it doesn't 'fucking matter' if the games are ports? Um, it bloody does if you care about playing original games designed for the platform rather than tacked on games.


Good game is good game, no matter what form it takes, and furthermore, not all ports have tacked-on controls. Whole "tacked-on" has turned into cheap mantra that certain people are using to justify that they won't even give chance to other publishers than Nintendo. Do you know how lame and arrogant that is?

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Good game is good game, no matter what form it takes, and furthermore, not all ports have tacked-on controls. Whole "tacked-on" has turned into cheap mantra that certain people are using to justify that they won't even give chance to other publishers than Nintendo. Do you know how lame and arrogant that is?


Completely agree with that. It's lovely if the games are purely designed for the Wii in mind, but it's unrealistic at this point in time to expect that. I don't mind playing games that are also available on other systems, as long as the controller is put to good use and enhances, not hinders the gameplay.


Apparantly, the GodFather is a good example of this. Maybe even the best. Graphically, it may not be that different to other versions, but it is the gameplay where it scores brownie points. Diemetrix from this forum has played the Xbox and Wii versions of the same day, yet says there's a dramatic different in gameplay, and I know he's not the only person to think that.

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Completely agree with that. It's lovely if the games are purely designed for the Wii in mind, but it's unrealistic at this point in time to expect that. I don't mind playing games that are also available on other systems, as long as the controller is put to good use and enhances, not hinders the gameplay.


Apparantly, the GodFather is a good example of this. Maybe even the best. Graphically, it may not be that different to other versions, but it is the gameplay where it scores brownie points. Diemetrix from this forum has played the Xbox and Wii versions of the same day, yet says there's a dramatic different in gameplay, and I know he's not the only person to think that.


I agree again, I played a Wii for the near first time a few days ago, and I played SSX Blur which from a distance looks like it could easily be a PS2 game, but after playing with Wii controls (which albeit took some explaining) I really really enjoyed the game. I just found it a lot of fun, which is odd as I didn't really like the SSX PS2 games. So port or not, fun is the overriding factor. I wouldn't have any qualms about Blur or Black Hand even if they could be compared to PS2 games, just so long as they are fun and I enjoy playing them :smile:

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Haha, you know a Wii is just a souped up GC right? Mario Galaxy does look, but thats because of the all the effects to hide some of the raw stuff.

How much better can the Wii graphics get? They're reaching the limit soon, ok, my bad about saying the graphics would be shit, thats an overstatement. They will look bad though compared to PS3 and 360. They can make the Wii graphics looks simple and smooth, but you don't get the massive amount of deatol you can get with the other consoles. The number of people on screen etc...

The Wii will stop somewhere graphically, probaly in mid to end 2008, is where the graphics will be the pinnacle.. They will use DoF and bloom and such to hide the nasties..


My point was simply that the gap in the way games look will not get much bigger between PS3/Wii, so if the games don't look awful now (Zelda/Mario/Metroid don't now) then in a few years they will at least match it. Also 360/PS3 wont get that much better. In 4 years the gap will be just as big as it is now.


To be honest, if Wii was a HD machine, it wouldn't work. Nintendo wouldn't have been able to make a small, cheap, good looking machine that took such a big risk in doing something like they have done with the controller if it was a big old expensive HD machine. Not only that but developers wouldn't spend the money to make games for it.


Give it a year and we'll be seeing DS quality games on Wii. But you'll still be wishing Metroid was in HD.

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My point was simply that the gap in the way games look will not get much bigger between PS3/Wii, so if the games don't look awful now (Zelda/Mario/Metroid don't now) then in a few years they will at least match it. Also 360/PS3 wont get that much better. In 4 years the gap will be just as big as it is now.
To be honest, I think that none of the consoles are pushed to the limits at the moment. You have to be realistic though; the Wii lacks the power to match the PS3 and the 360. It cannot do it. Even if the 360 and PS3 graphics will stop development, then the Wii won't match it; the average 360 game now already beats the best looking Wii games that are out in the future. The sudden development we see in Wii graphics won't last; it's there now because the Wii devkits are put to use after months of Cube/PS2 devkits. To be honest, I see happening that SMG will be like Metroid Prime was for the GameCube - it sets a standard in graphics early in its lifetime that doesn't get that much improved during the rest in its lifetime, because it already explores the boundaries of the system. The 360 and PS3 still have loads of potential left, and it's going to be used as well.


