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Banning of swords in the Uk

Chris the great

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Hey, well I've not been here in a while.


Reason I'm here, there's talk of a banning the sale or import of swords into the UK. As a collector of swords, I don't agree with this, a brick or knife if just as easy, if not eaiser to kill some one with, and easier too conceal.


If you don't agree with this either, please sing here




thank you!

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I put on my best singing voice, but I don't think it helped matters.


Sorry for that. I'm gonna sign, because I one day want to buy a sword, and won't be able to if they go and ban them, I don't see the point of it anyway, I don't think I can ever recall hearing about any sort of sword wielding maniac going on a killing spree.




EDIT: I am not recieving this email to confirm my signing of said petition.

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I've signed it.Stupid really,people can easy enough use knifes,why not ban them.


Also I really want to own a sword soon.

Carrying them is banned(ish), as of a few months ago.


But this swords thing is stupid... I haven't heard of many crimes committed with a sword, have you? I have a replica katana thing that I bought on ebay, but it's probably to blunt and bad quality to be classed as a real sword.

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There was already a ban in scotland, I don't want the same to happen here. Its just not fair to take somthing I see as an art form away because its considered dangerous. Seriously, the majority of bladed weapons, namely swords are practicaly harmless, You would need a full tang, properly sharpened sword of a decent metal for it to be dangerious, the majority of those blades cost well over £150.

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I've signed it.Stupid really,people can easy enough use knifes,why not ban them.

Knives can't be banned as they are usually designed to serve some sort of useful, legal purpose such as slicing your bread or whatever. Swords are a specific type of knife designed to injure or kill. Look at it that way and it's easy to see why they should be banned.


Claiming you only want to collect them and put them on your wall is a pretty weak argument. I'm sure there are lots of people who are interested in guns and explosives, should they be allowed to collect them?


And there are plenty of crimes committed using swords, actually.


Were you typing with your feet?

He's pretending to be drunk again to cover up the fact that he has no social life and is spending his friday evening on a Nintendo forum.

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Claiming you only want to collect them and put them on your wall is a pretty weak argument. I'm sure there are lots of people who are interested in guns and explosives, should they be allowed to collect them?


And there are plenty of crimes committed using swords, actually.

I think the difference between guns etc. and swords is that today swords are normally designed and produced for collecting (or martial arts or whatever), whereas guns and explosives are designed and produced to be used as weapons. To be fair, I can see that they could be dangerous- I wouldn't mind if they only sold blunt swords. And simply out of interest, I'd like to hear about crimes committed with swords, because I've never come across them before. I know that sounds like I'm trying to be sarcastic, but I'm not.


Nevertheless, I haven't signed the petition, because I don't care that much.

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And simply out of interest, I'd like to hear about crimes committed with swords, because I've never come across them before.

Just yesterday, a man was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering someone with a samurai sword:




And a quick search on the BBC website reveals plenty of murders and armed robberies.

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I'm signing it because the Govt. retarded and have a WWII Japanese Machete, a 'prize' my Gandfather got apparently..Fuck knows why I've used it to cut things instead of keeping it nice:hmm: It's pretty tatty now though....

Why don't the Govt. just get back to the gun thing and deal with the loopholes in the Fox Hunting law...


Oh yeah, and kill Cameron...by suffocating him with a hoody.


There's no point banning swords, because if someone really wants to use such an object and can't get hold of a knife, they'll just use a kitchen knife or similar. It's also not gonna help because people are still able to get hold of guns though they're banned without licence.

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Fair enough... maybe they should be banned.


There, that was easy for you. :heh:

You mean the argument's over? What am I going to do with my evening now? I'd better start another one...


Why don't the Govt. just get back to the gun thing and deal with the loopholes in the Fox Hunting law...

No, I think fox hunting should be legalised again. What better way to deal with vermin than to let angry dogs eat their faces?

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He's pretending to be drunk again to cover up the fact that he has no social life and is spending his friday evening on a Nintendo forum.


Of course theres also the fact that so area you?D?S So of couse i will be asking you verys politely to blow it out your ass. Anyway, as inebiated as i am a t the moment, I will be coming for your bloody corpse tomorrow when i can acually think coherently.


Hands up evuuyeryone that acutally likes Fields?S

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