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The greatest moment in games

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I suppose it goes without saying that this post will contain spoilers. Scroll down at your peril, spoiler freaks.


My greatest moments are as follows:


- Pretty much every cutscene in Ocarina of Time is remembered as a great moment, but I have to say the "dream" at the beginning stands out. Just the look of horror on Princess Zelda's face as she and Impa flee past Link. Send shivers down my spine.


- When Queen Gohma appears and roars with her title displaying. This for me was the scene early in the game that "sold" me. I think the title displays on all the bosses were very cool, and I hope they reappear in Twilight Princess as they were sadly missing from Wind Waker.


- Fantastic is the only word to describe the final battle in Ocarina of Time. I don't think anyone failed to basically shit themselves when that hulking mass of evil began to rise up with his huge spork things. The way he knocked the Master Sword away, it really made you feel like you were facing a hopeless battle against someone far stronger than you. Brilliance beyond brilliance.


-Any time a character speaks in Starfox.


-Playing the 2 player rampage mode in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Yeah, maybe it isn't epic or cinematically astounding, but it is an awful lot of fun.


-Finally coming up against Gary in Pokémon Red/Blue and battling against him to the dramatic ending music was really great.


-Super Mario World. First getting the feather and flying successfully. Amazing.


-Wind Waker. Seeing all the Sages in the Stained Glass Windows was brilliant.


-Pretty much playing ANY part of Resident Evil 4 was brilliant. Such fine graphics, controls, story and music really did leave you wanting more. Hopefully we'll get it.


-Playing Halo 2 online provided many of this generation's greatest gaming moments. I salute you, Halo 2 online.


-Goldeneye. Enough said.


-Super Mario 64: First running around outside the castle is a very fond gaming memory. I remember unwrapping my N64 after 12 on Christmas Eve and playing it for a little while, I was so amazed at what videogaming had accomplished.


-Beating the shit out of Sasuke in Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 on GameCube (personal favourite).


I'm sure there are plenty more, but these instantly spring to mind.

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When Queen Gohma appears and roars with her title displaying. This for me was the scene early in the game that "sold" me.


I think the title displays on all the bosses were very cool, and I hope they reappear in Twilight Princess as they were sadly missing from Wind Waker.


Super Mario 64: First running around outside the castle is a very fond gaming memory. I remember unwrapping my N64 after 12 on Christmas Eve and playing it for a little while, I was so amazed at what videogaming had accomplished.

I totally agree with you that the Gohma fight was awesome and yeah I really love the Boss names and info appearing on screen; it really sets the scene for the epic battle ahead!

Bring them back Nintendo!!!!!


Mario 64 was mindblowing for me! It was my first home console game I ever owned and I also got it for Christmas!!!


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Playing Shenmue for the first time, it's hard to describe it but when I was walking through Dobuita for the first time I actually felt like I was in Japan. Games don't get much more immersive than that. Amazing.


Wow awesome, I should be getting Shenmue I+II sometime soon, as i've always wanted to get into the series and have bought a 2nd hand dreamcast JUST for these games. I've won Shenmue 2nd hand but mint condition on ebay for just £11! but I need to validate my bloody ebay account first :angry:

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Wow awesome, I should be getting Shenmue I+II sometime soon, as i've always wanted to get into the series and have bought a 2nd hand dreamcast JUST for these games. I've won Shenmue 2nd hand but mint condition on ebay for just £11! but I need to validate my bloody ebay account first :angry:


You wont regret purchasing them well at least the first1 as I never got to play the 2nd. Most people will tell you that they are boring to play but its more of an experience than a game.

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Wow awesome, I should be getting Shenmue I+II sometime soon, as i've always wanted to get into the series and have bought a 2nd hand dreamcast JUST for these games. I've won Shenmue 2nd hand but mint condition on ebay for just £11! but I need to validate my bloody ebay account first :angry:


Good buy! I must have completed Shenmue countless times and Shenmue II on Dreamcast is so much better than the Xbox version, the voice-acting is Japanese (subtitled) it's voice-acting is so much more convincing and more suited to the game than Shenmue's english speaking. Xbox'ers got the crappy english robots and the graphics are pretty much identical unbelievibly. :heh:


If anyone wants a copy of Shenmue 2 Dreamcast there's one in Gamestation in Telford Town Centre if anyones' nearby which I doubt. :heh:


Just completed Shenmue II again, which made me remember another awesome gaming moment.



When Ryo finally meets Shenhua and are chatting while treking though the forest, and when you see the Shenmue tree, it's pretty darn magical.




Sega for the last time; give us Shenmue III, NOW! *sobs*.

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the first few mins of super metroid rank fairly high on all time greatness- i've never felt so utterly alone in a game before. its earie.


the opening to resi 4.

the house seige in resi 4

resi 4.

shadow link. i dont need to say anything else.

halo. the first few levels once you land on halo are priceless. utter, utter masterpieces of design. especially the silent chartographer.

the desert level on half life.

half life 2 when you get the gravity gun. soooooo good.

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A lot of people have said my fav. gaming moments. But another one for me is the title screen on OOT. Such brilliant music.


The opening cutscene of Luigi's Mansion will always take me back to May 3rd, 2002.


In SOAL, when:


You get the Delphinus and you escape Valua again.



Near the end of SOAL when Soltis is raised, and everyone just arrives at Crescent Isle in their ships.

You don't think of it much when Enrique arrives, but you sense something when Drachma appears, then, you'll shit yourself.

And also, when

Belleza kills Galcian and the Elders destroy the shield around Soltis



In Shenmue, when you find the Phoenix Mirror, and that different version of the chime sends a shiver down my spine.


I'll also say when I completed Sonic 2.


Finally in Streets Of Rage 2 when you defeat the last boss.

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I was going to do a thread like this a time ago, but I forgot heh. Anyway there are too many moments. The first time I played N64 with Mario 64, reading Peach's letter and then running along the castle path with the birds flying along with you. That was so... beautiful. The whole OoT was a giant great moment. From watching Navi fly, to meeting the Deku Tree. Sneaking around the castle, killing Ganon. Awesome game. Duke Numer 3D also sticks in my memory because of all the awesome catch phrases. Too many great moments to put here.

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