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General Tee-Vee Thread


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I don't really get to watch TV anymore, since the only one is a small 'un in the kitchen and I don't like sitting in there since it's filthy (not my fault). And I decided not to bother getting a TV license for my TV card or the TV in my room (or to dare watching it illegally).


I do watch some shows though, just... not through actual TV. Smallville and Heroes are the ones I follow the most. I love Scrubs but only really watch that via James' DVD collection.


I will watch Top Gear if I remember though.

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I just watched some Star Trek with Shatner in it. This was the first time I've ever actually watched classic Star Trek and I have to say... absolutely nothing about it. I can never confess to having seen it nor can I ever allow myself to remember his smoothie, cheeseball acting ever again.


Oh, no, no, no.


Rent/buy/steal Wrath of Khan.

You'll love it. Everyone who's seen it does.

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Family Guy


8 Simple Rules

Big Brother




South Park

Less than Perfect


That 70's Show

My Wife and Kids

Fresh Prince of Bel air

Friday Nite Project




To be honest, Skyone, Channel4, ABC1 and Trouble are the channels i watch mostly.

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City Slickers is on ITV, yet I can't watch it because my freeview is nooshed up.


If anything, my post of this in Meaningless is part of my dark campaign to get Meaningless locked. That and I forgot - I'm sorry, Gaggle.


No problemo.


Anyway, Sexy Beast is an amazing film and is on tomorrow night, just after The Day After Tomorrow, which instead ranges from being hilarious for all the wrong reasons, to just wrong.

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I missed this, but did anyone catch Primeval? Looked kinda interesting.


Shit, forgot all about that, when is it repeated?


Just realised that Heroes starts on BBC2 on February 19th


You sure about that, that's the same day it starts on the Scifi channel, who are meant to have a timed exclusive on it.

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