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It was always my belief that nobody ever actually played the Pokémon Trading Card Game properly. I personally played sometimes, but mostly collected the cards to trade and admire the art.


The reason I stopped collecting was because the Ken Sugimori art really took a hit for loads of artsy childish shit. Never really cared for it after that.

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I went into the loft, and found my pokemon cards (Folder, with lists and everthing, folderof square shiny things that evolve when you tilt em, magazines, and other crap).

The card colelction is pretty big, all the original english card (the original set, fossil, jungle, etc) all the way up to the team rocket set. All the original cards, about 98% of the team rocket cards.

And about 70-80% of the original Japanese cards and more.

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I traded Premier League '97 stickers, I still have a great memory of when I traded my Karel Poborsky sticker for a shiny Savo Milosevic "Overseas Player" sticker.


Yo-yo's, oh, I had 2 of the buggers, I used to go to school with both, and be able to spin them simultaneously, guess what happened when I tried that again 8 years later?

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I remember the good old day of primary school crazes. You never seem to get them in Secondary school. So what are your favourite crazes? The biggest at my school were Yo Yos and the classic Pokemon. Ahh, pokemon, absolute class. I remember trading cards with my mates, playing the games and I remember when someone bought a pokedex in, it was amazing.


At the Christmas Bazaar, they had this Pokemon tournament (for the games) and my brother won! He was against another guy with all level 100s but he used the rare candy cheats and used all legendaries. My brother grinded and grinded and used normal pokemon (with the exception of Mewtwo). Those were the days :)


I was in secondary school when both pokemon and yoyos hit. Whilst pokemon was sort of big, bigger in the trading cards, yoyos REALLY took off as a craze, I remember everyone wanted the X-Brain, but I got a Firestorm(also a Yomega) which didn't have 'clutches' to pull it back up when it got too slow, so it was kind of better for tricking, though I kinda sucked at tricks. I remember people always wanted to play with my firestorm though, but then the string sort of frayed/untangled, and one replacement string I had was pretty awesome, but then the next just didn't work out, it was too twisty and the yoyo would like turn whilst it was spinning and it was rubbish.


Did anyone actually PLAY the Pokemon Trading Card game? I just collected them, as did everyone else.


I actually bought my first set to play with, my friend told me about it after I was already into the pokemon game, I played like 3 games at the most with the starter deck you could get, then didn't really play after that. I was never really a collector either, was far too expensive to keep up with, 'booster' packs were like £2 for something stupid like 8 or 10 cards! I bought a couple of those, but only got sucky stuff and gave up on the whole thing.


Are football stickers still around? I never was and still am not into football much, so I wasn't part of that really, but it was all the rage. How about pogs though? Anyone remember pogs? I remember the Pogs craze, and short lived marble craze too. Ooo, someone else mentioned Tamagotchi, I definitely remember that one, Tamagotchis got banned in my primary school I think, because it was so distracting and they were noisy, and people always had to feed them, or clean them, or all of that stuff so they werent doing there work. Kids are real stupid sometimes. I later bought a Digimon, it was like tamagotchi and made by them, but it had these two metal contacts on the top, and you trained them up then connected to someone else and had a little battle with them. It was all well and good, til I dropped it in the bath then took it back to the shop and for a refund(I must have lied about what happened). I remember you had to wait til they were a certain age/stage before you could battle, and me and my mate had to get out of class and go have a battle in the toilets lol. Like I said, kids are real stupid.


I remember Pokemon, furbies and yoyos...


Looking at kids at the moment, the craze this Christmas seems to have been those rollerskate trainer things.

I actually want some heelies, I think they're pretty useful and kids don't need them, if only I could roll all over the place! I'm always in a hurry to get somewhere, kids?! Where do kids need to hurry off to eh?!

I remember I sort of started a minicraze in my class once, there was this 20p machine near the newsagents I passed on the way to school, and one of the things it sold was like these little plastic figures, and I told another guy who lived my way so passed the newsagents on the way too, and we both had some, and then it caught on in my class, and people would go out of their way to this little 20p machine after school to buy these little plastic thingies. Then one day, the machine just dissappeared, and I felt sad, always hoping it would return. It did one day, but not with these things in it anymore, and I have never found them again since, I wish I could though :(. I recently actually found the little things, I have them lined up(and will probably take photo for you to see), I remember we nicknamed them Gogos, for some reason.


Yeah, they are made by Nike. Are there any chavs on the forum? Because I hate them, I really do.


No, but I have one of those bags. In fact, I have had 3, 3 black ones and a silver one. They are pretty useful bags, and also gave us a really hilarious moment of mocking someone we knew because he had his PE stuff in one, along with his actual bag, and they were both Nike bags but different colours, and someone called him Twin Bags in passing and he got kind of offended for some reason, so everyone did it more and he stormed off.


Seriously, what the hell was the smelly gel pen craze all about?


I thought they were really cool and so I went out and bought a load of them! They were pretty awesome, they smelled like stuff! I got all the ones they had out when they were first brought out, but that was before the silly ones like popcorn and stuff. I remember I had blueberry, strawberry, cinnamon, cola, chocolate, apple and I think banana. People always wanted to borrow them.


Fingerboards had a crazy time. Pokemon was the best, though.

FINGERBOARDS! They came around with a bit of a skating trend, which someone has sort of mentioned. I remember I got into it too, but I really sucked at fingerboarding just like I do at skating and couldn't do anything with the boards really, what a load of suck. I was a bit older when fingerboards came round though, somewhere between year 9-11?

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It was pretty funny when me and my mate Nat would fingerboard in year 10. This was years after the craze had died and we would still fingerboard at school lunchtimes and for some reason rumours abounded that we were professional fingerboarders.


I'd like to know if such a thing exists.

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