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Am I in the Wrong?

Dark Wolf

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Usually you do it to be kind and sharing, etc. I'm not sure why you didn't give him another piece today, but it could be because you got fed-up of always giving him things. Oh, I've definitely been in ones of those situations! :)
So consistently perceptive as usual but I shouldn't be surprised as it's coming from you :yay:


But anyway. One thing I used to be really annoyed about. I used to smoke a lot and I used to get like 5-8 people asking for a fag every day. 2 regulars who were my friends so I wouldn't mind. On top of that, about 5 strangers on average (while walking around). That's almost half a packet (of 20). I used to oblige but after a while it took on its toll and I got fed up because it was like giving away £3 every day.


The thing is, those asking for one don't quite get it. From their point of view, all they see is one guy (me) not giving up 1 ciggy. But for me, it builds up over a day and for a packet-a-day guy, giving away 10 a day becomes a lot. That's 1/2 of what I paid a year. Say I spent £300 smoking a year, I'd be giving away £150.


You might think I'm being cheap, but what bothers me is that I think those who are asking for one ciggy don't really understand that context I'm in. All they see is what they get. Not what others go through.

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I know what you mean Flaight. I smoke rollies, and I get a few people asking mefor a light or skins or baccie... Not so much recently, but anyway, I would generally give something to whoever asked.


If I actually have it to spare, I will, regardless of the cumalative cost to myself- there have been times when I've beggered off of others anyway, and I think karma pays off.


In regards to the original post - I would simply do this fellow no more favours, perhaps telling HIM to "fuck off" if he asked for something, and calling HIM a selfish bastard for not sharing. I'd follow the hypocrite line and push him down it. ETC

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I know what you mean Flaight. I smoke rollies, and I get a few people asking mefor a light or skins or baccie... Not so much recently, but anyway, I would generally give something to whoever asked.

Rollies are something else when it comes to cost though... it's so cheap. Ciggies are hell-ridden with expensive tax. From time to time I found myself opening a packet of 20 and quickly go down to 10 after smoking a few because the rest gets nicked by total strangers. That kinda hurts. When 2 packets would last me 2 days, they go in about 1 day. At £6 a packet.


If I actually have it to spare, I will, regardless of the cumalative cost to myself- there have been times when I've beggered off of others anyway, and I think karma pays off.
I guess that's my problem. I'm not very good at asking strangers for favours. Some people are so good at asking lots of people for 10p when they don't have enough money. I get too nervy doing that. I feel too bad for others. I don't know if that's good or bad tbh. But it just isn't me to do it.
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You're not in the wrong. But here's some advice.


Don't give a crap.


Best advice ever.


A piece of gum? You're having an argument over a piece of gum? What an incredibly inconsequential thing to argue over. It doesn't matter who's wrong, just let the whole thing blow over.


Man... people have died over gum... in wars.

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Must be some pretty fucking good gum.


Like i said, if it was trident, then fair enough, that's worth arguing over.





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