There's no need to be pessimistic but don't become to overconfident either.

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To be honest, I think that none of the consoles are pushed to the limits at the moment. You have to be realistic though; the Wii lacks the power to match the PS3 and the 360. It cannot do it. Even if the 360 and PS3 graphics will stop development, then the Wii won't match it; the average 360 game now already beats the best looking Wii games that are out in the future. The sudden development we see in Wii graphics won't last; it's there now because the Wii devkits are put to use after months of Cube/PS2 devkits. To be honest, I see happening that SMG will be like Metroid Prime was for the GameCube - it sets a standard in graphics early in its lifetime that doesn't get that much improved during the rest in its lifetime, because it already explores the boundaries of the system. The 360 and PS3 still have loads of potential left, and it's going to be used as well.


There's no need to be pessimistic but don't become to overconfident either.


Listen to what I'm saying. The Wii has low standard of graphics, the 360 has a high standard of graphics. In 4 years the same will be true. Therefore, the gap in graphics will be near the same (It can't get that much better than Gears of War and the like). I never said the Wii will match PS3. I said Wii games look average, PS3 games look amazing. In 4 years the same will be true. Why are people quoting me as if I'm saying the Wii is going to catch up?

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Listen to what I'm saying. The Wii has low standard of graphics, the 360 has a high standard of graphics. In 4 years the same will be true. Therefore, the gap in graphics will be near the same (It can't get that much better than Gears of War and the like). I never said the Wii will match PS3. I said Wii games look average, PS3 games look amazing. In 4 years the same will be true. Why are people quoting me as if I'm saying the Wii is going to catch up?


I hear what your saying mate...


One thing I do wonder about and something we are not going to know for years, is just how close the Wii can get, I mean the 360 has it's HD games and they look superb, but go on a standard def TV and they do still look great but nowhere near as good, obviously as they are downscaled, but how close will the Wii get to this kind of level? if at all...

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Listen to what I'm saying. The Wii has low standard of graphics, the 360 has a high standard of graphics. In 4 years the same will be true. Therefore, the gap in graphics will be near the same (It can't get that much better than Gears of War and the like). I never said the Wii will match PS3. I said Wii games look average, PS3 games look amazing. In 4 years the same will be true. Why are people quoting me as if I'm saying the Wii is going to catch up?
Sorry, I reread you post several times and it seemed to me you were saying that :heh:


Anyways, even what you're saying now is questionable. The amount of untapped power in the 360 and (especially) the PS3 is likely to be huge - far greater than the familiar Wii hardware. Developers are still exploring the possibilities of the 360 and PS3 whereas the power is already familiar territory. Gears of War should be setting a standard, but I expect it will be topped and topped again over the years. Look at Crysis, that tops Gears of War no problem.


Even so, the power usage won't necessarily lead to noticable better graphics so you could have a point, providing the Wii will keep up improving after Super Mario Galaxy.

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1Up Show 5.9 (Warhawk, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, GTA4 trailer, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)



1UP Yours (3/30/07)


(No Shane or Garnett this week)


Wahahahahah classic.

Luke called me a 'smart guy' sarcastically and then said 'hit him!' :laughing:


I was wondering if that was you! listened to it on the train on the way home, didn't realise you were on there, I am but only recently started posting, I am called flameboy.uk on there.

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1Up Show 5.9 (Warhawk, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, GTA4 trailer, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)



1UP Yours (3/30/07)


(No Shane or Garnett this week)


Wahahahahah classic.

Luke called me a 'smart guy' sarcastically and then said 'hit him!' :laughing:


:santa: I wondered if that was you as well. You're getting famous mate! Saw on some Shenmue forum as well a few weeks ago.

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:santa: I wondered if that was you as well. You're getting famous mate! Saw on some Shenmue forum as well a few weeks ago.

That'll be Shenmue Dojo :heh:

Best place on the internet for all things Shenmue, if Shenmue III does eventually get announced that place will explode, it's very busy now.

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Read on neogaf that the Capcom event was all about Wii games.... the news will be featured on the 1up show tonight @ 5 in some american timezone. it is later because of a non-diclosure agreement from capcom = NEWS

...and Katheline schwinng (am I the only one in a strage kind of way that thinks that)

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